Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 11:36 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 11:36
BOOK XI (11)
HYMN X (10)
[1101001] Rise up, with all your banners rise; prepare your strength, ye vapoury Forms! Serpents and fiends and Other Folk, charge and pursue our enemies!
[1101002] Let those who bear an evil name, in air, in heaven on earth, and men, After Trishandhi s will, revere your power, the sway that Know ledge gives, together with your ruddy flags.
[1101003] Let those with iron faces, with faces like needles or like combs, Flesh eaters, rapid as the wind, cling closely to our foemen with Trishandhi for their thunderbolt.
[1101004] Omniscient Aditya, make full many a corpse to disappear.
Let this devoted army of Trishandhi be in my control.
[1101005] Rise up, O Godlike Being, rise, Arbudi, with thine army: this, Tribute is sacrificed to thee, Trishandhi s welcome offering
[1101006] May this four footed White foot, may this arrow brace and bind thee fast: Together with Trishandhi s host, be thou, O Witchcraft, meant for foes.
[1101007] Down let the dim eyed demon fly, and let her shorteared sister shriek: Red be the banners when the host of Arbudi hath won the day.
[1101008] Let all the birds that move on wings come downward, all fowls that roam the heavens and air s midregion. [p. 72] Let beasts of prey and flies attacks, and vultures that eat raw flesh mangle and gnaw the carcase.
[1101009] By that same binding treaty which thou madest, Brihaspati! with Indra! and with Brahma, By Indra s pledge I bid the Gods come hither.
Conquer on this side, not on their side yonder.
[1101010] Brihaspati Angirasa, Rishis made strong and keen by prayer, Have set Trishandhi in the heaven, dire weapon that destroys the fiends.
[1101011] The Gods enjoyed Trishandhi for the sake of energy and power, Him under whose protection, both, Indra and yon Aditya stand.
[1101012] The Gods, victorious, won themselves all worlds by this oblation, which Brihaspati Angirasa effused, a very thunderbolt, a weapon to destory the friends.
[1101013] That fiend destroying weapon which Brihaspati Angirasa poured out and made a thunderbolt.
Even therewith, Brihaspati, I brush that hostile armament, and strike the foemen down with might.
[1101014] Over to us come all the Gods who eat the hallowed sacrifice With this oblation be ye pleased: conquer on this side, not on that.
[1101015] Over,to us let all Gods come: dear is Trishandhi s offering.
Keen the great pledge through which, of old, the Asuras were overthrown.
[1101016] Let Vayu bend the arrow points of those who are our enemies.
Let Indra break their arms away: no power to lay the shaft be theirs! Aditya utterly destroy their missile! Chandramas bar the path of him who lingers!
[1101017] If they have issued forth strongholds of Gods, and made their shields of prayer, Gaining protection for their lives, protection round about, make all their instigation powerless
[1101018] With the Flesh eater and with Death, following the Purohita, On! forward with Trishandhi s host! conquering enemies advance!
[1101019] Do thou, Trishandhi, with the gloom of darkness compass round our foes; [p. 73] Let none escape of them expelled with speckled butter mixt with curds.
[1101020] Let White foot fall upon those wings of our opponents arma ment; Mazed and bewildered be those hands of foes this day, O Nyar budi.
[1101021] Mazed are the foemen, Nyarbudi! Slay thou each bravest man of them: with this our army slaughter them.
[1101022] Low lie the warrior, mailed, unmailed, each foeman in the rush of war.
Down smitten with the strings of bows, the fastenings of mail, the charge!
[1101023] The armour clad, the armourless, enemies clothed with coats of mail, All these struck down, O Arbudi, let dogs devour upon the earth.
[1101024] Car borne and carless fighting men, riders and those who go on foot, All these, struck down, let vultures, kites, and all, the birds of air devour.
[1101025] Low let the hostile army lie, thousands of corpses, on the ground, Pierced through and rent to pieces where the deadly weapons clash in fight.
[1101026] With eagles let them eat the evil hearted, pierced in the vitals, lying crushed and howling.
The foe whoever will fight against this our protecting sacrifice.
[1101027] With this which Gods attend, with this which never fails to gain its end, Let Indra, Vritra slayer, smite, and with Trishandhi as a bolt.
[p. 74]
[p. 75]
Atharva Veda Books:-
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