Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 13:03 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 13:03
BOOK XX (20)
HYMN LX (60)
[2006001] For so thou art the hero s Friend, a Warrior too art thou, and strong: So may thy heart be won to us.
[2006002] So hath the offering; wealthiest Lord, been paid by all the worshippers: So dwell thou, Indra, even with me.
[2006003] Be not thou, like a slothful priest, O Lord of wealth and spoil: rejoice.
In the pressed Soma blent with milk.
[2006004] So also is his excellence, great copious, rich in cattle, like A ripe branch to the worshipper. [p. 313]
[2006005] For verily thy mighty powers, Indra, are saving helps at once Unto a worshipper like me.
[2006006] So are his lovely gifts: let laud be said and praise to Indra sung.
That he may drink the Soma juice.
[2006101] We sing this strong and wild delight of thine which conquers in the fray, Which, Caster of the Stone, gives room and shine like gold.
[2006102] Wherewith thou also foundest lights for Ayu and for Manu s sake: Now joying in!!this sacred grass thou beamest forth.
[2006103] This day to singers of the hymn praise, as of old, this, might of thine.
Win thou the waters, day by day, thralls of the strong.
[2006104] Sing forth to him whom many men invoke, to him whom many laud: Invite the potent Indra with your songs of praise;
[2006105] Whose lofty might for doubly strong is he supports the heaven and earth.
And hills and plains and floods and light with manly power.
[2006106] Such, praised by many! thou art King: alone thou smitest foe men dead, To gain, O Indra, spoils of war and high renown.
[2006205] To Indra sing a Saman, sing to the high Sage a lofty song, To him who keeps the Law, inspired and fain for praise.
[2006206] Thou, Indra, art preeminent: thou gavest splendour to the Sun.
Maker of all things, thou art mighty and All God. [p. 314]
[2006207] Radiant with light thou wentest to the sky, the luminous realms: of heaven.
The Gods, O Indra, strove to win thee for their friend.
[2006208] Sing forth to him whom many men invoke, to him whom many laud: Invite the potent Indra with your songs of praise;
[2006209] Whose lofty might for doubly strong is he supports the heaven and earth, And hills and plains and floods and light with manly power.
[2006210] Such, praised by many! thou art King.
Alone thou smitest foe men dead, To gain, O Indra, spoils of war and high renown.
[2006301] We will, with Indra, and all Gods to aid us, bring these existing.
worlds into subjection.
Our sacrifice, our bodies, and our offspring, let Indra form to gether with the Adityas.
[2006302] With the Adityas with the band of Maruts, may Indra be pro tector of our bodies; As when the Gods came, after they had slaughtered the Asuras,.
keeping safe their godlike nature,
[2006303] Brought the Sun hitherward with mighty powers, and looked! about them on their vigorous God head.
With this may we obtain strength God appointed, and brave sons gladden us through a hundred winters.
[2006304] He who alone bestoweth might on mortal man who offereth gifts, The ruler of resistless power, is Indra, sure.
[2006305] When will he trample like a weed the man who hath no gift for him? When verily will Indra hear our songs of praise?
[2006306] He who with Soma juice prepared among the many harbours.
thee, Verily Indra gains thereby tremendous might. [p. 315]
[2006307] Joy, mightiest Indra, known and marked, sprung most from Soma draughts, wherewith Thou smitest down the greedy fiend, for that we pray.
[2006308] Wherewith thou helpest Adhrigu, the great Dasagva, and the God Who stirs the sunlight, and Sea, for that we pray.
[2006309] Wherewith thou dravest forth like cars Sindhu and all the mighty floods.
To go the way ordained by Law, for that we pray.
[2006401] Come unto us, O Indra, dear, still conquering, unconcealable, Vast as a mountain spread on all sides, Lord of heaven.
[2006402] O truthful Soma drinker, thou art mightier than both the worlds.
Thou strengthenest him who pours libation, Lord of heaven.
[2006403] For thou art, he, O Indra, who stormest all castles of the foe, Slayer of Dasyus, man s supporter, Lord of heaven.
[2006404] O ministering priest, pour out of the sweet juice what gladdens most.
So is the Hero praised who ever prospers us.
[2006405] Indra whom tawny coursers bear, praise such a thine,.
preeminent None by his power or by his goodness hath attained
[2006406] We seeking glory, have invoked this Master of all power and might.
Who must be glorified by constant sacrifice.
[2006501] Come, sing we praise to Indra, friends! the Hero who deserves the laud, Him who with none to aid overcomes all tribes of men. [p. 316]
[2006502] To him who wins the kine, who keeps no cattle back, celestial God, Speak wondrous speech more sweet than butter and than mead.
[2006503] Whose hero powers are measureless, whose bounty never may be surpassed, Whose liberality, like light, is over all.
[2006601] As Vyasva did, praise Indra, praise the strong unfluctuating guide.
Who gives the foe s possessions to the worshipper.
[2006602] Now, son of Vyasva, praise thou him who to the tenth time still is new.
The very wise, whom living men must glorify.
[2006603] Thou knowest, Indra, thunder armed, how to avoid destructive Powers, As one secure from pitfalls each succeeding day.
[2006701] The pourer of oblations gains the home of wealth pouring his gift conciliates hostilities, yea, the hostilities of Gods.
Pouring he strives, unchecked and strong, to win him riches thousandfold.
Indra gives lasting wealth to him who pours forth gifts; yea, wealth he gives that long shall last.
[2006702] Never may those manly deeds of yours for us grow old, never may your bright glories fall into decay, never before your time decay. [p. 317] What deed of yours, new every age, wondrous, surpassing man,.
rings forth, Whatever, Maruts may be difficult to gain grant us whatever is hard to win.
[2006703] I think on Agni, Hotar, the munificent, the gracious Son of strength, who knoweth all that live, as holy Sage who knoweth all.
Lord of fair rites, a God with form erected turning to the Gods.
He, when the flame hath sprung forth from the holy oil, the offered fatness, longeth for it with his glow.
[2006704] Busied with sacrifice, with spotted deer and spears, gleaming.
upon your way with ornaments, yea, our friends, Sitting on sacred grass, ye sons of Bharata, drink Soma from the Potar s bowl, O Men of heaven.
[2006705] Bring the Gods hither, Sage, and offer sacrifice.
At the three altars seat thee willingly
O Priest.
Accept for thy delight the proffered Soma mead: drink from the Kindler s bowl and sate thee with thy share.
[2006706] This is the strengthener of thy body s manly might: strength,.
victory for all time are laid within thine arms.
Pressed for thee, Maghavan, it is offered unto thee: drink from the chalice of this Brahman, drink thy fill.
[2006707] Him whom of old I called on, him I call on now.
He is to be invoked: his name is He who Gives.
Here brought by priests in Soma mead.
Granter of Wealth, drink Soma with the Seasons from the Hotar s Cup.
[p. 318]
[2006804] Go to the wise unconquered One, ask thou of Indra, skilled in song, Him who is better than thy friends.
[2006805] Whether the men who mock us say, Depart unto another place, Ye who serve Indra and none else;
[2006806] Or whether, God of wondrous deeds, all our true people call us blest, Still may we dwell in Indra s care.
[2006807] Unto the swift One bring the swift, man cheering, grace of sacrifice.
That to the Friend gives wings and joy.
[2006808] Thou, Satakratu, drankest this and wast the Vritras slayer; thou.
Helpest the warrior in the fray.
[2006809] We strengthen, Satakratu, thee, yea, thee the powerfull in fight, That, Indra, we may win us wealth.
[2006810] To him the mighty stream of wealth, prompt Friend of him who pours the juice, Yea, to this Indra sing your song.
[2006841] O come ye hither, sit ye down: to Indra sing ye forth your song, Companions, bringing hymns of praise.
[2006812] To him the richest of the rich, the Lord of treasures excellent, Indra, with Soma juice outpoured.
[p. 319]
[2006901] May he stand by us in our need and in abundance for our wealth: With riches may he come to us;
[2006902] Whose pair of tawny horses yoked in battles foemen challenge not: To him, to Indra, sing your song.
[2006903] Nigh to the Soma drinker come, for his enjoyment, these bright drops, The Somas mingled with the curd.
[2006904] Thou, grown at once to perfect strength, wast born to drink the Soma juice, strong Indra, for preeminence.
[2006905] O Indra, lover of the song, may these quick Somas enter thee: May they bring bliss to thee the Sage.
[2006900] 6.
O Lord of Hundred Powers, our chants of praise and lauds have strengthened thee: So strengthen thee the songs we sing!
[2006907] Indra, whose succour never fails, accept this treasure thousand fold, Wherein all manly powers abide.
[2006908] O Indra, thou who lovest song, let no man hurt our bodies, keep.
Slaughter far from us, for thou canst.
[2006912] Thereafter they, as is their wont, threw off the state of babes urborn, Taking their sacrificial name.
[p. 320]
Atharva Veda Books:-
Book 1 av01-h1 Book 2 av02-h1 Book 3 av03-h1 Book 4 av04-h1 Book5 |
Book6 av06-h1 Book 7 av07-h1 |
Book 8 Book 9 Book 10 Book 11 Book 12 Book 13 |
Book 14 Book 15 Book 16 Book 17 Book 18 |
Book 19 av19-h1 Book 20 av20-h1 |