Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 11:49 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 11:49
BOOK XV (15)
HYMN X (10)
[1501001] So let the King, to whose house the Vratya who possesses this knowledge comes as a guest.
[1501002] Honour him as superior to himself.
So he Both not act against the interests of his princely rank or his kingdom.
[1501003] From him, verily, sprang Priesthood and Royalty.
They said, Into whom shall we enter?
[1501004] Let Priesthood enter into Brihaspati, and Royalty into Indra, was the answer.
[1501005] Hence Priesthood entered into Brihaspati and Royalty into Indra.
[1501006] Now this Earth is Brihaspati, and Heaven is Indra.
[1501007] Now this Agni is Priesthood, and yonder Sun is Royalty.
[1501008] Priesthood comes to him, and he becomes endowed with priestly lustre.
[1501009] Who knows that Earth is Brihaspati and Agni Priesthood.
[1501010] Great power comes to him and he becomes endowed with great power.
[1501011] Who knows that Aditya is Royalty and that Heaven is Indra.
HYMN XI (11)
[1501101] Let him to whose house the Vratya who possesses this knowledge comes as a guest.
[1501102] Rise up of his own accord to meet him, and say, Vratya, where didst thou pass the night? Vratya, here is water, Let them refresh thee.
Vratya, let it be as thou pleasest.
Vratya, as thy wish is so let it be.
Vratya, as thy desire is so be it.
[1501103] When he says to his guest, Where didst thou pass the night? he reserves for himself thereby the paths that lead to the Gods.
[1501104] When he says to him, Here is water, he secures thereby water for himself.
[1501105] When he says to him, Let them refresh thee, he thereby wins vital breath to exceeding old age.
[1501106] When he says to him, Vratya, let it be as thou pleasest, he secures to himself thereby what is pleasant. [p. 157]
[1501107] That which is pleasant comes to him, and he is the beloved of the beloved, who is possessed of this knowledge.
[1501108] When he says to him, Vratya, as thy will is so let it be, he secures to himself thereby the fulfilment of his will.
[1501109] Authority comes to him who possesses this knowledge, and he becomes the controller of the powerful.
[1501110] When he says to him, Vratya, as thy desire is so be it, he secures to himself thereby the attainment of his desire.
[1501111] His desire comes to him who possesses this knowledge and he gains the complete satisfaction of his wish.
[1501201] The man, to whose house, when the fires have been taken up from the hearth and the oblation to Agni placed therein, the Vratya possessing this knowledge comes as a guest.
[1501202] Should of his own accord rise to meet him and say, Vratya, give me permission.
I will sacrifice.
[1501203] And if he gives permission he should sacrifice, if he does not permit him he should not sacrifice.
[1501204] He who sacrifices when permitted by the Vratya who possesses this knowledge.
[1501205] Well knows the path that leads to the Fathers and the way that.
leads to the Gods.
[1501206] He does not act in opposition to the Gods.
It becomes his sacrifice.
[1501207] The abode of the man who sacrifices when permitted by the Vratya who possesses this knowledge is long left remaining in this world.
[1501208] But he who sacrifices without the permission of the Vratya who possesses this knowledge.
[1501209] Knows not the path that leads to the Fathers nor the way that leads to the Gods.
[1501210] He is at variance with the Gods.
He hath offered no accepted.
sacrifice. [p. 158]
[1501211] The abode of the man who sacrifices without the permission of the Vratya who possesses this knowledge is not left remaining in this world.
[1501301] He in whose house the Vratya who possesses this knowledge abides one night secures for himself thereby the holy realms that are on earth.
[1501302] A second night
the holy realms that are in the firma ment (the rest as in verse 1).
[1501303] A third night
the holy realms that are in heaven.
[1501304] A fourth night
the holy realms of the Holy.
[1501305] Unlimited nights
unlimited holy realms.
[1501306] Now he to whose house a non Vratya, calling himself a Vratya, and one in name only, comes as a guest.
[1501307] Should punish him and not punish him.
[1501308] He should serve him with food saying to himself, To this Deity I offer water: I lodge this Deity; I wait upon this, this Deity.
[1501309] To that Deity the sacrifice of him who has this knowledge is acceptable.
[1501401] He when he went away to the eastern region, went away having become the Marut host, and having made Mind an eater of food.
He who hath this knowledge eats food with Mind as food eater. [p. 159]
[1501402] He, when he went away to the southern region, went away having become Indra, and having made Strength an eater of food.
He who hath this knowledge eats food with strength as food eater.
[1501403] He, when he went away to the western region, went away having become King Varuna, and having made the Waters eaters of food.
He who hath this knowledge eats food with the Waters as food eaters.
[1501404] He, when he went away to the northern region, went away having become King Soma and having made the Seven Rishis oblation an eater of food.
He who hath this knowledge eats food with oblation as food eater.
[1501405] He, when he went away to the stedfast region, went away having become Vishnu and having made Viraj an eater of food.
He who hath this knowledge eats food with Viraj as food eater.
[1501406] He, when he went away to animals, went away having become Rudra and having made herbs eaters of food.
He who hath this knowledge eats food with herbs as food eaters.
[1501407] He, when he went away to the Fathers, went away having be come King Yama and having made the exclamation Svadha an eater of food.
He who hath this knowledge eats food with the exclamation Svadha as food eater.
[1501408] He, when he went away to men, went away having become Agni and having made the exclamation Svaha an eater of food.
He who hath this knowledge eats food with the exclamation Svaha as food eater.
[1501409] He, when he went away to the upper region, went away having become Brihaspati and having made the exclamation Vashat an eater of food.
He who hath this knowledge eats food with the exclamation Vashat as food eater.
[1501410] He, when he went away to the Gods, went away having become Isana and having made Passion an eater of food.
He who hath this knowledge eats food with Passion as food eater.
[1501411] He, when he went away to creatures, went away having become Prajapati and having made vital breath an eater of food.
He who hath this knowledge eats food with vital breath as foodeater.
[1501412] He, when he went away to all the intermediate spaces, went away having become Parameshthin and having made Devotion an eater of food.
He who hath this knowledge eats food with Devotion as food eater.
[p. 160]
HYMN XV (15)
[1501501] Of that Vratya.
[1501502] There are seven vital airs, seven downward breaths, seven diff used breaths.
[1501503] His first vital breath, called Upward, is this Agni.
[1501504] His second vital breath, called Mature, is that Aditya.
[1501505] His third vital breath, called Approached, is that Moon.
[1501506] His fourth vital breath, called Pervading is this Pavamana.
[1501507] His fifth vital breath, called Source, are these Waters.
[1501508] His sixth vital breath, called Dear, are these domestic animals.
[1501509] His seventh vital breath, called Unlimited, are these creatures.
[p. 161]
[1501601] His first downward breath is the time of Full Moon.
[1501602] His second downward breath is the eighth day after Full Moon.
[1501603] His third downward breath is the night of New Moon.
[1501604] His fourth downward breath is Faith.
[1501605] His fifth downward breath is Consecration.
[1501606] His sixth downward breath is Sacrifice.
[1501607] His seventh downward breath are these sacrificial fees.
[1501701] His first diffused breath is this Earth.
[1501702] His second diffused breath is that Firmament.
[1501703] His third diffused breath is that Heaven.
[1501704] His fourth diffused breath are those Constellations.
[1501705] His fifth diffused breath are the Seasons.
[1501706] His sixth diffused breath are the Season groups.
[1501707] His seventh diffused breath is the year.
[1501708] With one and the same object the Gods go round the Year and the Seasons follow round the Vratya.
[1501709] When they surround the Sun on the day of New Moon, and that time of Full Moon.
[1501710] That one immortality of theirs is just an oblation.
[1501801] Of that Vratya.
[1501802] The right eye is the Sun and the left eye is the Moon.
[1501803] His right ear is Agni and his left ear is Pavamana.
[1501804] Day and Night are his nostrils.
Diti and Aditi are his head and skull.
[1501805] By day the Vratya is turned westward, by night he is turned eastward.
Worship to the Vratya!
[p. 162]
[p. 163]
Atharva Veda Books:-
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