Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 10:12 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 10:12
Table of Contents
HYMN I (1)
Cosmogonical and mystico theological doctrine
[0400101] Eastward at first the prayer was generated: Vena disclosed bright flashes from the summit, Disclosed his deepest, nearest revelations, womb of the non existent and existent.
[0400102] Let this Queen come in front, her Father s daughter, found in the worlds for earliest generation.
For him they set this radiant vault in motion.
Let them prepare warm milk for him who first would drink.
[0400103] He who was born as his all knowing kinsman declareth all the deities generations.
He from the midst of prayer his prayer hath taken.
On high, below, spread forth his godlike nature.
[0400104] For he, true to the law of Earth and Heaven, established both the mighty worlds securely.
Mighty when born, he propped apart the mighty, the sky, our earthly home, and air s mid region.
[0400105] He from the depth hath been reborn for ever, Brihaspati the world s sole Lord and Ruler.
From light was born the Day with all its lustre: through this let sages live endowed with splendour.
[0400106] The sage and poet verily advanceth the statute of that mighty God primeval.
He was born here with many more beside him: they slumbered when the foremost side was opened.
[0400107] The man who seeks the friend of Gods, Atharvan the father, and Brihaspati, with worship, Crying to him, Be thou all things creator! the wise God, self dependent, never injures.
[p. a107]
A Charm against tigers, wolves, thieves and other noxious creatures
[0400301] Three have gone hence and passed away, the man, the tiger, and the wolf.
Down, verily, the rivers flow, down goeth the celestial Tree,.
down let our foemen bend and bow.
[0400302] On distant pathway go the wolf, on pathway most remote the thief! On a far road speed forth the rope with teeth, and the malicious man!
[0400303] We crush and rend to pieces both thine eyes, O Tiger, and thy jaws and all the twenty claws we break.
[0400304] We break and rend the tiger first of creatures that are armed.
with teeth; The robber then, and then the snake, the sorcerer, and then the wolf.
[0400305] The thief who cometh near to day departeth bruised and crush ed to bits.
By nearest way let him be gone.
Let Indra slay him with his bolt.
[0400306] Let the beast s teeth be broken off, shivered and shattered be his ribs! [p. a108] Slack be thy bowstring: downward go the wild beast that pursues the hare!
[0400307] Open not what thou hast compressed, close not what thou hast not compressed.
Indra s and Soma s child, thou art Atharvan s tiger crushing charm.
[p. a107]
A Charm against tigers, wolves, thieves and other noxious creatures
[0400301] Three have gone hence and passed away, the man, the tiger, and the wolf.
Down, verily, the rivers flow, down goeth the celestial Tree,.
down let our foemen bend and bow.
[0400302] On distant pathway go the wolf, on pathway most remote the thief! On a far road speed forth the rope with teeth, and the malicious man!
[0400303] We crush and rend to pieces both thine eyes, O Tiger, and thy jaws and all the twenty claws we break.
[0400304] We break and rend the tiger first of creatures that are armed.
with teeth; The robber then, and then the snake, the sorcerer, and then the wolf.
[0400305] The thief who cometh near to day departeth bruised and crush ed to bits.
By nearest way let him be gone.
Let Indra slay him with his bolt.
[0400306] Let the beast s teeth be broken off, shivered and shattered be his ribs! [p. a108] Slack be thy bowstring: downward go the wild beast that pursues the hare!
[0400307] Open not what thou hast compressed, close not what thou hast not compressed.
Indra s and Soma s child, thou art Atharvan s tiger crushing charm.
A charm to restore virile power
[0400401] We dig thee from the earth, the Plant which strengthens and exalts the nerves, The Plant which the Gandharva dug for Varuna whose power was lost.
[0400402] Let Ushas and let Surya rise, let this the speech I utter rise.
Let the strong male Prajapati arise with manly energy.
[0400403] Sicut tui surgentis (membrum virile) tanquam inflammatum palpitat, hoc illud tui ardentius haec herba faciat.
[0400404] Sursum (estote) herbarum vires, taurorum vigor.
Tu, Indra, corporis potens, virorum masculum robur in hoc homine depone.
[0400405] Ros aquarum primigenitus atque arborum, Somae etiam frater es, vatum sacrorum masculus vigor es.
[0400406] Hodie, Agnis! hodie Savitar! hodie dea Sarasvatis! hodie Brahmanaspatis! hujus fascinum velut arcum extende.
[0400407] Velut nervum in arcu ego tuum fascinum extendo.
Aggredere (mulierem) semper indefessus velut cervus damam.
[0400408] Quae sunt equi vires, muli, capri, arietis, atque tauri, illas, cor poris potens! in hoc homine depone.
[p. a109]
HYMN V (5)
A lover s sleep charm
[0400501] The Bull who hath a thousand horns, who rises up from out the sea, By him the strong and mighty one we lull the folk to rest and.
[0400502] Over the surface of the earth there breathes no wind, there looks.
no eye.
Lull all the women, lull the dogs to sleep, with Indra as thy friend!
[0400503] The woman sleeping in the court, lying without, or stretched on beds, The matrons with their odorous sweets these, one and all, we lull to sleep.
[0400504] Each moving thing have I secured, have held and held the eye and breath.
Each limb and member have I seized in the deep darkness of the night.
[0400505] The man who sits, the man who walks, whoever stands and clearly sees Of these we closely shut the eyes, even as we closely shut this house.
[0400506] Sleep mother, let the father sleep, sleep dog, and master of the home.
Let all her kinsmen sleep, sleep all the people who are round about.
[0400507] With soporific charm, O Sleep, lull thou to slumber all the folk.
Let the rest sleep till break of day, I will remain awake till dawn, like Indra free from scath and harm.
[p. a110]
A charm to make a poisoned arrow harmless
[0400601] The Brahman first was brought to life ten headed and with faces ten.
First drinker of the Soma, he made poison ineffectual.
[0400602] Far as the heavens and earth are spread in compass, far as the Seven Rivers are extended, So far my spell, the antidote of poison, have I spoken hence,
[0400603] The strong winged Bird Garutman first of all, O Poison fed on thee: Thou didst not gripe or make him drunk: aye, thou becamest food for him.
[0400604] Whoever with five fingers hath discharged thee from the crooked bow, I from the shaft have charmed away the poison of the fastening band.
[0400605] The poison have I charmed away from shaft, cement, and feather ed end; Yea, from the barb, the neck, the horn, the poison have I charmed away.
[0400606] Feeble, O Arrow, is thy shaft, thy poison, too, hath lost its strength.
Made of a worthless tree, thy bow, O feeble one, is impotent.
[0400607] The men who brayed it, smeared it on, they who discharged it, sent it forth, All these are made emasculate, emasculate the poison hill.
[0400608] Thy diggers are emasculate, emasculate, O, Plant art thou.
The rugged mountain that produced this poison is emasculate.
[p. a111]
A charm to make a poisonous plant innocuous
[0400701] So may this water guard us on the bank of Varanavati.
Therein hath Amrit been infused: with that I ward thy poison off.
[0400702] Weak is the poison of the East, weak is the poison of the North, So too this poison of the South counts as a cake of curds and meal.
[0400703] When he hath made of thee a cake, broad, steaming, swelling up with fat, And even in hunger eaten thee, then gripe him not, thou hideous one!
[0400704] Intoxicater! like a shaft we make thy spirit fly away, Like a pot boiling on the fire, we with our word remove thee hence.
[0400705] We set around thee with the spell as it were a gathered arma ment.
Stay quiet like a rooted tree.
Dug up with mattocks, gripe not thou.
[0400706] For coverings men have bartered thee, for skins of deer and woven cloths.
Thou art a thing of sale, O Plant.
Dug up with mattocks, gripe not thou!
[0400707] None have attained to those of old, those who wrought holy acts for you.
Let them not harm our heroes here.
Therefore I set before you this.
[p. a112]
A benediction at the consecration of a King
[0400801] The Being lays the sap of life in beings: he hath become the sovran Lord of creatures.
Death comes to this man s royal consecration: let him as King own and allow this kingdom.
[0400802] Come forward, turn not back in scorn, strong guardian, slayer of the foes.
Approach, O gladdener of thy friends.
The Gods have blessed and strengthened thee.
[0400803] All waited on him as he came to meet them.
He self resplendent moves endued with glory.
That is the royal hero s lofty nature: he, manifold, hath gained immortal powers.
[0400804] Stride forth to heaven s broad regions, thou, a tiger on a tiger s skin.
Let all the people long for thee.
Let heavenly floods be rich in milk.
[0400805] Heaven s waters joyous in their milk, the waters of middle air, and those that earth containeth I with the gathered power and might of all these waters sprinkle thee,
[0400806] The heavenly waters rich in milk have sprinkled thee with power and might.
To be the gladdener of thy friends.
May Savitar so fashion thee.
[0400807] These, compassing the tiger, rouse the lion to great joy and bliss. [p. a113] As strong floods purify the standing ocean, so men adorn the leopard in the waters
A charm addressed to a precious ointment for safety and wealth
[0400901] Approach! thou art the mountain s eye, the living thing that saveth us; A gift bestowed by all the Gods, yea, the defence that guardeth life.
[0400902] Thou art the safeguard of the men, thou art the safeguard of the kine, Thou standest ready to protect the horses that are fleet of foot.
[0400903] Thou, also, Salve! art a defence that rends and crushes sorcerers.
Thou knowest, too, of Amrit, thou art the delight of all who live, a jaundice curing balm art thou.
[0400904] Whomso thou creepest over, Salve! member by member, joint by joint, From him, like some strong arbiter of strife, thou banishest decline.
[0400905] No imprecation reaches him, no magic, no tormenting fiend, O Salve, Vishkandha seizes not the man who carries thee about.
[0400906] From lying speech, from evil dream, from wicked act and sinfulness, [p. a114] From hostile and malignant eye, from these, O Salve, protect us well.
[0400907] I, knowing this, O Salve, will speak the very truth and not a lie: May I obtain both horse and ox, may I obtain thy life, O man.
[0400908] Three are the slaves that serve the Salve, Fever, Consumption, and the Snake.
Thy father is the loftiest of mountains, named the Triple peaked.
[0400909] Sprung from the Snowy Mountain s side, this Ointment of the Three peaked hill.
Crushes and rends all sorcerers and every witch and sorceress.
[0400910] If thou art from the Three peaked hill or hast thy name from Yamuna, These names are both auspicious: by these two protect thou us, O Salve!
[p. a115]
Atharva Veda Books:-
Book 1 av01-h1 Book 2 av02-h1 Book 3 av03-h1 Book 4 av04-h1 Book5 |
Book6 av06-h1 Book 7 av07-h1 |
Book 8 Book 9 Book 10 Book 11 Book 12 Book 13 |
Book 14 Book 15 Book 16 Book 17 Book 18 |
Book 19 av19-h1 Book 20 av20-h1 |