Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 14 May 2011 05:16 and updated at 14 May 2011 05:16
HYMN LXX. Asvins. 70
1. RICH in all blessings, Asvins come ye hither: this place on earth is called your own possession,
Like a strong horse with a fair back it standeth, whereon, as in a lap, ye seat you firmly.
2 This most delightful eulogy awaits you in the mans' house drinkoffering- hath been heated,
Which bringeth you over the seas and rivers, yoking asit were two wellmatched- shining horses.
3 Whatever dwellings ye possess, O Asvins, in fields of men or in the streams of heaven,
Resting upon the summit of the mountain, or bringing food to him who gives oblation,
4 Delight yourselves, ye Gods, in plants and waters when Rsis give them and ye find they suit You.
Enriching us with treasures in abundance ye have looked back to former generations.
5 Asvins, though ye have heard them oft aforetime, regard the many prayers which Rsis offer.
Come to the man even as his heart desireth: may we enjoy your most delightful favour.
6 Come to the sacrifice offered you, Nasatyas, with men, oblations, and prayer duly uttered.
Come to Vasistha as his heart desireth, for unto you these holy hymns are chanted.
7 This is the thought, this is the song, O Asvins: accept this hymn of ours, ye Steers, with
May these our prayers addressed to you come nigh you. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with
HYMN LXXI. Asvins. 71
1. THE Night retireth from the Dawn her Sister; the Dark one yieldeth to the Red her pathway.
Let us invoke you rich in steeds and cattle - by day and night keep far from us the arrow.
2 Bearing rich treasure in your car, O Asvins, come to the mortal who presents oblation.
Keep at a distance penury and sickness; Lovers of Sweetness, day and night preserve us.
3 May your strong horses, seeking bliss, bring hither your chariot at the earliest flush of
With coursers yoked by Law drive hither, Asvins, your car whose reins are light, laden with
4 The chariot, Princes, that conveys you, moving at daylight, tripleseated-, fraught with riches,
Even with this come unto us, Nasatyas, that laden with all food it may approach us.
5 Ye freed Cyavana from old age and weakness: ye brought the courser fleet of food to Pedu.
Ye rescued Atri from distress and darkness, and loosed for Jahusa the bonds that bound him.
6 This is the thought, this is the song, O Asvins: accept this hymn of ours, ye Steers, With
May these our prayers addressed to you come nigh you. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with
HYMN LXXII. Asvins. 72
1. COME, O Nasatyas, on your car resplendent, rich in abundant wealth of kine and horses.
As harnessed steeds, all our laudations follow you whose forms shine with most delightful beauty.
2 Come with the Gods associate, come ye hither to us, Nasatyas, with your car accordant.
Twixt' you and us there is ancestral friendship and common kin: remember and regard it.
3 Awakened are the songs that praise the Asvins, the kindred prayers and the Celestial Mornings.
Inviting those we long for, Earth and Heaven, the singer calleth these Nasatyas hither.
4 What time the Dawns break forth in light, O Asvins, to you the poets offer their devotions.
God Savitar hath sent aloft his splendour, and fires sing praises with the kindled fuel.
5 Come from the west, come from the cast, Nasatyas, come, Asvins, from below and from above us.
Bring wealth from all sides for the Fivefold People. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
HYMN LXXIII. Asvins. 73
1. WE have overpassed the limit of this darkness while, worshipping the Gods, we sang their
The song invoketh both Immortal Asvins farreaching-, born of old, great WonderWorkers.
2 And, O Nasatyas, mans' dear Priest is seated, who brings to sacrifice and offers worship,
Be near and taste the pleasant juice, O Asvins: with food, I call you to the sacrifices.
3 We choosing you, have let our worship follow its course: ye Steers, accept this hymn with favour.
Obeying you as your appointed servant, Vasistha singing hath with lauds aroused you.
4 And these Two Priests come nigh unto our people, united, demonslayers-, mightyhanded-.
The juices that exhilarate are mingled. Injure us not, but come with happy fortune.
5 Come from the west, come from the cast, Nasatyas, come, Asvins, from below and from above us.
Bring wealth from all sides for the Fivefold People. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
HYMN IXXIV.. Asvins. 74
1. THESE morning sacrifices call you, Asvins, at the break of day.
For help have I invoked you rich in power and might: for, house by house ye visit all.
2 O Heroes, ye bestow wonderful nourishment. send it to him whose songs are sweet
Accordant, both of you, drive your car down to us, and drink the savoury Soma juice.
3 Approach ye and be near to us. drink, O ye Asvins, of the meath.
Draw forth the milk, ye Mighty, rich in genuine wealth: injure us not, and come to us.
4 The horses that convey you in their rapid flight down to the worshippers' abode,
With these your speedy coursers, Heroes, Asvins, come, ye Gods, come wellinclined- to us.
5 Yea, verily, our princes seek the Asvins in pursuit of food.
These shall give lasting glory to our liberal lords, and, both Nasatyas, shelter us.
6 Those who have led the way, like cars, offending none, those who are guardians of the men-
Also through their own might the heroes have grown strong, and dwell in safe and happy homes.
HYMN LXXV. Dawn. 75
1. BORN in the heavens the Dawn hath flushed, and showing her majesty is come as Law ordaineth.
She hath uncovered fiends and hateful darkness; best of Angirases, hath waked the pathways.
2 Rouse us this day to high and happy fortune: to great felicity, O Dawn, promote us.
Vouchsafe us manifold and splendid riches, famed among mortals, manbefriending- Goddess!
3 See, lovely Mornings' everlasting splendours, bright with their varied colours, have approached
Filling the region of midair-, producing the rites of holy worship, they have mounted.
4 She yokes her chariot far away, and swiftly visits the lands where the Five Tribes are settled,
Looking upon the works and ways of mortals, Daughter of Heaven, the worlds' Imperial Lady.
5 She who is rich in spoil, the Spouse of Surya, wondrously opulent, rules all wealth and
Consumer of our youth, the seers extol her: lauded by priests rich Dawn shines out refulgent.
6 Apparent are the steeds of varied colour, the red steeds carrying resplendent Morning.
On her alllovely- car she comes, the Fair One, and brings rich treasure for her faithful servant.
7 True with the True and Mighty with the Mighty, with Gods a Goddess, Holy with the Holy,
She brake strong fences down and gave the cattle: the kine were lowing as they greeted Morning.
8 O Dawn, now give us wealth in kine and heroes, and horses, fraught with manifold enjoyment.
Protect our sacred grass from mans' reproaches. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
HYMN LXXVI. Dawn. 76
1. SAVITAR God of all men hath sent upward his light, designed for all mankind, immortal.
Through the Gods power that Eye was first created. Dawn hath made all the universe apparent.
2 I see the paths which Gods are wont to travel, innocuous paths made ready by the Vasus.
Eastward the flag of Dawn hath been uplifted; she hath come hither over the tops of houses.
3 Great is, in truth, the number of the Mornings which were aforetime at the Suns' uprising.
Since thou, O Dawn, hast been beheld repairing as to thy love, as one no more to leave him.
4 They were the Gods companions at the banquet, the ancient sages true to Law Eternal.
The Fathers found the light that lay in darkness, and with effectual words begat the Morning.
5 Meeting together in the same enclosure, they strive not, ofone mind, one with another.
They never break the Gods eternal statutes, and injure none, in rivalry with Vasus.
6 Extolling thee, Blest Goddess, the Vasisthas, awake at early mom, with lauds implore thee.
Leader of kine and Queen of all that strengthens, shine, come as first to us, O highborn- Morning.
7 She bringeth bounty and sweet charm of voices. The flushing Dawn is sung by the Vasisthas,
Giving us riches famed to distant places. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
1. SHE hath shone brightly like a youthful woman, stirring to motion every living creature.
Agni hath come to feed on mortal? fuel. She hath made light and chased away the darkness.
2 Turned to this All, farspreading-, she hath risen and shone in brightness with white robes about
She hath beamed forth lovely with golden colours, Mother of kine, Guide of the days she bringeth.
3 Bearing the Gods own Eye, auspicious Lady, leading her Courser white and fair to look on,
Distinguished by her beanis- Dawn shines apparent, come forth to all the world with wondrous
4 Draw nigh with wealth and dawn away the foeman: prepare for us wide pasture free from danger.
Drive away those who hate us, bring us riches: pour bounty, opulent Lady, on the singer.
5 Send thy most excellent beams to shine and light us, giving us lengthened days, O Dawn, O
Granting us food, thou who hast all things precious, and bounty rich in chariots, kine, and horses.
6 O Usas, noblyborn-, Daughter of Heaven, whom the Vasisthas with their hymns make mighty,
Bestow thou on us vast and glorious riches. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
1. WE have beheld her earliest lights approaching: her many glories part, on high, asunder.
On car sublime, refulgent, wending hither, O Usas, bring the Wealth that makes us happy.
2 The fire wellkindIed- sings aloud to greet her, and with their hymns the priests are chaming
Usas approaches in her splendour, driving all evil darkness far away, the Goddess.
3 Apparent eastward are those lights of Morning, sending out lustre, as they rise, around them.
She hath brought forth Sun, sacrifice, and Agni, and far away hath fled detested darkness.
4 Rich Daughter of the Sky, we all behold her, yea, all men look on Dawn as she is breaking.
fler car that moves selfharnessed- hath she mounted, the car drawn onward by her wellyoked- horses.
5 Inspired with loving thoughts this day to greet thee, we and our wealthy nobles have awakened.
Show yourselves fruitful, Dawns, as ye are rising. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
HYMN LXXIX. Dawn. 79
1. ROUSING the lands where mens' Five Tribes are settled, Dawn hath disclosed the pathways of the
She hath sent out her sheen with beauteous oxen. The Sun with light hath opened earth and heaven.
2 They paint their bright rays on the skys' far limits. the Dawns come on like tribes arrayed for
Thy cattle, closely shutting up the darkness, as Savitar spreads his arms, give forth their lustre.
3 Wealthy, most like to Indra, Dawn hath risen, and brought forth lauds that shall promote our
Daughter of Heaven, a Goddess, she distributes, best of Angirases, treasures to the pious.
4 Bestow on us, O Dawn, that ample bounty which thou didst send to those who sang thy praises;
Thou whom with bellowings of a bull they quickened: thou didst unbar the firmset- mountains'
5 Impelling every God to grant his bounty sending to us the charm of pleasant voices,
Vouchsafe us thoughts, for profit, as thou breakest. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Rig Veda Mandalas:-