Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Dec 2011 08:29 and updated at 25 Dec 2011 08:35
HYMN CLXIII 163 Yakshma Nasana Suktha
RV_10,163.01a akṣībhyāṃ te nāsikābhyāṃ karṇābhyāṃ chubukād adhi |
RV_10,163.01c yakṣmaṃ śīrṣaṇyam mastiṣkāj jihvāyā vi vṛhāmi te ||
RV_10,163.02a grīvābhyas ta uṣṇihābhyaḥ kīkasābhyo anūkyāt |
RV_10,163.02c yakṣmaṃ doṣaṇyam aṃsābhyām bāhubhyāṃ vi vṛhāmi te ||
RV_10,163.03a āntrebhyas te gudābhyo vaniṣṭhor hṛdayād adhi |
RV_10,163.03c yakṣmam matasnābhyāṃ yaknaḥ plāśibhyo vi vṛhāmi te ||
RV_10,163.04a ūrubhyāṃ te aṣṭhīvadbhyām pārṣṇibhyām prapadābhyām |
RV_10,163.04c yakṣmaṃ śroṇibhyām bhāsadād bhaṃsaso vi vṛhāmi te ||
RV_10,163.05a mehanād vanaṅkaraṇāl lomabhyas te nakhebhyaḥ |
RV_10,163.05c yakṣmaṃ sarvasmād ātmanas tam idaṃ vi vṛhāmi te ||
RV_10,163.06a aṅgād-aṅgāl lomno-lomno jātam parvaṇi-parvaṇi |
RV_10,163.06c yakṣmaṃ sarvasmād ātmanas tam idaṃ vi vṛhāmi te ||
1. FROM both thy nostrils, from thine eyes, from both thine ears and from thy chin,
Forth from thy head and brain and tongue I drive thy malady away.
2 From the necktendons- and the neck, from the breastbones- and from the spine,
From shoulders, upper, lower arms, I drive thy malady away.
3 From viscera and all within, forth from the rectum, from the heart,
From kidneys, liver, and from spleen, I drive thy malady away.
4 From thighs, from kneecaps-, and from heels, and from the forepart of the feet,
From hips from stomach, and from groin I drive thy malady away.
5 From what is voided from within, and from thy hair, and from they nails,
From all thyself from top to toe, I drive thy malady away.
6 From every member, every hair, disease that comes in every joint,
From all thyself, from top to toe, I drive thy malady away.