Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 14 May 2011 05:54 and updated at 14 May 2011 05:54
1. THE three times seven Milchkine- in the eastern heaven have for this Soma poured the genuine
milky draught.
Four other beauteous Creatures hath he made for his adornment, when he waxed in strength through
holy rites.
2 Longing for lovely Amrta, by his wisdom he divided, each apart from other, earth and heaven.
He gladly wrapped himself in the most lucid floods, when through their glory they found the Gods'
3 May those his brilliant rays he ever free from death, inviolate, for both classes of created
Rays wherewith powers of men and Gods are purified. Yea, even for this have sageswelcomed him as
4 He, while he is adorned by the ten skilful ones, that he too in the Midmost Mothers may create,
While he is watching over the lovely Amrtas' ways, looks on both races as Beholder of mankind.
5 He, while he is adorned to stream forth mighty strength, rejoices in his place between the earth
and heaven.
The Steer dispels the evilhearted- with his might, aiming at offerings as an archer at the game.
6 Beholding, as it were, Two Mother Cows, the Steer goes roaring on his way even as the Maruts
Knowing Eternal Law, the earliest light of heaven, he, passing wise, was chosen out to tell it
7 The fearful Bull is bellowing with violent might, farsighted-, sharpening his yellowcoloured
Soma assumes his seat in the wellfashioned- place: the cowhide and the sheepskin are his ornament.
8 Bright, making pure his body free from spot and stain, on the sheeps' back the Goldencoloured-
hath flowed down.
Acceptable to Mitra, Vayu, Varuna, he is prepared as threefold meal by skilful men.
9 Flow on for the Gods' banquet, Soma, as a Steer, and enter Indras' heart, the Somas' reservoir.
Bear us beyond misfortune ere we be oppres. sed. the man who knows the land directs the man who
10 Urged like a carsteed- flow to strength, O Soma: Indu, flow onward to the throat of Indra.
Skilled, bear us past, as in a boat over water: as battling Hero save us from the foeman.
1. THE guerdon is bestowed: the Mighty takes his Seat, and, everWatchful-, guards from fiend and
evil sprite.
Goldhued-, he makes the cloud his diadem, the milk his carpet in both worlds, and prayer his robe
of state.
2 Strong, bellowing, he goes, like one who slays the folk; he lets this hue of Asuras flow off
from him,
Throws off his covering, seeks his fathers' meetingplace-, and thus makes for himself the bright
robe he assumes.
3 Onward he flows, from both the hands, pressed out with stones: excited by the prayer, the water
makes him wild.
He frolics and draws near, completes his work with song, and bathes in streams to satisfy the
4 They pour out meath around the Master of the house, Celestial Strengthener of the mountain that
gives might;
In whom, through his great powers, oblationeating- cows in their uplifted udder mix their choicest
5 They, the ten sisters, on the lap of Aditi, have sent him forward like a car from both the arms.
He wanders and comes near the Cows' mysterious place, even the place which his inventions have
6 Like as a falcon to his home, so speeds the God to his own golden wiselytashioned- place to rest.
With song they urge the darling to the sacred grass: the Holy One goes like a courser to the Gods.
7 From far away, from heaven, the redhued noted Sage, Steer of the triple height, hath sung unto
the kine.
With thousand guidings he, leading this way and that, shines, as a singer, splendidly through many
a morn.
8 His covering assumes a radiant hue; wherever he comes into the fight he drives the foe afar.
The Winner of the Floods, with food he seeks the host of heaven, he comes to praises glorified
with milk.
9 Like a bull roaming round the herds he bellows: he hath assumed the brilliancy of Surya.
Down to the earth hath looked the heavenly Falcon: Soma with wisdom views all living creatures.
1. THEY cleanse the Goldhued-: like a red Steed is he yoked, and Soma in the jar is mingled with
the milk.
He sendeth out his voice, and many loving friends of him the highly lauded hasten with their songs.
2 The many sages utter words in unison, while into Indras' throat they pour the Soma juice,
When, with the ten that dwell together closely joined, the men whose hands are skilful cleanse the
lovely meath.
3 He goes upon his way, unresting, to the cows, over the roaring sound which Saryas' Daughter
The Falcon brought it to him for his own delight: now with the twofold kindred sisters is his home.
4 Washed by the men, stonepressed-, dear on the holy grass, faithful to seasons, Lord of cattle
from of old,
Most liberal, completing sacrifice for men, O Indra, pure bright Soma, Indu, flows for thee.
5 O Indra, urged by arms of men and poured in streams, Soma flows on for thee after his Godlike
Plans thou fulfillest, gatherest thoughts for sacrifice: in the bowls sits the Goldhued- like a
roosting bird.
6 Sages wellskilled- in work, intelligent, drain out the stalk that roars, the Sage, the
Everlasting One.
The milk, the hymns unite them with him in the place of sacrifice, his seat who is produced anew.
7 Earths' central point, sustainer of the mighty heavens, distilled into the streams, into the
waters' wave,
As Indras' thunderbolt, Steer with farspreading wealth, Soma is flowing on to make the heart
8 Over the earthly region flow thou on thy way, helping the praiser and the pourer, thou Most Wise.
Let us not lack rich treasure reaching to our home, and may we clothe ourselves in manifold bright
9 Hither, O Indu, unto us a hundred gifts of steeds, a thousand gifts of cattle and of gold,
Measure thou forth, yea, splendid ample strengthening food do thou, O Pavamana, heed this laud of
HYMN LXXIII. Soma Pavamana. 73
1. THEY from the spouting drop have sounded at the rim: naves speed together to the place of
That Asura hath formed, to seize, three lofty heights. The ships of truth have borne the pious man
2 The strong Steers, gathering, have duly stirred themselvesand, over the streams' wave the
friends sent forth the song.
Engendering the hymn, with flowing streams of meath, Indras' dear body have they caused to wax in
3 With sanctifying gear they sit around the song: their ancient Father guards their holy work from
Varuna hath overspread the mighty sea of air. Sages had power to hold him in sustaining floods.
4 Sweettongued-, exhaustless, they have sent their voices down togetlier, in heavens' vault that
pours a thousand streams.
His wildlyrestless- warders never close an eye: in every place are found the bonds that bind man
5 Over Sire and Mother they have roared in unison bright with the verse of praise, burning up
riteless men,
Blowing away with supernatural might from earth and from the heavens the swarthy skin which Indra
6 Those which, as guides of song and counsellors of speed, were manifested from their ancient
dwelling place,
From these the eyeless and the deaf have turned aside: the wicked travel not the pathway of the
7 What time the filter with a thousand streams is stretched, the thoughtful sages purify their
song therein.
Brightcoloured- are their spies, vigorous, void of guile, excellent, fair to see, beholders of
8 Guardian of Law, most wise, he may not be deceived: three Purifiers hath he set within his heart.
With wisdom he beholds all creatures that exist: he drives into the pit the hated riteliess ones.
9 The thread of sacrifice spun in the cleansing sieve, on Varunas' tonguetip-, by supernatural
This, by their striving, have the prudent ones attained: he who hath not this power shall sink
into the pit.
1. BORN like a youngling he hath clamoured in the wood, when he, the Red, the Strong, would win
the light of heaven.
He comes with heavenly seed that makes the water swell: him for widespreading- shelter we implore
with prayer.
2 A farextended- pillar that supports the sky the Somastalk-, filled full, moves itself every way.
He shall bring both these great worlds while the rite proceeds: the Sage holds these who move!
together and all food.
3 Wide space hath he who follows Aditis' right path, and mighty, wellmade- food, meath blent with
Soma juice;
He who from hence commands the rain, Steer of the kine, Leader of floods, who helps us hence, who
claims our laud.
4 Butter and milk are drawn from animated cloud; thence Amrta is produced, centre of sacrifice.
Hini the Most Bounteous Ones, ever united, love; him as ouir Friend the Men who make all swell
rain down.
5 The Somastalk- hath roared, following with the wave: he swells with sap for man the skin which
Gods enjoy.
Upon the lap of Aditi he lays the germ, by means whereof we gain children and progeny.
6 In the third region which distils a thousand streams, may the Exhaustless Ones descend with
procreant power.
The kindred Four have been sent downward from the heavens: dropping with oil they bring Amrta and
sacred gifts.
7 Soma assumes white colour when he strives to gain: the bounteous Asura knows full many a
precious boon.
Down the steep slope, through song, he comes to sacrifice, and he will burst the waterholding-
cask of heaven,
8 Yea, to the shining milkanointed- beaker, as to his goal, hath stepped the conquering Courser.
Pioussouled- men have sent their giffi of cattle unto Kaksivan of the hundred winters.
9 Soma, thy juice when thou art blended with the streams, flows, Pavamana, through the long wool
of the sheep.
So, cleansed by sages. O best giver of delight, grow sweet for Indra, Pavamana! for his drink.
1. GRACIOUSLYMINDED- he is flowing on his way to win dear names over which the Youthful One grows
The Mighty and Farseeing- One hath mounted now the mighty Suryas' car which moves to every side.
2 The Speaker, unassailable Master of this hymn, the Tongue of sacrifice pours forth the pleasant
Within the lustrous region of the heavens the Son makes the third secret name of Mother and of
3 Sending forth flashes he hath bellowed to the jars, led by the men into the golden reservoir.
The milky streams of sacrifice have sung to him: he of the triple height shines brightly through
the morns.
4 Pressed by the stones, with hymns, and graciously inclined, illuminating both the Parents,
Heaven and Earth,
He flows in ordered season onward through the flee, a current of sweet juice still swelling day by
5 Flow onward, Soma, flow to bring prosperity: cleansed by the men, invest thee with the milky
What gladdening drinks thou hast, foaming, exceeding strong, even with these incite Indra to give
us wealth.
1. ON flows the potent juice, sustainer of the heavens, the strength of Gods, whom men must hail
with shouts of joy.
The Goldhued-, started like a courser by brave men, impetuously winneth splendour in the streams.
2 He takes his weapons, like a hero, in his hands, fain to win light, carborne-, in forays for the
Indu, while stimulating Indias' might, is urged forward and balmed by sages skilful in their task.
3 Soma, as thou art purified with flowing wave, exhibiting thy strength enter thou Indras' throat.
Make both worlds stream for us, as lightning doth the clouds: mete out exhaustless powers for us,
as it were through song.
4 Onward he flows, the King of all that sees the light: the Rsis' Lord hath raised the song of
Even he who is adorned with Suryas' arrowy beam, Father of hymns, whose wisdom is beyond our reach.
5 Like as a bull to herds, thou flowest to the pail, bellowing as a steer upon the waters' lap.
So, best of Cheerers, thou for Indra flowest on that we, with thy protection, may overcome in
HYMN LXXVII. Soma Pavamana. 77
1. MORE beauteous than the beautiful, as Indras' bolt, this Soma, rich in sweets, hath clamoured
in the vat.
Dropping with oil, abundant, streams of sacrifice flow unto him like milchkine-, lowing, with
their milk.
2 On flows that Ancient One whom, hitherward, from heaven, sped through the region of the air, the
Falcon snatched.
He, quivering with alarm and terrified in heart before bowarmed- Krsanu, holdeth fast the sweet.
3 May those first freshest drops of Soma juice effused flow on, their way to bring us mighty
strength in kine.
Beauteous as serpents, worthy to be looked upon, they whom each sacred gift and all our prayers
have pleased.
4 May that muchlauded- Indu, with a heart inclined to us, wellknowing-, fight against our enemies.
He who hath brought the germ beside the Strong Ones' seat moves onward to the widelyopcned- stall
of kine.
5 The active potent juice of heaven is flowing on, great Varuna whom the forward man can Never
Mitra, the Holy, hath been pressed for troubled times, neighing like an impatient horse amid the
HYMN LXXVIII. Soma Pavamana. 78
1. RAISING his voice the King hath flowed upon his way: invested with the waters he would win the
The fleece retains his solid parts as though impure, and bright and cleansed he seeks the special
place of Gods.
2 Thou, Soma, art effused for Indra by the men, balmed in the wood as wave, Sage, Viewer of
Full many are the paths whereon thou mayest go: a thousand bay steeds hast thou resting in the
3 Apsarases who dwell in waters of the sea, sitting within, have flowed to Soma wise of heart.
They urge the Master of the house upon his way, and to the Eternal Pavamana pray for bliss.
4 Soma flows on for us' as winner of the kine, winner of thousands, cars, water, and light, and
He whom the Gods have made a gladdening draught to drink, the drop most sweet to taste,
wealbringing-, red of hue.
5 Soma, as Pavamana thou, our faithful Friend, making for us these real treasures, flowest on.
Slay thou the enemy both near andfar, away: grant us security and ample pasturage.
1. SPONTANEOUS let our drops of Soma juice flow on, pressed, goldenhued-, among the Gods of lofty
Perish among us they who give no gifts of food! perish the godless! May our prayers obtain success.
2 Forward to us the drops, distilling meath, shall flow, like riches for whose sake we urge the
horses on.
Beyond the crafty hindering of all mortal men may we continually bear precious wealth away.
3 Yea, yerily, foe of hate shown to himself is he, yea, verity, destroyer too of other hate.
As thirst subdueth in the desert, conquer thou, O Soma Pavamana, men of evil thoughts.
4 Near kin to thee is he, raised loftiest in the heavens: upon the earths' high ridge thy scions
have grown forth.
The pressstones- chew and crunch thee on the oxs' hide: sages have milked thee with their hands
into the streams.
5 So do they hurry on thy strong and beauteous juice, O Indu, as the first ingredient of the
Bring low, thou Pavamana, every single foe, and be thy might shown forth as sweet and gladdening
Rig Veda Mandalas:-