Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 14 May 2011 06:10 and updated at 14 May 2011 06:10
HYMN CXL. Agni. 140
1. AGNI, lifepower- and fame are thine: thy fires blaze mightily, thou rich in wealth of beams!
Sage, passing bright, thou givest to the worshipper, with strength, the food that merits laud.
2 With brilliant, purifying sheen, with perfect sheen thou liftest up thyself in light.
Thou, visiting both thy Mothers, aidest them as Son: thou joinest close the earth and heaven.
3 O Jatavedas, Son of Strength, rejoice ihyself, gracious, in our fair hymns and songs.
In thee are treasured various forms of strengthening food, born nobly and of wondrous help.
4 Agni, spread forth, as Ruler, over living things: give wealth to us, Immortal God.
Thou shinest out from beauty fair to look upon: thou leadest us to conquering power.
5 To him, the wise, who orders sacrifice, who hath great riches un der his control,
Thou givest blest award of good, and plenteous food, givest him wealth that conquers all.
6 The men have set before them them for their welfare Agni, strong, visible to all, the Holy.
Thee, Godlike One, with ears to hear, most famous, mens' generations magnify with praisesongs-.
HYMN CXLI. Visvedevas. 141
1. TURN hither, Agni, speak to us: come to us with a gracious mind.
Enrich us, Master of the house: thou art the Giver of our wealth.
2 Let Aryaman vouchsafe us wealth, and Bhaga, and Brhaspati.
Let the Gods give their gifts, and let Sunrta, Goddess, grant us wealth.
3 We call King Soma to our aid, and Agni with our songs and hymns,
Adityas, Visnu, Surya, and the Brahman Priest Brhaspati.
4 Indra, Vayu, Brhaspati, Gods swift to listen, we invoke,
That in the synod all the folk may be benevolent to us.
5 Urge Aryaman to send us gifts, and Indra, and Brhaspati,
Vata, Visnu, Sarasvati and the Strong Courser Savitar.
6 Do thou, O Agni, with thy fires strengthen our prayer and sacrifice:
Urge givers to bestow their wealth to aid our service of the Gods.
HYMN CXLII. Agni. 142
1. WITH thee, O Agni, was this singer of the laud: he hath no other kinship, O thou Son of
Thou givest blessed shelter with a triple guard. Keep the destructive lightning far away from us.
2 Thy birth who seekest food is in the falling flood, Agni: as Comrade thou winnest all living
Our coursers and our songs shall be victorious: they of themselves advance like one who guards the
3 And thou, O Agni, thou of Godlike nature, sparest the stones, while caring up the brushwood.
Then are thy tracks like deserts in the cornlands-. Let us not stir to wrath thy mighty arrow.
4 Over hills through vales devouring as thou goest, thou partest like an army fain for booty
As when a barber shaves a beard, thou shavest earth when the wind blows on thy flame and fans it.
5 Apparent are his lines as he approaches the course is single, but the cars are many,
When, Agni, thou, making thine arms resplendent, advancest over the land spread out beneath thee.
6 Now let thy strength, thy burning flames fly upward, thine energies, O Agni, as thou toilest.
Gape widely, bend thee, waxing in thy vigour: let all the Vasus sit this day beside thee.
7 This is the waters' reservoir, the great abode of gathered streams.
Take thou another path than this, and as thou listest walk thereon.
8 On thy way hitherward and hence let flowery Durva grass spring up
Let there be lakes with lotus blooms. These are the mansions of the flood.
HYMN CXLIII. Asvins. 143
1. YE made that Atri, worn with eld, free as a horse to win the goal.
When ye restored to youth and strength Kaksivan like a car renewed,
2 Ye freed that Atri like a horse, and brought him newlyborn- to earth.
Ye loosed him like a firmtied- knot which Gods unsoiled by dust had bound.
3 Heroes who showed most wondrous power to Atri, strive to win fair songs;
For then, O Heroes of the sky, your hymn of praise shall cease no more.
4 This claims your notice, Bounteous Gods! - oblation, Asvins! and our love,
That ye, O Heroes, in the fight may bring us safe to ample room.
5 Ye Twain to Bhujyu tossed about in ocean at the regions' end,
Nasatyas, with your winged sterds came nigh, and gave him strength to win.
6 Come with your joys, most liberal Gods, Lords of all treasures, bringing weal.
Like fresh full waters to a well, so, Heroes come and be with us.
HYMN CXLIV. Indra. 144
1. THIS deathless Indu, like a steed, strong and of full vitality,
Belongs to thee, the Orderer.
2 Here, by us, for the worshipper, is the wise bolt that works with skill.
It brings the bubbling beverage as a dexterous man brings the effectual strong drink.
3 Impetuous Ahisuva, a bull among cows of his,
looked down upon the restless Hawk.
4 That the strongpinioned- Bird hath brought, Child of the Falcon, from afar,
What moves upon a hundred wheels along the female Dragons' path.
5 Which, fair, unrobbed, the Falcon brought thee in his foot, the redhued- dwelling of the juice;
Through this came vital power which lengthens out our days, and kinship through its help awoke.
6 So Indra is by lndus' power; even among Gods will it repel great treachery.
Wisdom, Most Sapient One, brings force that lengthens life. May wisdom bring the juice to us.
HYMN CXLV. Sapatnibadhanam. 145
1. FROM out the earth I dig this plant, a herb of most effectual power,
Wherewith one quells the rival wife and gains the husband for oneself.
2 Auspicious, with expanded leaves, sent by the Gods, victorious plant,
Blow thou the rival wife away, and make my husband only mine.
3 Stronger am 1, O Stronger One, yea, mightier than the mightier;
And she who is my rival wife is lower than the lowest dames.
4 Her very name I utter not: she takes no pleasure in this man.
Far into distance most remote drive we the rival wife away.
5 I am the conqueror, and thou, thou also act victorious:
As victory attends us both we will subdue my fellowwife-.
6 I have gained thee for vanquisher, have grasped thee with a stronger spell.
As a cow hastens to her calf, so let thy spirit speed te me, hasten like water on its way.
HYMN CXLVI. Aranyani. 146
1. GODDESS of wild and forest who seemest to vanish from the sight.
How is it that thou seekest not the village? Art thou not afraid?
2 What time the grasshopper replies and swells the shrill cicalas' voice,
Seeming to sound with tinkling bells, the Lady of the Wood exults.
3 And, yonder, cattle seem to graze, what seems a dwellingplace- appears:
Or else at eve the Lady of the Forest seems to free the wains.
4 Here one is calling to his cow, another there hath felled a tree:
At eve the dweller in the wood fancies that somebody hath screamed.
5 The Goddess never slays, unless some murderous enemy approach.
Man eats of savoury fruit and then takes, even as he wills, his rest.
6 Now have I praised the Forest Queen, sweetscented-, redolent of balm,
The Mother of all sylvan things, who tills not but hath stores of food.
HYMN CXLVII Indra. 147
1. I TRUST in thy first wrathful deed, O Indra, when thou slewest Vrtra and didst work to profit
What time the two worldhalves- fell short of thee in might, and the earth trembled at thy force, O
2 Thou with thy magic powers didst rend the conjurer Vrtra, O Blameless One, with heart that
longed for fame.
Heroes elect thee when they battle for the prey, thee in all sacrifices worthy of renown.
3 God Muchinvoked-, take pleasure in these princes here, who, thine exalters, Maghavan, have come
to wealth.
In synods, when the rite succeeds, they hymn the Strong for sons and progeny and riches
4 That man shall find delight in wellprotected- wealth whose care provides for him the
quicksought- joyous draught.
Bringing oblations, strengthened Maghavan, by thee, he swiftly wins the spoil with heroes in the
5 Now for our band, O Maghavan, when lauded, make ample room with might, and grant us riches.
Magician thou, our Varuna and Mitra, deal food to us, O Wondrous, as Dispenser.
HYMN CXLVIII. Indra. 148
1. WHEN we have pressed the juice we laud thee, Indra, and when, Most Valorous we have won the
Bring us prosperity, as each desires it under thine own protection may we conquer.
2 Sublime from birth, mayst thou O Indra, Hero, with Surya overcome the Dasa races.
As by a fountains' side, we bring the Soma that lay concealed, closehidden- in the waters.
3 Answer the votarys' hymns, for these thou knowest, craving the Rsis' prayer, thyself a Singer
May we be they who take delight in Somas: these with sweet food for thee, O Chariotrider-.
4 These holy prayers, O Indra, have I sung thee: grant to the men the strength of men, thou Hero.
Be of one mind with those in whom thou joyest: keep thou the singers safe and their companions.
5 Listen to Prthis' call, heroic Indra, and be thou lauded by the hymns of Venya,
Him who hath sung thee to thine oilrich- dwelling, whose rolling songs have sped thee like a
HYMN CXLIX. Savitar. 149
1. SAVITAR fixed the earth with bands to bind it, and made heaven stedfast where no prop supported.
Savitar milked, as it were a restless courser, air, sea bound fast to what no foot had trodden.
2 Well knoweth Savitar, O Child of Waters, where ocean, firmly fixt, overflowed its limit.
Thence sprang the world, from that uprose the region: thence heaven spread out and the wide earth
3 Then, with a full crowd of Immortal Beings, this other realm came later, high and holy.
First, verily, Savitars' strongpinioned- Eagle was born: and he obeys his law for ever.
4 As warriors to their steeds, kine to their village, as fond milk giving cows approach their
As man to wife, let Savitar come downward to us, heavens' bearer, Lord of every blessing.
5 Like the Angirasa Hiranvastupa, I call thee, Savitar, to this achievement:
So worshipping and lauding thee for favour I watch for thee as for the stalk of Soma.
Rig Veda Mandalas:-