Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 14 May 2011 06:03 and updated at 14 May 2011 06:03
HYMN I. Agni. 1
1. HIGH hath the Mighty risen before the dawning, and come to us with light from out the darkness.
Fairshapen- Agni with whiteshining- splendour hath filled at birth all human habitations.
2 Thou, being born, art Child of Earth and Heaven, parted among the plants in beauty, Agni!
The glooms of night thou, Brilliant Babe, subduest, and art come forth, loud roaring, from thy
3 Here, being manifested, lofty Visnu, full wise, protects his own supremest station.
When they have offered in his mouth their sweet milk, to him with one accord they sing forth
4 Thence bearing food the Mothers come to meet thee, with food for thee who givest food its
These in their altered form again thou meetest. Thou art Invoking Priest in homes of mortals.
5 Priest of the holy rite, with car that glitters, refulgent Banner of each act of worship,
Sharinging every God through might and glory, even Agni Guest of men I summon hither.
6 So Agni stands on earths' most central station, invested in welldecorated- garments.
Born, red of hue, where men pour out libations, O King, as great High Priest bring the Gods hither.
7 Over the earth and over heaven, O Agni, thou, Son, hast ever spread above thy Parents.
Come, Youthfullest! to those who long to meet thee, and hither bring the Gods, O Mighty Victor.
HYMN II. Agni. 2
1. GLADDEN the yearning Gods, O thou Most Youthful: bring them, O Lord of Seasons, knowing seasons,
With all the Priests Celestial, O Agni. Best worshipper art thou of all Invokers.
2 Thine is the Heralds', thine the Cleansers' office, thinker art thou, wealthgiver-, true to
Let us with Svaha offer up oblations, and Agni, worthy God, pay the Gods worship.
3 To the Gods pathway have we travelled, ready to execute what work we may accomplish.
Let Agni, for he knows, complete the worship. He is the Priest: let him fix rites and seasons.
4 When we most ignorant neglect the statutes of you, O Deities with whom is knowledge,
Wise Agni shall correct our faults and failings, skilled to assign each God his fitting season.
5 When, weak in mind, of feeble understanding, mortals bethink them not of sacrificing,
Then shall the prudent and discerning Agni worship the Gods, best worshipper, in season.
6 Because the Father hath produced thee, Leader of all our solemn rites, their brilliant Banner:
So win by worship pleasant homes abounding in heroes, and rich food to nourish all men.
7 Thou whom the Heaven and Earth, thou whom the Waters, and Tvastar, maker of fair things, created,
Well knowing, all along the Fathers' pathway, shine with resplendent light, enkindled, Agni.
HYMN III. Agni. 3
1. O KING, the potent and terrific envoy, kindled for strength, is manifest in beauty.
He shines, allknowing-, with his lotty splendour: chasing black Night he comes with whiterayed-
2 Having overcome the glimmering Black with beauty, and bringing forth the dame the Great Sires'
Holding aloft the radiant light of Surya, as messenger of heaven he shines with treasures.
3 Attendant on the Blessed Dame the Blessed hath come: the Lover followeth his Sister.
Agni, farspreading- with conspicuous lustre, hath compassed Night with whitelyshining garments.
4 His goingsforth- kindle as it were high voices the goings of the auspicious Friend of Agni.
The rays, the bright beams of the strongjawed-, mighty, adorable Steer are visible as he cometh.
5 Whose radiant splendours flow, like sounds, about us, his who is lofty, brilliant, and effulgent,
Who reaches heaven with best and brightest lustres, sportive and piercing even to the summit.
6 His powers, whose chariot fellies gleam and glitter have loudly roared while, as with teams, he
He, the most Godlike, farextending- envoy, shines with flames ancient, resonant, whitelyshining-.
7 So bring us ample wealth: seat thee as envoy of the two youthful Matrons, Earth and Heaven.
Let Agni rapid with his rapid, horses, impetuous with impetuous Steeds, come hither.
HYMN IV. Agni. 4
1. To thee will send praise and bring oblation, as thou hast merited lauds when we invoked thee.
A fountain in the desert art thou, Agni, O Ancient King, to man who fain would worship,
2 Thou unto whom resort the gathered people, as the kine seek the warm stall, O Most Youthful.
Thou art the messenger of Gods and mortals, and goest glorious with thy light between them.
3 Making thee grow as it were some noble infant, thy Mother nurtures thee with sweet affection.
Over the desert slopes thou passest longing, and seekest, like some beast set free, thy fodder.
4 Foolish are we, O Wise and free from error: verily, Agni, thou dost know thy grandeur.
There lies the form: he moves and licks, and swallows, and, as HouseLord-, kisses the Youthful
5 He rises ever fresh in ancient fuel: smokebannered-, gray, he makes the wood his dwelling.
No swimmer, Steer, he presses through the waters, and to his place accordant mortals bear him.
6 Like thieves who risk their lives and haunt the forest, the twain with their ten girdles have
secured him.
This is a new hymn meant for thee, O Agni: yoke as it were thy car with parts that glitter.
7 Homage and prayer are thine, O Jatavedas, and this my song shall evermore exalt thee.
Agni, protect our children and descendants, and guard with everwatcliful- care our bodies.
HYMN V. Agni. 5
1. HE only is the Sea, holder of treasures: born many a time he views the hearts within us.
He hides him in the secret couples' bosom. The Bird dwells in the middle of the fountain.
2 Inhabiting one dwellingplace- in common, strong Stallions and the Mares have come together.
The sages guard the seat of Holy Order, and keep the highest names concealed within them.
3 The Holy Pair, of wondrous power, have coupled: they formed the Infant, they who bred produced
The central point of all that moves and moves not, the while they wove the Sages' thread with
4 For tracks of Order and refreshing viands attend from ancient times the goodly Infant.
Wearing him as a mantle, Earth and Heaven grow strong by food of pleasant drink and fatness.
5 He, calling loudly to the Seven red Sisters, hath, skilled in sweet drink, brought them to be
looked on.
He, born of old, in middle air hath halted, and sought and found the covering robe of Pusan.
6 Seven are the pathways which the wise have fashioned; to one of these may come the troubled
He standeth in the dwelling of the Highest, a Pillar, on sure ground where paths are parted.
7 Not Being, Being in the highest heaven, in Aditis' bosom and in Daksas' birthplace,
Is Agni, our firstborn- of Holy Order, the Milchcow- and the Bull in lifes' beginning.
HYMN VI Agni 6
1. THIS is that Agni, he by whose protection, favour, and help. the singer is successful;
Who with the noblest flames of glowing fuel comes forth encompassed with farspreading- lustre.
2 Agni, the Holy One, the everlasting, who shines far beaming with celestial splendours;
He who hath come unto his friends with friendship, like a fleet steed who never trips or stumbles.
3 He who is Lord of all divine oblation, shared by all living men at break of morning,
Agni to whom our offerings are devoted, in whom rests he whose car, through might, is scatheless.
4 Increasing by his strength. while lauds content him, with easy flight unto the Gods he travels.
Agni the cheerful Priest, best Sacrificer, balms with his tongue the Gods with whom he mingles.
5 With songs and adorations bring ye hither Agni who stirs himself at dawn like Indra,
Whom sages laud with hymns as Jatavedas of those who wield the sacrificial ladle.
6 In whom all goodly treasures meet together, even as steeds and riders for the booty.
Inclining hither bring us help, O Agni, even assistance most desired by Indra.
7 Yea, at thy birth, when thou hadst sat in glory, thou, Agni, wast the aim of invocations.
The Gods came near, obedient to thy sunimons, and thus attained their rank as chief Protectors.
HYMN VII. Agni. 7
1. O AGNI, shared by all men living bring us good luck for sacrifice from earth and heaven.
With us be thine intelligence, WonderWorker! Protect us, God, with thy farreaching- blessings.
2 These hymns brought forth for thee, O Agni, laud thee for bounteous gifts, with cattle and with
Good Lord, when man from thee hath gained enjoyment, by hymns, O noblyborn, hath he obtained it.
3 Agni I deem my Kinsman and my Father, count him my Brother and my Friend for ever.
I honour as the face of lofty Agni in heaven the bright and holy light of Surya.
4 Effectual, Agni, are our prayers for profit. He whom, at home thou, Priest for ever, guardest
Is rich in food, drawn by red steeds, and holy: by day and night to him shall all be pleasant.
5 Men with their arms have generated Agni, helpful as some kind friend, adorned with splendours,
And stablished as Invoker mid the people the ancient Priest the sacrifices' lover.
6 Worship, thyself, O God, the Gods in heaven: what, void of knowledge, shall the fool avail thee?
As thou, O God, hast worshipped Gods by seasons, so, noblyborn-! to thine own self pay worship.
7 Agni, be thou our Guardian and Protector bestow upon us life and vital vigour.
Accept, O Mighty One, the gifts we offer, and with unceasing care protect our bodies.
HYMN VIII. Agni. 8
1. AGNI advances with his lofty banner: the Bull is bellowing to the earth and heavens.
He hath attained the skys' supremest limits. the Steer hath waxen in the lap of waters.
2 The Bull, the youngling with the hump, hath frolicked, the strong and neverceasing- Calf hath
Bringing our offerings to the Gods' assembly, he moves as Chief in his own dwellingplaces-.
3 Him who hath grasped his Parents' head, they stablished at sacrifice a wave of heavenly lustre.
In his swift flight the red Dawns borne by horses refresh their bodies in the home of Order.
4 For, Vasu thou precedest every Morning, and still hast been the Twins' illuminator.
For sacrifice, seven places thou retainest while for thine own self thou engenderest Mitra.
5 Thou art the Eye and Guard of mighty Order, and Varuna when to sacrifice thou comest.
Thou art the Waters Child O Jatavedas, envoy of him whose offering thou acceptest.
6 Thou art the Leader of the rite and region, to which with thine auspicious teams thou teadest,
Thy lightbestowing- head to heaven thou liftest, making thy tongue the oblationbearer, Agni.
7 Through his wise insight Trita in the cavern, seeking as ever the Chief Sires' intention,
Carefully tended in his Parents' bosom, calling the weapons kin, goes forth to combat.
8 Wellskilled- to use the weapons of his Father, Aptya, urged on by Indra, fought the battle.
Then Trita slew the foe sevenrayed-, threeheaded-, and freed the cattle of the Son of Tvastar.
9 Lord of the brave, Indra cleft him in pieces who sought to gain much strength and deemed him
He smote his three heads from his body, seizing the cattle of the oniniform Son of Tvastar.
HYMN IX. Waters. 9
1. YE, Waters, are beneficent: so help ye us to energy
That we may look on great delight.
2 Give us a portion of the sap, the most auspicious that ye have,
Like mothers in their longing love.
3 To you we gladly come for him to whose abode ye send us on;
And, Waters, give us procreant strength.
4 The Waters. be to us for drink, Goddesses for our aid and bliss:
Let them stream to us health and strength.
5 1 beg the Floods to give us balm, these Queens who rule over precious things,
And have supreme control of men.
6 Within the WatersSoma- thus hath told medwell- all balms that heal,
And Agni, he who blesseth all.
7 O Waters, teem with medicine to keep my body safe from harm,
So that I long may see the Sun.
8 Whatever sin is found in me, whatever evil I have wrought,
If I have lied or falsely sworn, Waters, remove it far from me.
9 The Waters I this day have sought, and to their moisture have we come:
O Agni, rich in milk, come thou, and with thy splendour cover me.
Rig Veda Mandalas:-