Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 22 Jul 2011 11:14 and updated at 22 Jul 2011 11:14
Future kings of the family of Ikshwaku, ending with Sumitra.
I WILL now repeat to you the future princes of the family of Ikshwaku 1.
The son of Vrihadbala 2 will be Vrihatkshana 3; his son will be Urukshepa 4; his son will be Vatsa 5; his son will be Vatsavyuha 6; his son will be Prativyoman 7; his son will be Divakara; his son will be Sahadeva 8; his son will be Vrihadaswa 9; his son will be Bhanuratha 10; his son will be Supratitha 11; his son will be Marudeva 12; his son will be Sunakshatra; his son will be Kinnara 13; his son will be Antariksha; his son will be Suvarna 14; his son will be Amitrajit 15; his son will be Vrihadraja 16; his son will be Dharman 17; his son will be Kritanjaya; his son will be Rananjaya; his son will be Sanjaya; his son will be sakya 18; his son will be suddhodana 19; his son will be Ratula 20; his son will be
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[paragraph continues] Prasenajit; his son will be Kshudraka; his son will be Kundaka 21; his son will be Suratha 22; his son will be Sumitra. These are the kings of the family of Ikshwaku, descended from Vrihadbala. This commemorative verse is current concerning them; "The race of the descendants of Ikshwaku will terminate with Sumitra: it will end in the Kali age with him 23."