Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 12:51 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 12:51
HYMN XL (40)
A prayer for pardon of error in sacrifice, and for wisdom, strength, and life
[1904001] For each defect of mine in voice and spirit I have approached One vehement and ardent.
With all the Deities, fully approving, Brihaspati supply the want!
[1904002] Disturb ye not our intellect, O Waters, nor the power of prayer_ Glide on your way, strength giving, invocated: may I be vigor ous and wise.
[1904003] Mar not our consecrating rite, our intellect, or fervent zeal.
Gracious to us for lengthened life, propitious let the Mothers be.
[1904004] Vouchsafe to us, ye Asvins twain, such strength as, with atten dant light, May through the darkness carry us.
A benediction on a newly elected king
[1904101] Desiring bliss, at first, light finding Rishis began religious rite and holy fervour.
Thence energy was born, and might, and kingship: so to this man let gathered Gods incline them.
In praise of Brahma, Prayer, or Devotion
[1904201] Brahma is Hotar, sacrifice: with Brahma are the stakes set up.
From Brahma was the Adhvaryu born, from Brahma hidden offering.
[1904202] Brahma is fatness dropping scoops: with Brahma was the altar reared. [p. 245] Brahma is worship, lengthened rite, the Rishis who pay sacrifice, the victim s Immolators.
[1904203] To him who frees from woe mine hymn I offer, to the Good Guardian, as I seek his favour.
Accept this offering of mine, O Indra.
Fulfilled be all the sacri ficer s wishes!
[1904204] With prayer I call on him who frees from trouble, Prince of Gods, Splendid, chief of sacrifices, I call the Waters Child and both the Asvins, Vigour is mine, and strength bestowed by Indra.
In praise of Brahma, Prayer, or Devotion
[1904301] Whither men versed in Brahma go, with fervour and the cleans ing rite, Thither let Agni lead me, let Agni give me intelligence, All hail to Agni!
[1904302] Whither etc.
Thither let Vayu lead me, let Vayu vouchsafe me vital breath.
All hail to Vayu!
[1904303] Whither, etc.
Thither let Surya lead me, let Surya vouchsafe me power of sight.
All hail to Surya
[1904304] Whither, etc.
Thither let Chandra lead me, let Chandra vouchsafe me intellect.
All hail to Chandra!
[1904305] Whither, etc.
Thither let Soma lead me, let Soma vouchsafe me vital sap.
All hail to Soma! [1904306] Whither, etc. [p. 246] Thither let Indra lead me, let Indra bestow upon me power.
All hail to Indra!
[1904307] Whither, etc.
Thither, let Waters lead me, let the Waters give me deathless life.
All hail to Waters!
[1904308] Whither, etc.
Thither let Brahma lead me, let Brahma give Brahma unto me.
All hail to Brahma!
A curative and protective charm
[1904401] Thou art the lengthening of life, thy name is Universal Cure: Then, Ointment! send felicity; Waters, send happiness and peace.
[1904402] The yellow hue, the feverish heat, the shooting pain that rends II the limbs, All the consumptive malady let the Ointment drive from out thy frame.
[1904403] Let the Salve born upon the earth, benignant, giving life to man.
Make the swift rider on the car sinless, exempt from sudden death.
[1904404] Preserve our breath, O Vital Breath, have mercy on our life, O Life.
From snares of Nirriti do thou, O Nirriti, deliver us.
[1904405] Thou art the babe of Sindhu, thou art lightnings flower, wind, breath, and Sun: thou art the eye and milk of heaven.
[1904406] Gods Ointment from the Three Peaked Hill, preserve thou me on every side.
No plants of earth surpass thee, none from mountain or from cultured ground.
[1904407] Now hath it gently crept within, fiend slaying, chasing malady.
And driving all diseases hence, and evil omens, banished them.
[1904408] Full many a falsehood, O thou King Varuna, man hath uttered here: Do thou who hast a thousand powers preserve us from that misery. [p. 247]
[1904409] If we have cried, O Waters! Cows! if we have cried, O Varuna! For this endowed with thousand powers! deliver us from misery.
[1904410] Mitra and Varuna, O Salve have closely followed after thee May they, when they have followed thee afar, restore thee for our use.
A curative and protective charm
[1904501] As debt from debt repay and send sorcery to the sorcerer s house.
Split, Salve! the cruel villain s ribs whose evil eye bewitches us.
[1904502] Whatever evil dream we have, what er befall our kine or home, Be this that is salubrity, the evil hearted s foe applied.
[1904503] Increasing from the Waters strength and vigour, sprung into life from Agni Jatavedas, Strong as four heroes, mountain born, this Ointment make for thee quarters and mind points auspicious!
[1904504] On thee is laid the Chaturvira Ointment: let all the regions give thee peace and safety.
Secure like precious Savitar thou standest: to thee let all these regions bring their tribute.
[1904505] Make one thy salve, thine amulet another, drink one, and with another bathe thy body.
So let the Chaturvira keep us guarded from the four bonds of Nirriti and Grahi.
[1904506] May Agni protect me with fire for inspiration and expiration, for strength, for energy, for vigour, for weal and prosperity.
All Hail! [1904507] May Indra protect me with his Indra power for inspiration, etc. [p. 248]
[1904508] May Soma protect me with Soma power, etc.
[1904509] May Bhaga with good fortune protect me, etc.
[1904510] May the Maruts protect me with their troops for inspiration and expiration, for strength, for energy, for vigour, for weal and prosperity.
All Hail!
A charm accompanying investiture with an amulet that ensures safety and victory
[1904601] For manly strength Prajapati bound thee on first, invincible.
This for long life on thee I bind for splendour, strength, and energy.
Invincible, let it guard thee well.
[1904602] Erect, invincible, be this man s watchful keeper: let not the Panis or the sorcerers harm thee.
Shake off thy foes as Indra scattered Dasyus: quell all enemies.
Invincible, let it guard thee well.
[1904603] Indra hath lent the power of sight, and vital breath and strength to this.
Whom even a hundred combatants, striking, have failed to over come.
Invincible, let it guard thee well.
[1904604] Around thy limbs I place the mail of Indra who hath become the Gods imperial Sovran.
Again let all the Deities bring thee hither.
Invincible let it guard thee well.
[1904605] One and a hundred manly powers, a thousand lives hath this Amulet, unconquered ever.
Go forth a tiger, strike down all thy foemen: let him who would oppose fall low beneath thee.
Invincible, let it guard thee well.
[1904606] Drawn forth from butter, rich in milk and sweetness, hundred lived, thousand homed, bestowing vigour, Kindly, delightsome, full of sap, and mighty, invincible let it guard thee well.
[1904607] That thou mayst be pre eminent, slayer of rivals, rivalless, [p. 249] May Savitar cause thee to be chief and controller of thy kin.
Invincible, let it guard thee well.
A hymn to Night for protection from fiends, robbers, snakes and wolves
[1904701] Night! the terrestrial realm hath been filled with the Father s power and might.
Thou spreadest forth on high unto the seats of Heaven: dark ness that strikes with awe comes near.
[1904702] Each moving thing finds rest in her whose yonder boundary is not seen, nor that which keeps her separate.
O spacious, darksome Night, may we uninjured reach the end of thee, reach, O thou blessed One, thine end.
[1904703] Thy ninety nine examiners, O Night, who look upon mankind, Eighty and eight in number, or seven and seventy are they.
[1904704] Sixty and six, O opulent, fifty and five, O happy One, Forty and four and thirty three are they, O thou enriched with spoil.
[1904705] Twenty and two hast thou, O Night, eleven, yea, and fewer still.
With these protectors guard us well.
O Daughter of the Sky, to day.
[1904706] Let not a fiends or spiteful man, let no ill wisher master us.
Let not the robber seize our cows, nor the wolf take our sheep today.
[1904707] Let not the thief, O Blessed, seize our horses, nor she fiends our men.
Let thief and robber run away on pathways most remote from us.
[1904708] Far from us let Rope with Fangs, far from us let the wicked flee.
Do thou make blind and headless.
Night, the serpent with his pungent breath.
[1904709] Crush the wolf s jaws in pieces, strike the robber dead against a post. [p. 250] In thee, O Night, do we abide: we here will sleep.
Be watchful thou.
[1904710] Give thou protection to our kine; and to our horses, and our men.
A hymn to Night for protection
[1904801] Then all that we accumulate, all that the treasure chest contains,.
All this do we entrust to thee.
[1904802] Entrust thou us to Dawn, O Mother Night.
May Dawn entrust us to the Day, and Day to thee, O splendid.
[1904803] Whatever flying thing be here, whatever thing that creeps and.
Whatever fastens on a joint, therefrom do thou protect us, Night.
[1904804] So guard thou us from west and east, protect us from the north and south.
O splendid One, preserve us: we, the singers of thy praise, are here.
[1904805] They who are followers of Night, and they who watch over living things.
They who protect all cattle, they keep watch and ward over our lives, over our herds keep watch and ward.
[1904806] Verily, Night, I know thy name, Dropper of Fatness art thou called.
Thee Bharadvaja knew as such: as such be watchful over our wealth.
[p. 251]
A hymn of Praise and prayer to Night
[1904901] Friend of the home, the strong and youthful maiden, Night, dear to Savitar the God, and Bhaga, All compassing, all glorious, prompt to listen, hath with her greatness filled the earth and heaven.
[1904902] Over all depths hath she gone up, and mounted, most mighty One, the sky s exalted summit.
Over me now the loving Night is spreading with her auspicious.
Godlike ways like Mitra.
[1904903] Excellent, high born, blissful, meet for worship, Night, thou hast come: stay here with friendly spirit.
Guard us, the food for men that we have gotten, and all pro sperity that comes of cattle.
[1904904] With eager haste hath Night assumed the vigour of leopard,.
tiger, or of tawny lion, The horse s neighing and the wild man s bellow, Thou takest many a form when thou appearest.
[1904905] Kind through the Night be absence of the sunshine: Mother of Frost, may she be swift to hear us.
Take notice of the hymn, thou highly favoured, wherewith I worship thee in all the regions.
[1904906] Even as a King, O splendid Night, thou takest pleasure in our hymn.
May we through Mornings as they flush have all our good men, round us, and become possessors of all wealth.
[1904907] Yes, Ramya is the name thou hast assumed.
The men who fain.
would spoil.
My wealth do thou annoy, O Night, that not one robber may appear, none may a second time appear.
[1904908] Thou like a well wrought cup, O Night, art lovely: thou, a.
young maid, art formed in perfect beauty.
Thou lovingly, for me with eyes to se: them, hast bound on thee heaven s stars as thine adornment. [p. 252]
[1904909] Whatever robber comes to day, mischievous mortal enemy.
Let Night go forth, encounter him, and smite away his neck and head;
[1904910] His feet that he may walk no more, his hands that he may do no harm.
The robber who comes hitherward goes crushed and mutilated hence, Goes hence, goes far away from us, goes hence and bears no spoil away.
Atharva Veda Books:-
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