Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Dec 2011 07:49 and updated at 25 Dec 2011 08:00
Manyu Suktha
This Suktha is composed of Hymns 83 and 84 of the Tenth Mandala of Rig Veda. Manyu is compared to Indra and to Indra's weapon thunderbolt (Vajra). Manyu appears in Avestan texts too as Spenta Manyu (good Manyu) and as Angra Manyu (angry Manyu).
HYMN LXXXII. Manyu. 83 Manyu Suktha
RV_10,083.01a yas te manyo 'vidhad vajra sāyaka saha ojaḥ puṣyati viśvam ānuṣak |
RV_10,083.01c sāhyāma dāsam āryaṃ tvayā yujā sahaskṛtena sahasā sahasvatā ||
RV_10,083.02a manyur indro manyur evāsa devo manyur hotā varuṇo jātavedāḥ |
RV_10,083.02c manyuṃ viśa īḷate mānuṣīr yāḥ pāhi no manyo tapasā sajoṣāḥ ||
RV_10,083.03a abhīhi manyo tavasas tavīyān tapasā yujā vi jahi śatrūn |
RV_10,083.03c amitrahā vṛtrahā dasyuhā ca viśvā vasūny ā bharā tvaṃ naḥ ||
RV_10,083.04a tvaṃ hi manyo abhibhūtyojāḥ svayambhūr bhāmo abhimātiṣāhaḥ |
RV_10,083.04c viśvacarṣaṇiḥ sahuriḥ sahāvān asmāsv ojaḥ pṛtanāsu dhehi ||
RV_10,083.05a abhāgaḥ sann apa pareto asmi tava kratvā taviṣasya pracetaḥ |
RV_10,083.05c taṃ tvā manyo akratur jihīḷāhaṃ svā tanūr baladeyāya mehi ||
RV_10,083.06a ayaṃ te asmy upa mehy arvāṅ pratīcīnaḥ sahure viśvadhāyaḥ |
RV_10,083.06c manyo vajrinn abhi mām ā vavṛtsva hanāva dasyūṃr uta bodhy āpeḥ ||
RV_10,083.07a abhi prehi dakṣiṇato bhavā me 'dhā vṛtrāṇi jaṅghanāva bhūri |
RV_10,083.07c juhomi te dharuṇam madhvo agram ubhā upāṃśu prathamā pibāva ||
1. HE who hath reverenced thee, Manyu, destructive bolt, breeds for himself forthwith all
conquering energy.
Arya and Dasa will we conquer with thine aid, with thee the Conqueror, with conquest conquestsped-.
2 Manyu was Indra, yea, the God, was Manyu, Manyu was Hotar, Varuna, Jatavedas.
The tribes of human lineage worship Manyu. Accordant with thy fervour, Manyu, guard us.
3 Come hither, Manyu, mightier tham the mighty; chase, with thy fervour for ally, our foemen.
Slayer of foes, of Vrtra, and of Dasyu, bring thou to us all kinds of wealth and treasure.
4 For thou art, Manyu, of surpassing vigour, fierce, queller of the foe, and selfexistent-,
Shared by all men, victorious, subduer: vouchsafe to us superior strengith in battles.
5 I have departed, still without a portion, wise God! according to thy will, the Mighty.
I, feeble man, was wroth thee, O Manyu I am myself; come thou to give me vigour.
6 Come hither. I am all thine own; advancing turn thou to me, Victorious, Allsupporter-!
Come to me, Manyu, Wielder of the Thunder: bethink thee of thy friend, and slay the Dasyus.
7 Approach, and on my right hand hold thy station: so shall we slay a multitude of foemen.
The best of meath I offer to support thee: may we be first to drink thereof in quiet.
HYMN LXXXIV. Manyu. 84 Manyu Suktha Continued
RV_10,084.01a tvayā manyo saratham ārujanto harṣamāṇāso dhṛṣitā marutvaḥ |
RV_10,084.01c tigmeṣava āyudhā saṃśiśānā abhi pra yantu naro agnirūpāḥ ||
RV_10,084.02a agnir iva manyo tviṣitaḥ sahasva senānīr naḥ sahure hūta edhi |
RV_10,084.02c hatvāya śatrūn vi bhajasva veda ojo mimāno vi mṛdho nudasva ||
RV_10,084.03a sahasva manyo abhimātim asme rujan mṛṇan pramṛṇan prehi śatrūn |
RV_10,084.03c ugraṃ te pājo nanv ā rurudhre vaśī vaśaṃ nayasa ekaja tvam ||
RV_10,084.04a eko bahūnām asi manyav īḷito viśaṃ-viśaṃ yudhaye saṃ śiśādhi |
RV_10,084.04c akṛttaruk tvayā yujā vayaṃ dyumantaṃ ghoṣaṃ vijayāya kṛṇmahe ||
RV_10,084.05a vijeṣakṛd indra ivānavabravo 'smākam manyo adhipā bhaveha |
RV_10,084.05c priyaṃ te nāma sahure gṛṇīmasi vidmā tam utsaṃ yata ābabhūtha ||
RV_10,084.06a ābhūtyā sahajā vajra sāyaka saho bibharṣy abhibhūta uttaram |
RV_10,084.06c kratvā no manyo saha medy edhi mahādhanasya puruhūta saṃsṛji ||
RV_10,084.07a saṃsṛṣṭaṃ dhanam ubhayaṃ samākṛtam asmabhyaṃ dattāṃ varuṇaś ca manyuḥ |
RV_10,084.07c bhiyaṃ dadhānā hṛdayeṣu śatravaḥ parājitāso apa ni layantām ||
1. BORNE on with thee, O Manyu girt by Maruts, let our brave men, impetuous, bursting forward,
March on, like flames of fire in form, exulting, with pointed arrows, sharpening their weapons.
2 Flashing like fire, be thou, O conquering Manyu, invoked, O Victor, as our armys' leader.
Slay thou our foes, distribute their possessions: show forth thy vigour, scatter those who hate us.
3 O Manyu, overcome thou our assailant on! breaking, slaying, crushing down the foemen.
They have not hindered thine impetuous vigour: Mighty, Sole born! thou makest them thy subjects.
4 Alone or many thou art worshipped, Manyu: sharpen the spirit of each clan for battle.
With thee to aid, O thou of perfect splendour, we will uplift the glorious shout for conquest.
5 Unyielding bringing victory like Indra, O Manyu, be thou here our Sovran Ruler.
To thy dear name, O Victor, we sing praises: we know the spring from which thou art come hither.
6 Twinborn- with power, destructive bolt of thunder, the highest conquering might is thine,
Be friendly to its in thy spirit, Manyu, O Muchinvoked-, in shock of mighty battle.
7 For spoil let Varuna and Manyu give us the wealth of both sides gathered and collected;
And let our enemies with stricken spirits, overwhelmed with terror, slink away defeated.