Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 10:59 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 10:59
HYMN X (10)
A prayer for the favour of Sarasvati
[0701001] That breast of thine, exhaustless and delightful, good to invoke, beneficent, free giver.
Wherewith thou feedest all things that are choicest, bring that, Sarasvati, that we may drain it.
[p. a275]
HYMN XI (11)
A prayer to protect corn from lightning and drought
[0701101] That far spread thunder, sent from thee, which cometh on all this world, a high celestial signal Strike not, O God, our growing corn with lightning, not kill it with the burning rays of Surya.
A prayer for influence at deliberative and religious meetings
[0701201] In concord may Prajapati s two daughters, Gathering and As sembly, both protect me.
May every man I meet respect and aid me.
Fair be my words, O Fathers, at the meetings.
[0701202] We know thy name, O Conference: thy name is interchange of talk.
Let all the company who join the Conference agree with me.
[0701203] Of these men seated here I make the splendour and the lore mine own.
Indra, make me conspicuous in all this gathered company.
[0701204] Whether your thoughts are turned away, or bound and fastened here or there, We draw them hitherward again: let your mind firmly rest on me.
[p. a276]
A charm to win superiority over foes and rivals
[0701301] As the Sun, rising, taketh to himself the brightness of the stars,.
So I assume the glory of women and men mine enemies.
All ye amang my rivals who behold me as I come to you, I seize the glory of my foes as the Sun, rising, theirs who sleep.
A prayer to Savitar for prosperity
[0701401] I praise this God, parent of heaven and earth, exceeding wiser possessed of real energy, giver of treasure, thinker dear to all,.
[0701402] Whose splendour is sublime, whose light shone brilliant in crea tion, who, wise, and golden handed, in his beauty made the sky.
[0701403] As thou, God! quickening, for our ancient father, sentest him height above and room about him, So unto us, O Savitar, send treasures, abundant, day by day, in shape of cattle.
[0701404] Savitar, God, our household friend, most precious, hath sent our fathers life and power and riches.
Let him drink Soma and rejoice when worshipped.
Under his law even the Wanderer travels.
[p. a277]
HYMN XV (15)
A charm to win divine favour and felicity
[0701501] I choose, O Savitar, that glorious favour, with fruitful energy and every blessing, Even this one s teeming cow, erst milked by Kanva, thousand streamed, milked for happiness by the mighty.
A prayer for prosperity
[0701601] Increase this man Brihaspati! Illume him, O Savitar, for high and happy fortune.
Sharpen him thoroughly though already sharpened: with glad acclaim let all the Gods receive him.
A prayer for wealth and children
[0701701] May the Ordainer give us wealth, Lord, ruler of the world of life: with full hand may he give to us.
[0701702] May Dhatar grant the worshipper henceforth imperishable life.
May we obtain the favour of the God who giveth every boon.
[0701703] To him may Dhatar grant all kinds of blessings who, craving children, serves him in his dwelling.
Him may the Gods invest with life eternal, yea, all the Gods and Aditi accordant.
[0701704] May this our gift please Savitar, Rati, Dhatar, Prajapati, and Agni Lord of Treasures.
May Tvashtar, Vishnu, blessing him with children, give store ot riches to the sacrificer.
[p. a278]
A prayer for rain
[0701801] Burst open, Prithvi, and cleave asunder this celestial cloud.
Untie, O Dhatar for thou canst the bottle of the breast of heaven.
[0701802] Let not the Sun s heat burn, nor cold destroy her.
Let Earth with all her quickening drops burst open.
Even for her the waters flow, and fatness: where Soma is even there is bliss for ever.
A prayer for prosperity
[0701901] Prajapati engenders earthly creatures: may the benevolent Ordainer form them, Having one common womb, and mind, and spirit.
He who is.
Lord of Plenty give me plenty!
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