Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 14 May 2011 06:17 and updated at 01 Jan 2012 10:48
HYMN CLXX. Surya. 170
1. MAY the Bright God drink glorious Somamingled- meath, giving the sacrifices' lord uninjured
He who, windurged-, in person guards our offspring well, hath nourished them with food and shines
over many a land.
2 Radiant, as high Truth, cherished, best at winning strength, Truth based upon the statute that
supports the heavens,
He rose, a light, that kills Vrtras and enemies, best slayer of the Dasyus, Asuras, and foes.
3 This light, the best of lights, supreme, allconquering-, winner of riches, is exalted with high
Alllighting-, radiant, mighty as the Sun to see, he spreadeth wide unfailing victory and strength.
4 Beaming forth splendour with thy light, thou hast attained heavens' lustrous realm.
By thee were brought together all existing things, possessor of all Godhead, Alleffecting- God.
HYMN CLXXI. Indra. 171
1. FOR Ilas' sake who pressed the juice, thou, Indra, didst protect his car,
And hear the Somagivers-' call.
2 Thou from his skin hast borne the head of the swiftmoving- combatant,
And sought the Somapourers-' home.
3 Venya, that mortal man, hast thou, for Astrabudhna the devout,
O Indra, many a time set free.
4 Bring, Indra, to the east again that Sun who now is in the west,
Even against the will of Gods.
HYMN CLXXII. Dawn. 172
1. WITH all thy beauty come: the kine approaching with full udders follow on thy path.
2 Come with kind thoughts, most liberal, rousing the warriors' hymn of praise, with bounteous ones,
3 As nourishers we tie the thread, and, liberal with our bounty, offer sacrifice.
4 Dawn drives away her Sisters' gloom, and, through her excellence, makes her retrace her path.
HYMN CLXXIII. The King. 173
1. BE with us; I have chosen thee: stand stedfast and immovable.
Let all the people wish for thee let not thy kingship fall away.
2 Be even here; fall not away be like a mountain unremoved.
Stand stedfast here like Indras' self, and hold the kingship in the grasp.
3 This man hath Indra stablished, made secure by strong oblations' power.
May Soma speak a benison, and Brahmanaspati, on him.
4 Firm is the sky and firm the earth, and stedfast also are these hills.
Stedfast is all this living world, and stedfast is this King of men.
5 Stedfast, may Varuna the King, stedfast, the God Brhaspati,
Stedfast, may Indra, stedfast too, may Agni keep thy stedfast reign.
6 On constant Soma let us think with constant sacrificial gift
And then may Indra make the clans bring tribute unto thee alone.
HYMN CLXXIV. The King. 174
1. WITH offering for success in fight whence Indra was victorious.
With this, O Brahmanaspati, let us attain to royal sway.
2 Subduing those who rival us, subduing all malignities,
Withstand the man who menaces, withstand the man who angers us.
3 Soma and Savitar the God have made thee a victorious King
All elements have aided thee, to make thee general conqueror.
4 Oblation, that which Indra. gave and thus grew glorious and most high,
This have I offered, Gods! and hence now, verily, am rivalless.
5 Slayer of rivals, rivalless, victorious, with royal sway,
Over these beings may I rule, may I be Sovran of the folk.
HYMN CLXXV. Pressstones-. 175
1. MAY Savitar the God, O Stones, stir you according to the Law:
Be harnessed to the shafts, and press.
2 Stones, drive calamity away, drive ye away malevolence:
Make ye the Cows our medicine.
3 Of one accord the upper Stones, giving the Bull his bulllike- strength,
Look down with pride on those below.
4 May Savitar the God, O Stones, stir you as Law commands for him
Who sacrifices, pouring juice.
HYMN CLXXVI. Agni. 176
1. WITH hymns of praise their sons have told aloud the Rbhus' mighty deeds.
Who, allsupporting-, have enjoyed the earth as, twere a mother cow.
2 Bring forth the God with song divine, being Jatavedas hitherward,
To bear our gifts at once to heaven.
3 He here, a Goddevoted- Priest, led forward comes to sacrifice.
Like a car covered for the road, he, glowing, knows, himself, the way.
4 This Agni rescues from distress, as it were from the Immortal Race,
A God yet mightier than strength, a God who hath been made for life.
HYMN CLXXVII. Mayabheda. 177
1. THE sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the Bird adorned with all an Asuras' magic
Sages observe him in the oceans' inmost depth: the wise disposers seek the station of his rays.
2 The flying Bird bears Speech within his spirit: erst the Gandharva in the womb pronounced it:
And at the seat of sacrifice the sages cherish this radiant, heavenlybright- invention.
3 I saw the Herdsman, him who never resteth, approaching and departing on his pathways.
He, clothed in gathered and diffusive splendour, within the worlds continually travels.
HYMN CLXXVIII. Tarksya. 178
1. THIS very mighty one whom Gods commission, the Conqueror of cars, ever triumphant,
Swift, fleet to battle, with uninjured fellies, even Tarksya for our weal will we call hither.
2 As though we offered up our gifts to Indra, may we ascend. him as a ship. for safety.
Like the two wide worlds, broad, deep farextended-, may we be safe both when he comes and leaves
3 He who with might the Five Lands hath pervaded, like Surya with his lustre, and the Waters
His strength wins hundreds, thousands none avert it, as the young maid repelleth not her lover.
HYMN CLXXIX. Indra. 179
1. Now lift ye up yourselves and look on Indras' seasonable share.
If it be ready, offer it; unready, ye have been remise.
2 Oblation is prepared: come to us, Indra; the Sun hath travelled over half his journey.
Friends with their stores are sitting round thee waiting like lords of clans for the tribes'
wandering chieftain.
3 Dressed in the udder and on fire, I fancy; welldressed-, I fancy, is this recent present.
Drink, Indra, of the curd of noons' libation with favour, Thunderer, thou whose deeds are mighty.
Rig Veda Mandalas:-