Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 14 May 2011 04:45 and updated at 14 May 2011 04:45
HYMN XL. Dadhikravan. 40
1. LET us recite the praise of Dadhikravan: may all the Mornings move me to exertion;
Praise of the Lord of Waters, Dawn, and Agni, Brhaspati Son of Angiras, and Surya.
2 Brave, seeking war and booty, dwelling with the good and with the swift, may he hasten the food
of Dawn.
May he the true, the fleet, the lover of the course, the birdlike- Dadhikravan, bring food,
strength, and light.
3 His pinion, rapid runner, fans him m his way, as of a bird that hastens onward to its aim,
And, as it were a falcons' gliding through the air, strikes Dadhikravans' side as he speeds on
with might.
4 Bound by the neck and by the flanks and by the mouth, the vigorous Courser lends new swiftness
to his speed.
Drawing himself together, as his strength allows, Dadhikras springs along the windings of the
5 The Hamsa homed in light, the Vasu in midair-, the priest beside the altar, in the house the
Dweller in noblest place, mid men, in truth, in sky, born of flood, kine, truth, mountain, he is
holy Law.
HYMN XLI. IndraVaruna-. 41
1. WHAT laud, O IndraVaruna-, with oblation, hath like the Immortal Priest obtained your favour?
Hath our effectual laud, addressed with homage, touched you, O IndraVaruna-, in spirit?
2 He who with dainty food hath won you, Indra and Varuna, Gods, as his allies to friendship,
Slayeth the Vrtras and his foes in battles, and through your mighty favours is made famous.
3 Indra and Varuna are most liberal givers of treasure to the men who toil to serve them,
When they, as Friends inclined to friendship, honoured with dainty food, delight in flowing Soma.
4 Indra and Varuna, ye hurl, O Mighty, on him your strongest flashing bolt of thunder
Who treats us ill, the robber and oppressor: measure on him your overwhelming vigour.
5 O IndraVaruna-, be ye the lovers of this my song, as steers who love the milchCow-.
Milk may it yield us as, gone forth to pasture, the great Cow pouring out her thousand rivers.
6 For fertile fields, for worthy sons and grandsons, for the Suns' beauty and for steerlike-
May IndraVaruna- with gracious favours work marvels for us in the stress of battle.
7 For you, as Princes, for your ancient kindness, good comrades of the man who seeks for booty,
We choose to us for the dear bond of friendship, most liberal Heroes bringing bliss like parents.
8 Showing their strength, these hymns for grace, Freegivers- I have gone to you, devoted, as to
For glory have they gone, as milk to Soma, to IndraVaruna- my thoughts and praises.
9 To Indra and to Varuna, desirous of gaining wealth have these my thoughts proceeded.
They have come nigh to you as treasurelovers-, like mares, fleetfooted-, eager for the glory.
10 May we ourselves be lords of during riches, of ample sustenance for car and hones.
So may the Twain who work with newest succours bring yoked teams hitherward to us and riches.
11 Come with your mighty succours, O ye Mighty; come, IndraVaruna-, to us in battle.
What time the flashing arrows play in combat, may we through you be winners in the contest.
HYMN XLIL IndraVaruna-. 42
1. I AM the royal Ruler, mine is empire, as mine who sway all life are all Immortals.
Varunas' will the Gods obey and follow. I am the King of mens' most lofty cover.
2 I am King Varuna. To me were given these first existing high celestial powers.
Varunas' will the Gods obey and follow. I am the King of mens' most lofty cover.
3 I Varuna am Indra: in their greatness, these the two wide deep fairlyfashioned- regions,
These the two worldhalves- have I, even as Tvastar knowing all beings, joined and held together.
4 I made to flow the moistureshedding- waters, and set the heaven firm in the scat of Order.
By Law the Son of Aditi, Law Observer, hath spread abroad the world in threefold measure.
5 Heroes with noble horses, fain for battle, selected warriors, call on me in combat.
I Indra Maghavan, excite the conflict; I stir the dust, Lord of surpassing vigour.
6 All this I did. The Gods own conquering power never impedeth me whom none opposeth.
When lauds and Soma juice have made me joyful, both the unbounded regions are affrighted.
7 All beings know these deeds of thine thou tellest this unto Varuna, thou great Disposer!
Thou art renowned as having slain the Vrtras. Thou madest flow the floods that were obstructed.
8 Our fathers then were these, the Seven his, what time the son of Durgaha was captive.
For her they gained by sacrifice Trasadasyu, a demigod-, like Indra, conquering foemen.
9 The spouse of Purukutsa gave oblations to you, O IndraVaruna-, with homage.
Then unto her ye gave King Trasadasyu, the demigod-, the slayer of the foeman.
10 May we, possessing much, delight in riches, Gods in oblations and the kine in pasture;
And that Milchcow- who shrinks not from the milking, O IndraVaruna-, give to us daily.
HYMN XLIII. Asvins. 43
1. WHO will hear, who of those who merit worship, which of all Gods take pleasure in our homage?
On whose heart shall we lay this laud celestial, rich with fair offerings, dearest to Immortals?
2 Who will be gracious? Who will come most quickly of all the Gods Who will
bring bliss most largely?
What car do they call swift with rapid coursers? That which the Daughter of the Sun elected.
3 So many days do ye come swiftly hither, as Indra to give help in stress of battle.
Descended from the sky, divine, strongpinioned-, by which of all your powers are ye most mighty?
4 What is the prayer that we should bring you, Asvins, whereby ye come to us when invocated?
Whether of you confronts even great betrayal? Lovers of sweetness, Dasras, help and save us.
5 In the wide space your chariot reacheth heaven, what time it turneth hither from the ocean.
Sweets from your sweet shall drop, lovers of sweetness! These have they dressed for you as dainty
6 Let Sindhu with his wave bedew your horses: in fiery glow have the red birds come hither.
Observed of all was that your rapid going, whereby ye were the Lords of Suryas' Daughter.
7 WheNever I gratified you here together, your grace was given us, O ye rich in booty.
Protect, ye Twain, the singer of your praises: to you, Nasatyas, is my wish directed.
HYMN XLIV. Asvins. 44
1. WE will invoke this day your car, farspreading-, O Asvins, even the gathering, of the sunlight,
Car praised in hymns, most ample, rich in treasure, fitted with seats, the car that beareth Surya.
2 Asvins, ye gained that glory by your Godhead, ye Sons of Heaven, by your own might and power.
Food followeth close upon your bright appearing when stately horses in your chariot draw you.
3 Who bringeth you today- for help with offered oblation, or with hymns to drink the juices?
Who, for the sacrifices' ancient lover, turneth you hither, Asvins, offering homage?
4 Borne on your golden car, ye omnipresent! come to this sacrifice of ours, Nasatyas.
Drink of the pleasant liquor of the Soma give riches to the people who adore you.
5 Come hitherward to us from earth, from heaven, borne on your golden chariot rolling lightly.
Suffer not other worshippers to stay you here are ye bound by earlier bonds of friendship.
6 Now for us both, mete out, O WonderWorkers-, riches exceeding great with store of heroes,
Because the men have sent you praise, O Asvins, and Ajamilhas come to the laudation.
7 WheNever I gratified you here together, your grace was given us, O ye rich in booty.
Protect, ye Twain, the singer of your praises: to you, Nasatyas, is my wish directed.
HYMN XLV. Asvins 45
1. YONDER goes up that light: your chariot is yoked that travels round upon the summit of this
Within this car are stored three kindred shares of food, and a skin filled with meath is rustling
as the fourth.
2 Forth come your viands rich with store of pleasant meath, and cars and horses at the flushing of
the dawn,
Stripping the covering from the surrounded gloom, and spreading through midair- bright radiance
like the Sun.
3 Drink of the meath with lips accustomed to the draught; harness for the meaths' sake the chariot
that ye love.
Refresh the way ye go, refresh the paths with meath: hither, O Asvins, bring the skin that holds
the meath.
4 The swans ye have are friendly, rich in store of meath, goldpinioned-, strong to draw, awake at
early morn,
Swimming the flood, exultant, fain for draughts that cheer: ye come like flies to our libations of
the meath.
5 Well knowing solemn rites and rich in meath, the fires sing to the morning Asvins at the break
of day,
When with pure hands the prudent energetic priest hath with the stones pressed out the Soma rich
in meath.
6 The rays advancing nigh, chasing with day the gloom, spread through the firmament bright
radiance like the Sun;
And the Sun harnessing his horses goeth forth: ye through your Godlike nature let his paths be
7 Devout in thought I have declared, O Asvins, your chariot with good steeds, which lasts for ever,
Wherewith ye travel swiftly through the regions to the prompt worshipper who brings oblation.
HYMN XLVI. Vayu. IndraVayu- 46
1. DRINK the best draught of Somajuice-, O Vayu, at our holy rites:
For thou art he who drinketh first.
2 Come, teamdrawn-, with thy hundred helps, with Indra, seated in the car,
Vayu, and drink your fill of juice.
3 May steeds a thousand bring you both, Indra. and Vayu, hitherward
To drink the Soma, to the feast.
4 For ye, O IndraVayu-, mount the goldenseated- car that aids
The sacrifice, that reaches heaven.
5 On farrefulgent- chariot come unto the man who offers gifts:
Come, IndraVayu-, hitherward.
6 Here, IndraVayu-, is the juice: drink it, accordant with the Gods,
Within the givers' dwellingplace-.
7 Hither, O IndraVayu-, be your journey here unyoke your steeds,
Here for your draught of Soma juice.
HYMN XLVIL Vayu. IndraVayu-. 47
1. Vayu, the bright is offered thee, best of the meath at holy rites.
Come thou to drink the Soma juice, God, longedfor-, on thy teamdrawn- car.
2 O Vayu, thou and Indra are meet drinkers of these Somadraughts-,
For unto you the drops proceed as waters gather to the vale.
3 O IndraVayu-, mighty Twain, speeding together, Lords of Strength,
Come to our succour with your team, that ye may drink the Soma juice.
4 The longedfor- teams which ye possess, O Heroes, for the worshipper,
Turn to us, IndraVayu-, ye to whom the sacrifice is paid.
1. TASTE offerings never tasted yet, as bards enjoy the foemans' wealth.
O Vayu, on refulgent car come to the drinking of the juice.
2 Removing curses, drawn by teams, with Indra, seated by thy side,
O Vayu, on refulgent car come to the drinking of the juice.
3 The two dark treasuries of wealth that wear
all beauties wait on thee.
O Vayu, on refulgent car come to the drinking of the juice.
4 May nineandninety— harnessed steeds who yoke them at thy will bring thee.
O Vayu, on refulgent car come to the drinking of the juice.
5 Harness, O Vayu, to thy car a hundred wellfed- tawny steeds,
Yea, or a thousand steeds, and let thy chariot come to us with might.
HYMN XLIX. IndraBrhaspati-. 49
1. DEAR is this offering in your mouth, O Indra and Brhaspati:
Famed is the laud, the gladdening draught.
2 This lovely Soma is effused, O Indra and Brhaspati,
For you, to drink it and rejoice.
3 As Somadrinkers- to our house come, Indra and Brhaspatiand- Indrato- drink Soma juice.
4 Vouchsafe us riches hundredfold, O Indra, and Brhaspati,
With store of horses, thousandfold.
5 O Indra. and Brhaspati, we call you when the meath is shed,
With songs, to drink the Soma juice.
6 Drink, Indra and Brhaspati, the Soma in the givers' house:
Delight yourselves abiding there.
Rig Veda Mandalas:-