Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 10:39 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 10:39
HYMN XL (40)
A prayer for peace and security
[0604001] Here may we dwell, O Heaven and Earth, in safety.
May Savitar and Soma send us safety.
Our safety be the wide air: ours be safety through the oblation of the Seven Rishis. [p. a218]
[0604002] May the Four Quarters give this hamlet power: Savitar favour us and make us happy! May Indra make us free from foes and danger: may wrath of Kings be turned to other places.
[0604003] Make thou us free from enemies both from below and from above.
O Indra, give us perfect peace, peace from behind and from be fore.
A prayer for protection, long life, and various blessings
[0604101] For mind, for intellect, for thought, for purpose, for intelligence,.
For sense, for hearing, and for sight, let us adore with sacrifice.
[0604102] For expiration, vital air, and breath that amply nourishes, Let us with sacrifice adore Sarasvati whose reach is wide.
[0604103] Let not the Rishis, the divine, forsake us, our own, our very selves, our lives protectors.
Do ye, immortal, still attend us mortals, and give us vital power to live the longer.
A charm to reconcile estranged friends
[0604201] I loose the anger from thy heart as it were the bowstring from a bow, That we, one minded now, may walk together as familiar friends.
[0604202] Together let us walk as friends: thy wrathful feeling I remove.
Beneath a heavy stone we cast thy wrath away and bury it.
[0604203] I trample on thine anger thus, I tread it down with heel and toe: So dost thou yield thee to my will, to speak no more rebelliously.
[p. a219]
The same
[0604301] For stranger and for friend alike this Darbha grass removeth wrath.
Soother of Anger is it called because it calms the angry man.
[0604302] This Plant that hath abundant roots spreads to the place where waters meet.
Soother of anger is the name Darbha grass that springs from earth.
[0604303] We draw thine obstinacy forth, set in thy mouth and in thy jaw: So dost thou yield thee to my will.
to speak no more rebelli ously.
A charm to remove disease
[0604401] Firm stood the heaven, firm stood the earth, firm stood this universal world.
Firm stood the trees that sleep erect: let this thy malady be still.
[0604402] Of all thy hundred remedies, a thousand remedies combined.
This is the surest cure for flux, most excellent to heal disease.
[0604403] Thou art the stream that Rudra pours, the closest kin of Amrita.
Thy name is called Vishanaka: thou sprangest from the Fathers root, removing illness caused by wind.
[p. a220]
A prayer for preservation from mental sin and evil promptings
[0604501] Sin of the Mind, avaunt! begone! Why sayest thou what none should say? Go hence away, I love thee not.
Go to the forests and the trees.
My heart is in our homes and cows.
[0604502] Whatever wrong we have committed, sleeping or waking, by ill wish, dislike, or slander, All these offences, which deserve displeasure, may Agni take from us and keep them distant.
[0604503] Indra and Brahmanaspati! whatever foolish deed we plan, May provident Angirasa preserve us from the sin and woe.
A charm against evil dreams
[0604601] Thou, neither quick nor dead, O Sleep, art fraught with Amrit of the Gods.
Thy name is Araru: thy sire is Yama; Varunani bare thee.
[0604602] We know thy birth, O Sleep, thou art son of the sisters of the Gods; the minister of Yama thou, thou art Antaka, thou art Death.
So well we know thee who thou art.
Sleep, guard us from the evil dream.
[0604603] As men discharge a debt, as they pay up an eighth and half an eighth, So the whole evil dream do we pay and assign unto our foe.
[p. a221]
To accompany the three daily libations
[0604701] Dear to all men, all prosperer, all creating, may Agni, guard us* at the morn s libation.
May he, the brightly pure one, give us riches: may we have life enjoying food together.
[0604702] At this our second offering may Indra, Maruts, and Visve Devas never fail us.
Still may the favour of the Gods be with us, blest with long life and speaking words that please them.
[0604703] We pour this third libation of the Sages who fashioned forth the cup in proper order.
Winners of heaven, may they, Sudhanvan s children, lead our fair sacrifice to happy fortune.
Formulas to be used at the three daily libations
[0604801] Thou art the Hawk, Gayatri s lord: I hold thee fast.
Happily bear me to the goal of this my sacrifice.
All hail!
[0604802] Thou art the Ribhu, lord of Jagati: I hold thee fast.
Happily bear me to the goal of this my sacrifice.
All hail!
[0604803] Thou art the Bull, the Trishtup s lord: I hold thee fast.
Happily bear me to the goal of this my sacrifice.
All hail!
[p. a222]
In praise of Agni
[0604901] O Agni, in thy body man hath never found a wounded part.
The Ape devours the arrow s shaft as a cow eats her after birth.
[0604902] Thou like a fleece contractest and expandest thee what time the upper stone and that below devour.
Closely compressing head with head and breast with breast he crunches up the tendrils with his yellow jaws.
[0604903] The Eagles have sent forth their voice aloud to heaven: in the sky s vault the dark impetuous ones have danced.
When they come downward to repair the lower stone, they, dwellers with the Sun, have gained abundant seed.
[p. a223]
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