Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Apr 2010 04:54 and updated at 01 Apr 2010 05:21
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Section 158
CLX Sanjaya said, Then king Yudhishthira, and Bhimasena, the son of Pandu, O monarch, encompassed Drona's son on all sides. Seeing this, king Duryodhana, aided by Bharadwaja's son, rushed against the Pandavas in that encounter. Then commenced a battle that was fierce and terrific, enhancing the fears of the timid. Yudhishthira, in wrath began to despatch vast numbers of Amvashthas, Malavas, Vangas, Sivis, and Trigartas, to the domain of the dead. Bhima also, mangling the Abhishahas, the Surasenas, and other Kshatriyas difficult to defeat in battle, made the earth miry with blood.
The diademdecked Arjuna of white steeds despatched, O king, the Yaudheyas, the Mountaineers, the Madrakas, and the Malavas also, to the regions of the dead. Forcibly struck with swiftly-coursing shafts, elephants began to fall down on the earth like double-crested hills. Strewn with the lopped-off trunks elephants that still moved in convulsions, the earth seemed as if covered with moving snakes. Covered with the fallen umbrellas of kings that were adorned with gold, the field of battle looked resplendent like the firmament at the end of the Yuga bespangled with suns, moons and stars. About this time a fierce uproar arose near Drona's car, in the midst of which could be heard the words, Slay, Strike fearlessly, Pierce, cut in pieces. Drona, however, filled with rage, began to destroy by means of the Vayavya weapon the foes about him, like a mighty tempest destroying gathering masses of clouds. Thus treated by Drona, the Panchalas fled away, from fear, in the very sight to Bhimasena and the high-souled Partha. Then the diadem-decked Arjuna and Bhimasena soon checked the flight of their troops and accompanied by a large car-force attacked the vast force of Drona. Vibhatsu attacking the right and Vrikodara the left, they both poured on Bharadwaja's son two dense showers of arrows. The mighty car-warriors among the Srinjayas and the Panchalas, with the Matsyas and the Somakas, O king, followed the two brothers thus engaged in that encounter with Drona.
Similarly, many foremost of car-warriors, skilled in smiting, belonging to thy son, accompanied by a large force, proceeded towards Drona's car for supporting the latter. Then the Bharata host, slaughtered by the diadem-decked Arjuna and overcome with and afflicted by the darkness, began to break. Thy son himself, and Drona, both endevoured to rally them. Thy troops, however, O king, could not be checked in their flight. Indeed, that vast host, slaughtered by the shafts of Pandu's son, began to fly away in all directions in that hour when the world was enveloped with gloom. Many kings, abandoning the animals and vehicles they rode, fled away on all sides, O monarch, overwhelmed with fear
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