Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 14 May 2011 06:03 and updated at 14 May 2011 06:03
HYMN XX. Agni. 20
1. SEND unto us a good and happy mind.
2 1 worship Agni, Youthfullest of Gods, resistless, Friend of laws;
Under whose guard and heavenly light the Spotted seek the Mothers' breast:
3 Whom with their mouth they magnify, bannered with flame and homed in light.
He glitters with his row of teeth.
4 Kind, Furtherer of men, he comes, when he hath reached the ends of heaven,
Sage, giving splendour to the clouds.
5 To taste mans' offerings, he, the Strong, hath risen erect at sacrifice:
Fixing his dwelling he proceeds.
6 Here are oblation, worship, rest: rapidly comes his furtherance.
To swordarmed- Agni come the Gods.
7 With service for chief bliss I seek the Lord of Sacrifice, Agni, whom
They call the Living, Son of Cloud.
8 Blest evermore be all the men who come from us, who magnify
Agni with sacrificial gifts.
9 The path he treads is black and white and red, and striped, and brown, crimson, and glorious.
His sire begat him bright with hues of gold.
10 Thus with his thoughts, O Son of Strength, O Agni, hath Vimada, accordant with the Immortals,
Offered thee hymns, soliciting thy favour. Thou hast brought all food, strength, a prosperous
HYMN XXI. Agni. 21
1. WITH offerings of our own we choose thee, Agni, as Invoking Priest,
For sacrifice with trimmed grass, at your glad carousepiercing- and brightly shining. Thou art
waxing great.
2 The wealthy ones adorn thee, they who bring us horses as their gift:
The sprinkling ladle, Agni, at your glad carouse and- glowing offering taste thee. Thou art waxing
3 The holy statutes rest by thee, as it were with ladles that overflow.
Black and whitegleaming- colours, at your glad carouseall- glories thou assurnest. Thou art waxing
4 O Agni, what thou deemest wealth, Victorious and Immortal One!
Bring thou to give us vigour, at your glad carouse splendid- at sacrifices. Thou art waxing great.
5 Skilled in all lore is Agni, he whom erst Atharvan brought to life.
He was Vivasvans' envoy, at your glad carousethe- weIlloved- friend of Yama, Thou art waxing great.
6 At sacrifices they adore thee, Agni, when the rite proceeds.
All fair and lovely treasuresat- your glad carousethou- givest him who offers. Thou art waxing
7 Men, Agni, have established thee as welcome Priest at holy rites,
Thee whose face shines with butter, at your glad carousebright-, with eyes most observant. Thou
art waxing great.
8 Wide and aloft thou spreadest thee, O Agni, with thy brilliant flame.
A Bull art thou when bellowing, at your glad carousethou- dost impregn the Sisters. Thou art
waxing great.
HYMN XXII. Indra. 22
1. WHERE is famed Indra heard of? With what folk is he renowned today- as Mitra is,
Who in the home of Rsis and in secret is extolled with song?
2 Even here is Indra famed, and among us this day the glorious Thunderer is praised,
He who like Mitra mid the folk hath won complete and full renown.
3 He who is Sovran Lord of great and perfect strength, exerter of heroic might,
Who bears the fearless thunder as a father bears his darling son.
4 Harnessing to thy car, as God, two blustering Steeds Of the WindGod-, O Thunderer,
That speed along the shining path, thou making ways art glorified.
5 Even to these dark Steeds of Wind thou of thyself hast come to ride,
Of which no driver may be found, none, be he God or mortal man.
6 When ye approach, men ask you, thee and Usana: Why come ye to our dwellingplace-?
Why are ye come to mortal man from distant realms of eapth and heaven?
7 O Indra, thou shalt speak us fair: our holy prayer is offered up.
We pray to thee for help as thou didst strike the monster Susna dead.
8 Around us is the Dasyu, riteless, void of sense, inhuman, keeping alien laws.
Baffle, thou Slayer of the foe, the weapon which this Dasa wields.
9 Hero with Heroes, thou art ours: yea, strong are they whom thou dost help.
In many a place are thy full gifts, and men, like vassals, sing thy praise.
10 Urge thou these heroes on to slay the enemy, brave Thunderer! in the fight with swords.
Even when hid among the tribes of Sages numerous as stars.
11 Swift come those gifts of thine whose hand is prompt to rend and burn, O Hero Thunderarmed-:
As thou with thy Companions didst destroy the whole of SuSnias' brood.
12 Let not thine excellent assistance come to us, O Hero Indra, profitless.
May we, may we enjoy the bliss of these thy favours, Thunderer!
13 May those soft impulses of thine, O Indra, be fruitful and innocent to us.
May we know these whose treasures are like those of milchkine-, Thunderer!
14 That Earth, through power of knowing things that may be known, handless and footless yet might
Thou slewest, turning to the right, guna; for every living man.
15 Drink, drink the Soma, Hero Indra; be not withheld as thou art good, O Treasuregiver-.
Preserve the singers and our liberal princes, and make us wealthy with abundant riches.
HYMN XXIII. Indra. 23
1. INDRA, whose right hand wields the bolt, we worship, driver of Bay Steeds seeking sundered
Shaking his beard with might he hath arisen, casting his weapons forth and dealing bounties.
2 The treasure which his Bay Steeds found at sacrifice, this wealth made opulent Indra slayer of
the foe.
Rbhu, Rbhuksan, Vajahe- is Lord of Might. The Dasas' very name I utterly destroy.
3 When, with the Princes, Maghavan, famed of old, comes nigh the thunderbolt of gold, and the
Controllers' car
Which his two Tawny Coursers draw, then Indra is the Sovran Lord of power whose glory spreads afar.
4 With him too is this rain of his that comes like herds: Indra throws drops of moisture on his
yellow beard.
When the sweet juice is shed he seeks the pleasant place, and stirs the worshipper as wind
disturbs the wood.
5 We laud and praise his several deeds of valour who, fatherlike, with power hath made us stronger;
Who with his voice slew many thousand wicked ones who spake in varied manners with contemptuous
6 Indra, the Vimadas have formed for thee a laud, copious, unparalleled, for thee Most Bountiful.
We know the good we gain from him the Mighty One when we attract him as a herdsman calls the kine.
7 Never may this bond of friendship be dissevered, the Rsi Vimadas' and thine, O Indra.
We know thou carest for us as a brother with us, O God, be thine auspicious friendship.
1. O INDRA, drink this Soma, pressed out in the mortar, full of sweets.
Send down to us great riches, at your glad carousein- thousands, O Most healthy. Thou art waxing
2 To thee with sacrifices, with oblations, and with lauds we come.
Lord of all strength and power, grantat- your glad carousethe- best choiceworthy treasure. Thou
art waxing great.
3 Thou who art Lord of precious boons, inciter even of the churl.
Guardian of singers, Indra, at your glad carousesave- us from woe and hatred. Thou art waxing
4 Strong, Lords of Magic power, ye Twain churned the united worlds apart,
When ye, implored by Vimada, Nasatyas, forced apart the pair.
5 When the united pair were rent asunder all the Gods complained.
The Gods to the Nasatyas cried, Bring these together once again.
6 Sweet be my going forth, and rich in sweets be my approach to home.
So, through your Deity, both Gods, enrich us with all pleasantness.
HYMN XXV. Soma. 25
1. SEND us a good and happy mind, send energy and mental power.
Thenat- your glad carouselet- men joy in thy love, Sweet juice! as kine in pasture. Thou. art
waxing great.
2 rn all thy forms, O Soma, rest thy powers that influence the heart.
So also these my longingsat- your glad carousespread- themselves seeking riches. Thou art waxing
3 Even if, O Soma, I neglect thy laws through my simplicity,
Be graciousat- your glad carouseas- sire to son. Preserve us even from slaughter. Thou'. art
waxing great.
4 Our songs in concert go to thee as streams of water to the wells.
Soma, that we may live, grantat- your glad carousefull- powers of mind, like beakers. Thou art
waxing great.
5 O Soma, through thy might who art skilful and strong, these longing men,
These sages, have thrown openat- your glad carousethe- stall of kine and horses. Thou art waxing
6 Our herds thou guardest, Soma, and the moving world spread far and wide.
Thou fittest them for living, at your glad carouselooking- upon all beings. Thou art waxing great.
7 On all sides, Soma, be to us a Guardian Never to be deceived.
King, drive away our foemenat- your glad carouse: let not the wicked rule us. Thou art waxing
8 Be watchful, Soma, passing wise, to give us store of vital strength.
More skilled than man to guide us, at your glad carousesave- us from harm and sorrow. Thou art
waxing great.
9 Chief slayer of our foemen, thou, Indu, art Indras' gracious Friend,
When warriors invoke himat- your glad carouse in- fight, to win them offspring. Thou art waxing
10 Victorious is this gladdening drink: to Indra dear it grows in strength.
Thisat- your glad carouse enhanced- the mighty hymn of the great sage Kaksivan. Thou art waxing
11 This to the sage who offers gifts brings power that comes from wealth in kine.
This, better than the seven, hathat- your glad carousefurthered- the blind, the cripple. Thou art
waxing great.
HYMN XXVI. Pusan. 26
1. FORWARD upon their way proceed the ready teams, the lovely songs.
Further them glorious Pusan with yoked chariot, and the Mighty Twain!
2 With sacred hymns let this man here, this singer, win the God to whom
Belong this majesty and might. He hath observed our eulogies.
3 Pusan the Strong hath knowledge of sweet praises even as Indu hath.
He dews our corn with moisture, he bedews the pasture of our kine.
4 We will bethink ourselves of thee, O Pusan, O thou God, as One.
Who brings fulfilment of our hymns, and stirs the singer and the sage.
5 jointsharer- of each sacrifice, the driver of the chariot steeds;
The Rsi who is good to man, the singers' Friend and faithful Guard.
6 One who is Lord of Suca, Lord of Suca caring for herself:
Weaving the raiment of the sheep and making raiment beautiful.
7 The mighty Lord of spoil and wealth, Strong Friend of all prosperity;
He with light movement shakes his beard, lovely and Never to be deceived.
8 O Pusan, may those goats of thine turn hitherward thy chariotpole-.
Friend of all suppliants; art thou, born in old time, and arm and sure.
9 May the majestic Pusan speed our chariot with his power and might.
May he increase our store of wealth and listen to this call of ours.
HYMN XXVII. Indra. 27
1. THIS, singer, is my firm determination, to aid the worshipper who pours the Soma.
I slay the man who brings no milkoblation, unrighteous, powerful, the truths' perverter.
2 Then Will I, when I lead my friends to battle against the radiant persons of the godless,
Prepare for thee at home a vigorous bullock, and pour for thee the fifteenfold- strong juices.
3 I know not him who sayeth and declareth that he hath slain the godless in the battle.
Soon as they see the furious combat raging, men speak forth praises of my vigorous horses.
4 While yet my deeds of might were unrecorded, all passed for Maghavans though I existed.
The potent one who dwelt in peace I conquered, grasped by the foot and slew him on the mountain.
5 None hinder me in mine heroic exploits, no, not the mountains when I will and purpose.
Even the deaf will tremble at my roaring, and every day will dust be agitated.
6 To see the Indraless oblationdrinkers-, mean offerers, overtaken by destruction!
Then shall the fellies of my car pass over those who have blamed my joyous Friend and scorned him.
7 Thou wast, thou grewest to full vital vigour: an earlier saw, a later one shall see thee.
Two canopies, as it were, are round about him who reacheth to the limit of this region.
8 The freed kine eat the barley of the pious. 1 saw them as they wandered with the herdsman.
The calling of the pious rang around them. What portion will these kine afford their owner?
9 When we who cat the grass of men are gathered I am with barleyeaters- in the cornland-.
There shall the captor yoke the yokeless bullock, and he who hath been yoked seek one to loose him.
10 There wilt thou hold as true my spoken purpose, to bring together quadrupeds. and bipeds.
I will divide, without a fight, his riches who warreth here, against the Bull, with women.
11 When a mans' daughter hath been ever eyeless, who, knowing, will be wroth with her for
Which of the two will loose on him his angerthe- man who leads her home or he who woos her?
12 How many a maid is pleasing to the suitor who fain would marry for her splendid riches?
If the girl be both good and fair of feature, she finds, herself, a friend among the people.
13 His feet have grasped: he eats the man who meets him. Around his head he sets the head for
Sitting anear and right above he smites us, and follows earth that lies spread out beneath him.
14 High, leafless, shadowless, and swift is Heaven: the Mother stands, the Youngling, loosed, is
Loud hath she lowed, licking Anothers' offspring. In what world hath the Cow laid down her udder?
15 Seven heroes from the nether part ascended, and from the upper part came eight together.
Nine from behind came armed with winnowingbaskets-: ten from the front pressed over the rocks'
high ridges.
16 One of the ten, the tawny, shared in common, they send to execute their final purpose.
The Mother carries on her breast the Infant of noble form and soothes it while it knows not.
17 The Heroes dressed with fire the fatted wether: the dice were thrown by way of sport and gaming.
Two reach the plain amid the heavenly waters, hallowing and with means of purifying.
18 Crying aloud they ran in all directions: One half of them will cook, and not the other.
To me hath Savitar, this God, declared it: He will perform, whose food is wood and butter.
19 I saw a troop advancing from the distance moved, not by wheels but their own Godlike- nature.
The Friendly One seeks human generations, destroying, still new bands of evil beings.
20 These my two Bulls, even Pramaras', are harnessed: drive them not far; here let them often
The waters even shall aid him to his object, and the allcleansing- Sun who is above us.
21 This is the thunderbolt which often whirleth down from the lofty misty realm of Surya.
Beyond this realm there is another glory so through old age they pass and feel no sorrow.
22 Bound fast toevery, tree the cow is lowing, and thence the manconsuming- birds are flying,
Then all this world, though pressing juice for Indra and strengthening the Rsi, is affrighted.
23 In the Gods mansion stood the firstcreated-, and from their separation came the later.
Three warm the Earth while holding stores of water, and Two of these convey the murmuring moisture.
24 This is thy life: and do thou mark and know it. As such, hide not thyself in time of battle.
He manifests the light and hides the vapour: his foot is never free from robes that veil it.
HYMN XXVIII. Indra. Vasukra. 28
1. Now all my other friends are here assembled: my Sireinlaw— alone hath not come hither.
So might he eat the grain and drink the Soma, and, satisfied, return unto; his dwelling.
2 Loud belloweth the Bull whose horns are sharpened: upon the height above earths' breadth he
That man I guard and save in all his troubles who fills my flanks when he hath shed the Soma.
3 Men with the stone press out for thee, O Indra, strong, gladdening Soma, and thereof thou
Bulls they dress for thee, and of these thou eatest when, Maghavan, with food thou art invited.
4 Resolve for me, O singer, this my riddle: The rivers send their swelling water backward:
The fox steals up to the approaching lion: the jackal drives the wildboar- from the brushwood.
5 How shall I solve this riddle, I, the simple, declare the thought of thee the Wise and Mighty?
Tell us, well knowing, as befits the season: Whitherward is thy prosperous car advancing?
6 Thus do they magnify me, me the mighty higher than even high heaven is my carpole-.
I all at once demolish many thousands: my Sire begot me with no foe to match me.
7 Yea, and the Gods have known me also, Indra, as mighty, fierce and strong in every exploit.
Exulting with the bolt I slaughtered Vrtra, and for the offerer oped with might the cowstall-.
8 The Deities approached, they carried axes; splitting the wood they came with their attendants.
They laid good timber in the firereceivers-, and burnt the grass up where they found it growing.
9 The hare hath swallowed up the opposing razor: I sundered with a clod the distant mountain.
The great will I make subject to the little: the calf shall wax in strength and cat the bullock.
10 There hath the strongwinged- eagle left his talon, as a snared lion leaves the trap that caught
Even the wild steer in his thirst is captured: the leather strap still holds his foot entangled.
11 So may the leather strap their foot entangle who fatten on the viands of the Brahman.
They all devour the bulls set free to wander, while they themselves destroy their bodies' vigour.
12 They were well occupied with holy duties who sped in person with their lauds to Soma.
Speaking like man, mete to us wealth and booty: in heaven thou hast the name and fame of Hero.
HYMN XXIX. Indra. 29
1. As sits the young bird on the tree rejoicing, ye, swift Pair, have been roused by clear
Whose HeraldPriest- through many days is Indra, earths' Guardian, Friend of men, the best of
2 May we, when this Dawn and the next dance hither, be thy best servants, most heroic Hero!
Let the victorious car with triple splendour bring hitherward the hundred chiefs with Kutsa.
3 What was the gladdening draught that pleased thee, Indra? Speed through our doors to songs, for
thou art mighty.
Why comest thou to me, what gift attracts thee? Fain would I bring thee food most meet to offer.
4 Indra, what fame hath one like thee mid heroes? With what plan wilt thou act? Why hast thou
sought us?
As a true Friend, WideStrider-! to sustain us, since food absorbs the thought of each among us.
5 Speed happily those, as Surya ends his journey, who meet his wish as bridegrooms meet their
Men who present, O Indra strong by nature, with food the many songs that tell thy praises.
6 Thine are two measures, Indra, widewellmeted-, heaven for thy majesty, earth for thy wisdom.
Here for thy choice are Somas mixed with butter: may the sweet meath be pleasant for thy drinking.
7 They have poured out a bowl to him, to Indra, full of sweet juice, for faithful is his bounty.
Over earths' expanse hath he grown great by wisdom, the Friend of man, and by heroic exploits.
8 Indra hath conquered in his wars, the Mighty: men strive in multitudes to win his friendship.
Ascend thy chariot as it were in battle, which thou shalt drive to us with gracious favour.
Rig Veda Mandalas:-