Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Apr 2010 04:47 and updated at 01 Apr 2010 05:13
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Section 131
CXXXIII Sanjaya said, Then the carless Karna, thus once more completely defeated by Bhima, mounted another car and speedily began to pierce the son of Pandu. Like two huge elephants encountering each other with the points of their tusks, they struck each other with shafts, shot from their bows drawn to the fullest stretch. Then Karna, striking Bhimasena with showers of shafts, uttered a loud roar, and once more pierced him in the chest.
Bhima, however, in return, pierced Karna with ten straight arrows and once more with twenty straight arrows. Then Karna, piercing Bhima, O king, with nine arrows in the centre of the chest, struck the latter's standard with a sharp shaft. The son of Pritha then pierced Karna in return with three and sixty arrows, like a driver striking a mighty elephant with the hook, or a rider striking a steed with a whip. Deeply pierced, O king, by the illustrious son of Pandu, the heroic Karna began to lick with his tongue the corners of his mouth, and his eyes became red in rage. Then, O monarch, Karna, sped at Bhimasena, for his destruction, a shaft capable of piercing everybody, like Indra hurling his thunderbolt. That shaft equipped with beautiful feathers sped from the bow of the Suta's son, piercing Partha in that battle, sank deep into the earth. Then the mighty-armed Bhima, with eyes red in wrath, hurled without a moment's reflection, at the Suta's son, a heavy six-sided mace, adorned with gold measuring full four cubits in length, and resembling the bolt of Indra in force. Indeed, like Indra slaying the Asuras with his thunderbolt, that hero of Bharata's race, excited with wrath, slew with that mace the well-trained steeds of the foremost breed, of Adhiratha's son. Then, O bull of Bharata's race, the mighty-armed Bhima, with a couple of razor-faced arrows, cut off the standard of Karna. And then he slew, with a number of shafts his enemy's charioteer.
Abandoning that steedless and driverless and standardless car, Karna. O Bharata, cheerlessly stood on the earth, drawing his bow. The prowess that we then beheld of Radha's son was extremely wonderful, inasmuch as that foremost of car-warriors, though deprived of car, continued to resist his foe. Beholding that foremost of men, viz, the son of Adhiratha, deprived of his car, Duryodhana, O monarch, said unto his brother Durmukha, There, O Durmukha, the son of Radha hath been deprived of his car by Bhimasena. Furnish that foremost of men, that mighty car-warrior with a car' Hearing these words of Duryodhana, thy son Durmukha, O Bharata, quickly proceeded towards Karna and covered Bhima with his shafts. Beholding Durmukha desirous of supporting the Suta's son in that battle, the son of the Wind god was filled with delight and began to lick the corners of his mouth. Then resisting Karna the while with his shafts, the son of Pandu quickly drove his car towards Durmukha. And in that moment, O king, with nine straight arrows of keen points, Bhima despatched Durmukha to Yama's abode, Upon Durmukha's slaughter, the son of Adhiratha mounted upon the car of that prince and looked resplendent, O king, like the blazing sun. Beholding Durmukha lying prostrate on the field, his very vital pierced with shafts and his body bathed in blood, Karna with tearful eyes abstained for a moment from the fight.
Circumambulating the fallen prince and leaving him there, the heroic Karna began to breathe long and hot breaths and knew not what to do. Seizing that opportunity, O king, Bhimasena shot at the Suta's son four and ten long shafts equipped with vulturine feathers. Those blood-drinking shafts of golden wings, endued with great force illuminating the ten points as they coursed through the welkin, pierced the armour of the Suta's son, and drank his life-blood, O king, and passing through his body, sank into the earth and looked resplendent like angry snakes, O monarch, urged on by Death himself, with half their bodies inserted within their holes. Then the son of Radha, without reflecting a moment, pierced Bhima in return with four and ten fierce shafts adorned with gold. Those fierce-winged arrows, piercing through Bhima's right arms, entered the earth like birds entering a grove of trees. Striking against the earth, those arrows looked resplendent, like the blazing rays of the sun while proceeding towards the Asta hills. Pierced in that battle with those all-piercing arrows, Bhima began to shed copious streams of blood, like a mountain ejecting streams of water. Then Bhima pierced the Suta's son in return with three shafts endued with the impetuosity of Garuda and he pierced the latter's charioteer also with seven. Then, O king, Karna thus afflicted by Bhima's might, became exceedingly distressed. And that illustrious warrior then fled, forsaking the battle, borne away by his fleet steeds.
The Atiratha Bhimasena, however, drawing his bow adorned with gold, stayed in battle, looking resplendent like a blazing fire
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