Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 13:11 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 13:11
BOOK XX (20)
[2013101] Who carried off these stores of milk? Who took the dark cow s milk away?
[2013103] Who took away the white cow s milk t Who took the black cow s milk away?
[2013105] Question this man, Where do I ask? Where, whom that knoweth do I ask?
[2013107] Not to the belly comes the grain.
The patient ones are angry now.
[2013109] Undecked with gems, and decked with gems: deity rivalling the Sun.
[2013111] Dapple, Harinika, and Bay ran forward to the liberal gifts.
[2013113] When the horn s blast hath sounded forth let not our friend discover thee.
[2013115] Hither to the cow s son they come.
Libation hath rejoiced the God.
[2013117] Then cried they.
Here he is, and, Here; again the cry was, Here is he.
[2013119] Then not defective be our steeds! A splinter so diminutive!
[2013101] He minishes, he splits in twain: crush it and let it be destroyed. [p. 369]
[2013003] Varuna with the Vasus goes: the Wind God hath a hundred reins.
[2013005] A hundred golden steeds hath he, a hundred chariots wrought of gold.
[2013007] A hundred bits of golden bronze, a hundred golden necklaces.
[2013009] Lover of Kusa grass, Unploughed! Fat is not reckoned in the hoof.
[2013011] The ladle doth not hold apart the entrails and the clotted blood.
[2013013] This O Mandurika, is mine. Thy trees are standing in a clump.
[2013015] The plain domestic sacrifice, the sacrifice with burning dung.
[2013017] Asvattha, Dhava, Khadira, leaf taken from the Aratu.
[2013019] The man pervaded thoroughly lies on the ground as he were slain.
[2013021] The biestings only have they milked: one and a half of the wild ass,
[2013023] And two hides of an elephant.
[2013201] Then too the single bottle gourd, the bottle gourd dug from the earth,
[2013203] The lute dug up from out the ground: this the wind stirs and agitates. [p. 370]
[2013205] Let him prepare a nest, they say: he shall obtain it strong and stretched.
[2013207] He shall not gain it unspread out.
Who among these will touch the lute?
[2013209] Who among these will beat the drum? How, if he beat it, will he beat?
[2013211] Where beating will the Goddess beat again again about the house?
[2013213] Three are the names the camel bears, Golden is one of them, he said.
[2013215] Glory and power, these are two.
He with black tufts of hair shall strike.
The Enigmatical Verses
[2013301] Two rays of light are lengthened out, and the man gently touches them with the two beatings on the drum.
Maiden, it truly is not so as thou, O maiden, fanciest.
Two are thy mother s rays of light: the skin is guarded from the man.
The Ajijnasenya Verses
[2013401] Here are we sitting east and west and north and south, with waters, Bottle gourd vessels.
[2013402] Here east and west and north and south sit the calves sprinkling Curds and oil. [p. 371]
[2013403] Here east and west and north and south the offering of rice clings on, The leaf of the Asvattha tree.
[2013404] Here east and west and north and south adheres when touched, That water drop.
[2013405] Here east and west and north and south in iron mayst thou not be caught, The cup.
[2013406] Here east and west and north and south fain would it clasp what would not clasp, Emmet hole.
Verses called Frustration, Abuse, the Gods Offering, and Dazzling Power
[2013501] Bang! here he is.
A dog,
[2013502] Swish! it is gone.
Falling of leaves.
[2013503] Crunch! it is trodden on.
A cow s hoof.
[2013504] These Gods have gone astray.
Do thou, Adhvaryu, quickly do thy work.
[2013505] There is good resting for the cows.
Take thy delight.
[2013506] O singer, the Adityas brought rich guerdon to the Angirases.
Singer, they went not near to it.
Singer, they did not take the gift.
[2013507] Singer, they went not near to that; but, singer, they accepted this: That days may not be indistinct, nor sacrifices leaderless. [p. 372]
[2013508] And quickly Both he fly away, the White Horse swiftest on his feet, And swiftly fills his measure up.
[2013509] Adityas, Rudras, Vasus, all pay worship unto thee.
Accept this liberal gift, O Angiras, This bounty excellent and rich, this ample bounty spreading far.
[2013510] The Gods shall give the precious boon: let it be pleasant to your hearts.
Let it be with you every day: accept our offerings in return.
[2013511] Vouchsafe us shelter, Indra, thou to be invoked from far away.
Bring treasure hither to reward the far famed bard who praises thee.
[2013512] Thou, Indra, to the trembling dove whose pinions had been rent and torn.
Gayest ripe grain and Pilu fruit, gavest him water when athirst.
[2013513] The ready praiser loudly speaks though fastened triply with a strap.
Yea, he commends the freshening draught, deprecates languor of disease.
[2013601] Si quis in hujus tenui rima praeditae feminae augustias fascinum intromittit, vaccae ungularum et Sakula.
rum pisci um more pudenda ejus agitantur.
[2013602] Quum magno pene parvula ejus pudenda vir percutit, huc et illuc ilia increscunt veluti duo asini in solo arenoso.
[2013603] Quum parvum, admodum parvum, Ziziphi Jujubae quasi granum in eam incidit, ventris ejus partes interiores, velut verno tempore arundo, extentae videntur.
[2013604] Si Dii mentulae intumescenti faverunt, cum femoribus suis se: ostentat femina tanquam vero testi.
[2013605] Magnopere delectata est arnica: ut equns solutus adveniens vocem edidit: Vaginam juvenis! pene percute: medium.
femur paratum est.
[2013606] Arnica, pilam superans, dixit: Ut tua, Arbor, (verbera) pinsunt, sic etiam nunc (hic me permolit).
[2013607] Arnica eum alloquitur: Tum etiam tu defecisti.
Ut tua.
Arbor! (verbera) Pinsunt, sic etiam nunc (me permole).
[2013608] Arnica eum alloquitur: Tum etiam tu defceisti.
Ut silvae ignis.
inflammatur, sic ardent mea membra.
[2013609] Arnica eum alloquitur: Fauste infixus est penis; arboris fructu celeriter fruamur.
[2013610] Arnica cum fuste gallum circumcurrit.
Nos nescimus quae bestia pudendum muliebre in capite gerat.
[2013611] Arnica post currentem amatorem currit: Has ejus boves custodi tu.
Me futue: coctam oryzam ede.
[2013612] Fortunatus, Arnica, te opprimit.
Bona est magni viri fututio, Macrum pinguis.
femina obtineat.
Futue me, etc.
[2013613] Sine digito mulcta vacca vanankaram producit, Magna et bona est Aegle Marmelos.
Futue me, etc.
[2013614] Infelix, Amice, te opprimit.
Bona est magni viri fututio.
Flava puollula, opere suo perfecto, procurrit.
[2013615] Magna certe et bona est Aegle Marmelos.
Bona est magna Ficus Glomerata.
Magnus vir ubique opprimit.
Bona est magni viri fututio.
[2013616] Quem macrum factum puella flava pinguisque capiat sicut pollicem ex olei cado fossorem ilium extrahat.
[p. 373]
A composite hymn in praise of Indra
[2013701] When, foul with secret spot and stain, ye hastened onward to the breast.
All Indra s enemies were slain and passed away like froth and foam.
[2013702] Indra is he, O men, who gives us happiness: sport, urge the giver of delight to win the spoil.
Bring quickly down, O priests, hither to give us aid, to drink the Soma, Indra son of Nishtigri.
[2013703] So have I glorified with praise strong Dadhikravan, conquering steed.
Sweet may he make our mouths; may he prolong the days we have to live.
[2013704] The Somas very rich in sweets, for which the sieve is destined, flow, Effused, the source of Indra s joy.
May your strong juices reach the Gods.
[2013705] Indu flows on for Indra s sake thus have the deities declared.
The Lord of Speech exerts himself, ruler of all, because of might.
[2013706] Inciter of the voice of song, with thousand streams the ocean flows, Even Soma, Lord of Opulence, the friend of Indra, day by day.
[2013707] The black drop sank in Ansumati s bosom, advancing with ten thousand round about it.
Indra with might longed for it as it panted: the hero hearted laid aside his weapons.
[2013708] I saw the drop in the far distance moving, on the slope bank of Ansumati s river, Like a black cloud that sank into the water.
I send you forth.
Go, fight in battle.
[2013709] And then the drop in Ansumati s bosom, splendid with light, assumed its proper body; And Indra with Brihaspati to aid him, conquered the godless tribes that came against him.
[2013710] Then, at thy birth, thou wast the foeman, Indra, of those the seven who never had met a rival. [p. 374] The hidden pair, the heaven and earth, thou foundest, and to the mighty worlds thou gavest pleasure.
[2013711] So, Thunder armed! thou with thy bolt of thunder didst boldly smite that power which none might equal; With weapons broughtest low the might of Sushna, and, Indra, foundest by thy strength the cattle.
[2013712] We make this Indra very strong to strike the mighty Vritra dead: A vigorous Hero shall he be.
[2013713] Indra was made for giving, set, most mighty, over the joyous draught, Bright, meet for Soma, famed in song.
[2013714] By song, as it were, the powerful bolt which none may parry was prepared: Lofty, invincible he grew.
[p. 375]
In praise of Indra
[2013801] Indra, great in his power and might and, like Parjanya, rich in rain, Is magnified by Vatsa s lauds,
[2013802] When the priests, strengthening the Son of holy Law, present their gifts, Singers with Order s hymn of praise.
[2013803] Since Kanvas with their lauds have made Indra complete the sacrifice, Words are their own appropriate arms.
A hymn to the Asvins
[2013901] To help and favour Vatsa now, O Asvins, come ye hitherward.
Bestow on him a dwelling spacious and secure, and keep malig nites afar.
[2013902] All manliness that is in heaven, with the Five Tribes, or in mid air, Bestow, ye Asvins, upon us.
[2013903] Remember Karnva first of all among the singers,, Asvins, who Have thought upon your wondrous deeds.
[2013904] Asvins, for you with song of praise this hot oblation is effused, This your sweet Soma juice, ye Lords of wealth and spoil, through which ye think upon the foe.
[2013905] Whatever ye have done in floods, in the tree, Wonder workers, and in growing plants, Therewith, O Asvins, succour me.
[p. 376]
Atharva Veda Books:-
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Book6 av06-h1 Book 7 av07-h1 |
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