Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 10:36 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 14:34
HYMN XX (20)
A charm against fever
[0602001] He goes away as it were from this fierce burning fire, inebriated and lamenting he departs.
Let him, the lawless, seek another and not us.
Worship be paid to Fever armed with fiery heat.
[0602002] To Rudra and to Fever be our worship paid: worship be paid to Varuna the splendid King! Worship to Dyaus, to Earth, worship be paid to Plants!
[0602003] Thou who, aglow with heat, makest all bodies green, to thee, red, brown, I bow, the Fever of the wood.
A charm to strengthen hair and promote its growth
[0602101] Of all the three terrestrial realms the ground is verily the best.
I from the skin that covers these gather a healing medicine.
[0602102] Thou art the best of medicines, most excellent of Plants art thou, As Soma amid the wandering stars, as Varuna among the Gods.
[0602103] Endowed with wealth, denying not, give freely fain to give your gifts! Ye stay the hair from falling off: ye strengthen and increase its growth.
[p. a209]
[0602201] Dark the descent; the strong winged birds are golden: they fly aloft to heaven, enrobed in waters.
They have come hither from the seat of Order, and inundated earth with streams of fatness.
[0602202] Ye make floods rich in milk, make plants propitious, what time ye stir, O golden breasted Maruts! Pour down your showers of vigorous strength and favour there where ye sprinkle mead, O Maruts, heroes!
[0602203] O Maruts, send ye down, streaming with water rain which, may, filling all the sloping valleys, Leap like a bold girl in a man s embraces, or like a matron tumbled by her husband.
To the Waters
[0602301] Here flow the restless ones, they flow unceasing through the day and night, Most excellently wise I call the Goddess Waters hitherward.
[0602302] Let the deft Waters, summoned, give permission that we bear them off, And quickly set us on our way.
[0602303] Let all the people celebrate the rite of Savitar the God.
Sweet unto us be Waters, Plants propitious!
[p. a210]
To the Rivers
[0602401] Forth from the Hills of Snow they stream, and meet in Sindhu here or there.
To me the sacred Waters gave the balm that heals the heart s disease.
[0602402] Whatever rupture I have had that injured eyes or heels or toes.
All this the Waters, skilfullest physicians, shall make well again,
[0602403] All Rivers who have Sindhu for your Lady, Sindhu for your Queen, Give us the balm that heals this ill: this boon let us enjoy from you.
A charm to remove pustules or scrofulous swellings (apachitas)
[0602501] May all the five and fifty which meet round the tendons of the neck.
Depart and vanish hence away like plaguing insects buzz and hum!
[0602502] Those seventy and seven which meet round the upper vertebrae, Let them all vanish hence away like plaguing insects buzz and hum!
[0602503] Those nine and ninety which, combined, attack the shoulder round about, Let them all vanish hence away like plaguing insects buzz and hum!
[p. a211]
To Affliction
[0602601] Let me go free, O Misery: do thou, the mighty, pity us.
Set me uninjured in the world of happiness, O Misery.
[0602602] From thee, from thee who fliest not from us, O Misery, we fly.
Then at the turning of the paths let Misery fall on someone else.
[0602603] May the immortal, thousand eyed, dwell otherwhere apart from us.
Let him afflict the man we hate: smite only him who is our foe.
A charm to avert misfortune foreshown by the coming of a dove
[0602701] Gods! whatsoever the Dove came hither seeking, sent to us as the envoy of Destruction, For that let us sing hymns and make atonement, Well be it with our quadrupeds and bipeds!
[0602702] Auspicious be the Dove that hath been sent us, a harmless bird, O Gods, that seeks our dwelling! May Agni, Sage, be pleased with our oblation, and may the missile borne on wings avoid us.
[0602703] Let not the arrow that hath wings distract us.
Beside the fire place, on the hearth it settles.
May it bring welfare to our men and cattle: here let the Dove, ye Gods, forbear to harm us.
[p. a212]
A charm to avert misfortune foreshown by the coming of a dove
[0602801] Drive forth the Dove, chase it with holy verses: rejoicing bring we hither food and cattle, Obliterating traces of misfortune.
Most fleet may it fly forth and leave us vigour.
[0602802] These men have strengthened Agni s might, these men have brought the kine to us.
They have sung glory to the Gods.
Who is the man that con quers them?
[0602803] Be reverence paid to him who, while exploring the path for many, first approached the river, Lord of this world of quadrupeds and bipeds; to him be rever ence paid, to Death, to Yama!
A charm to avert misfortune foreshown by the coming of a dove and an owl
[0602901] On these men yonder fall the winged missile: the screeching of the Owl is ineffective, And that the Dove beside the fire hath settled. [p. a213]
[0602902] Thine envoys who came hither, O Destruction, sent or not sent by thee unto our dwelling, The Dove and Owl, effectless be their visit!
[0602903] Oft may it fly to us to save our heroes from slaughter, oft perch here to bring fair offspring, Turn thee and send thy voice afar: cry to the region far away; That I may see thee in the home of Yama reft of all thy power, that I may see thee impotent.
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