Ram3 41

Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 26 Aug 2011 14:36 and updated at 26 Aug 2011 14:36


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When Ravana perversely ordered that way in all his kingliness, Maricha spoke these words caustically and frankly to that king of Rakshasas. (3 41 1) "Oh, night walker, by which evildoer this thought, which is self ruinous to you, along with your progeny, kingdom and ministers put together, is taught to you? (3 41 2) "Who is that reprobate unhappy with such a happy one like you, and oh, king, by whom this door of demise is ingeniously shown to you? (3 41 3)

"It is very clear, oh, night walker, that your rivals with skimpy might are aspiring that you should be completely ruined coming into conflict with more mighty Rama. (3 41 4) "He who wishes you to get ruined by your undertaking a self made destruction is a scoundrel with a pernicious intent, as such, by whom you are counselled to do this? (3 41 5) "Your ministers are not curbing you anywise when you scramble on a high road to self ruination, hence they are indeed to be sentenced to death, but they are not being executed for their dereliction. (3 41 6)

"Veracious ministers have to restrain a self willed king when he relies on a wrong route, isn t it. But you are unrestrained by your ministers though you are self willed and though you are taking a wrong route. (3 41 7) "Oh, best conqueror Ravana, probity, prosperity and pleasures, and even the popularity of the ministers, oh, night walker, are achieved at the beneficence of their master. (3 41 8) "Contrariwise, oh, Ravana, all that beneficence of the king to ministers becomes futile when the king behaves perversely, and even the others, namely the subjects of kingdom, will derive distress by the negative virtue of their master. (3 41 9) "The king alone is the root cause for probity and prosperity, isn t it. Therefore, oh, best prosperous one, in all situations the kings are to be safeguarded from the ill effects of influences. (3 41 10)

"It is impossible to govern kingdom, oh, Rakshasa, the night walker, for a king with acridity, with hostility, or with immorality. (3 41 11) "The ministers with drastic notions will indeed fall apart together with their king, like a chariot that gets ramshackled together with it charioteer on a rough road, though it is hieing with galloping Horses but badly controlled by that slothful charioteer. (3 41 12) "In the world many saintly beings that are high minded and pursuers of ethicality are completely ruined together with their kinsmen owing to the misdeeds of others. (3 41 13)

"Oh, Ravana, the subjects do not flourish while a lord with contrariety and coerciveness safeguards them, just like Goats guarded by a Fox. (3 41 14) "All those Rakshasas will definitely ruin, oh, Ravana, to whom you are the acrimonious and malicious king with unconquered senses, though you have conquered the heaven. (3 41 15) "What is the use of laming for myself as I foregathered this ghastly situation as in crow palm tree syndrome, but in this issue you alone are regrettable, for you are gong to completely ruin along with your military. (3 41 16)

"That Rama will soon kill you after killing me, and I will be dying at the hand of my enemy rather than at the hand of my own clansman like you, whereby the purpose of my life will be brought to an end. (3 41 17) "Know that I am killed just when Rama notices me, and know that you are also killed along with your kinsmen just when you steal Seetha. (3 41 18) "If you are going to bring Seetha from their hermitage on going there with me, then you will not be there, I will not be there, Lanka will not be there, the Rakshasas will not be there. (3 41 19) "As a desirer of your welfare I am dissuading you, oh, night walker, but you may feel that this word of mine is unpleasant to you. People on diminishing lifetime will be similar to corpses and a corpse cannot take in the expedient spoken by considerate confidants, isn t so. (3 41 20)

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