Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 14 May 2011 05:50 and updated at 14 May 2011 05:50
1. THE Very Active hath assailed, while purified, all enemies:
They deck the Sage with holy songs.
2 The Red hath mounted to his place; to India, goes the mighty juice:
He settles in his firm abode.
3 O Indu, Soma, send us now great opulence from every side, Pour on us treasures thousandfold.
4 O Soma Pavamana, bring, Indu, all splcndours hitherward:
Find for us food in boundless store.
5 As thou art cleansed, bring hero strength and riches to thy worshipper,
And prosper thou the singers' hymns.
6 O Indu, Soma, being cleansed, bring hither riches doublypiled,
Wealth, mighty Indu, meet for lauds.
1. ACTIVE and bright have they come forth, impetuous in speed like bulls,
Driving the black skin far away.
2 Quelling the riteless Dasyu, may we think upon the bridge of bliss,
Leaving the bridge of woe behind.
3 The mighty Pavamanas' roar is heard as it were the rush of rain
Lightnings are flashing to the sky.
4 Pour out on us abundant food, when thou art pressed, O Indu wealth
In kine and gold and steeds and spoil.
5 Flow on thy way, Most Active, thou. fill full the mighty heavens and earth,
As Dawn, as Surya with his beams.
6 On every side, O Soma, flow round us with thy protecting stream,
As Rasa flows around the world.
1. ENGENDERING the Sun in floods, engendering heavens' lights, greenhued-,
Robed in the waters and the milk,
2 According to primeval plan this Soma, with his stream, effused
Flows purely on, a God for Gods.
3 For him victorious, waxen great, the juices with a thousand powers
Are purified for winning spoil.
4 Shedding the ancient fluid he is poured into the cleansing sieve:
He, thundering, hath produced the Gods.
5 Soma, while purifying, sends hither all things to be desired,
He sends the Gods who strengthen Law.
6 Soma, effused, pour on us wealth in kine, in heroes, steeds, and spoil,
Send us abundant store of food.
1. WE will enrobe with sacred song the Lovely One who, as a Steed,
Is decked with milk for rapturous joy.
2 All songs of ours desiring grace adorn him in the ancient way,
Indu for Indra, for his drink.
3 Soma flows on when purified, beloved and adorned with songs,
Songs of the sage Medhyatithi.
4 O Soma Pavamana, find exceeding glorious wealth for us,
Wealth, Indu, fraught with boundless might.
5 Like courser racing to the prize Indu, the lover of the Gods,
Roars, as he passes, in the sieve.
6 Flow on thy way to win us strength, to speed the sage who praises thee:
Soma, bestow heroic power.
1. INDU, to us for this great rite, bearing as it were thy wave to Gods,
Unwearied, thou art flowing forQh.
2 Pleased with the hymn, impelled by prayer, Soma is hurried far away,
The Wise One in the Singers' stream.,
3 Watchful among the. gods, this juice advances to the cleansing sieve
Soma, most active, travels on.
4 Flow onward, seeking strength for us, embellishing the sacrifice:
The priest with trimmed grass calleth thee.
5 May Soma, ever bringing power to Bhaga and to Vayu, Sage
And Hero, lead us to the Gods.
6 So, to increase our wealth today-, Inspirer, best of Furtherers,
Win for us strength and high renown.
1. FLOW, thou who viewest men, to give delight, to entertain the Gods,
Indu, to Indra for his drink.
2 Stream to thine embassy for us: thou hastenest, for Indra, to
The Gods, O better than our friends.
3 We balm thee, red of hue, with milk to fit thee for the rapturous joy:
Unbar for us the doors of wealth.
4 He through the sieve hath passed, as comes a courser to the pole, to run
Indu belongs unto the Gods.
5 All friends have lauded him as he sports in the wood, beyond the fleece:
Singers have chanted Indus' praise.
6 Flow, Indu, with that stream wherein steeped thou announcest to the man
Who worships thee heroic strength.
1. LIKE able coursers they have been sent forth to be the feast of Gods,
joying in mountains, flowing on.
2 To Vayu flow the Somastreams-, the drops of juice made beautiful
Like a bride dowered by her sire.
3 Pressed in the mortar, these, the drops of
juice, the Somas rich in food,
Give strength to Indra with their work.
4 Defthanded- men, run hither, seize the brilliant juices blent with meal,
And cook with milk the gladdening draught.
5 Thus, Soma, Conqueror of wealth! flow, finding furtherance for us,
Giver oF ample opulence.
6 This Pavamana, meet to be adorned, the fingers ten adorn,
The draught that shall make Indra glad.
1. GREAT as he was, Soma hath gained strength by this high solemnity:
joyous he riseth like a bull.
2 His task is done: his crushings of the Dasyus are made manifest:
He sternly reckoneth their debts.
3 Soon as his song of praise is born, the Soma, Indras' juice, becomes
A thousandwinning- thunderbolt.
4 Seer and Sustainer, he himself desireth riches for the sage
When he embellisheth his songs.
5 Fain would they both win riches as in races of the steeds. In war
Thou art upon the conquerors' side.
HYMN XLVIII. Soma Pavamana. 48
1. WITH sacrifice we seek to thee kind Cherisher of manly might
In mansions of the lofty heavens;
2 Gladdening crusher of the bold, ruling with very mighty sway,
Destroyer of a hundred forts.
3 Hence, Sapient One! the Falcon, strong of wing, unwearied, brought thee down,
Lord over riches, from the sky.
4 That each may see the light, the Bird brought us the guard of Law, the Friend
Of all, the speeder through the air.
5 And now, sent forth, it hath attained to mighty power and majesty,
Most active, ready to assist.
1. Poust down the rain upon us, pour a wave of waters from the sky,
And plenteous store of wholesome fbod.
2 Flow onward with that stream of thine, whereby the cows have come to us,
The kine of strangers to our home.
3 Chief Friend of Gods in sacred rites, pour on us fatness with thy stream,
Pour down on us a flood of rain.
4 To give us vigour, with thy stream run through the fleecy strainingcloth-
For verily the Gods will bear.
5 Onward hath Pavamana flowed and beaten off the Raksasas,
Flashing out splendour as of old.
Rig Veda Mandalas:-