Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 10:53 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 10:53
HYMN CXL (140)
A blessing on a child s first two teeth
[0614001] Two tigers have grown up who long to eat the mother and the sire: Soothe, Brahmanaspati, and thou, O Jatavedas, both these teeth.
[0614002] Let rice and barley be your food, eat also beans and sesamum.
This is the share allotted you, to be your portion, ye two Teeth.
Harm not your mother and your sire.
[0614003] Both fellow teeth have been invoked, gentle and bringing happi ness.
Else whither let the fierceness of your nature turn away, O Teeth! Harm not your mother or your sire.
A blessing on cattle
[0614101] Vayu collected these: to find their sustenance be Tvashtar s care: May Indra bless and comfort them, and Rudra look that they increase.
[0614102] Take thou the iron axe and make a pair by marks upon their ears.
This sign the Asvins have impressed: let these increase and multiply.
[0614103] Even as Gods and Asuras, even as mortal men have done, Do ye, that these may multiply in thousands, Asvins! make the mark.
A blessing on cattle
[0614201] Spring high, O Barley, and become much through thine own magnificence: [p. a269] Burst all the vessels; let the bolt from heaven forbear to strike thee down.
[0614202] As we invite and call to thee, Barley, a God who heareth us, Raise thyself up like heaven on high and be exhaustless as the sea.
[0614203] Exhaustless let thine out turns be, exhaustless be thy gathered heaps, Exhaustless be thy givers, and exhaustless those who eat of thee.
[p. a270]
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