Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 10:07 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 10:09
On the means to obtain immunity from taxation in the next world
[0303001] Freedom from hate I bring to you, concord and unanimity.
Love one another as the cow loveth the calf that she hath borne.
[0303002] One minded with his mother let the son be loyal to his sire.
Let the wife, calm and gentle, speak words sweet as honey to her lord.
[0303003] No brother hate his brother, no sister to sister be unkind.
Unanimous, with one intent, speak ye your speech in friend liness.
[0303004] That spell through which Gods sever not, nor ever bear each other hate, That spell we lay upon your home, a bond of union for the men.
[0303005] Intelligent, submissive, rest united, friendly and kind, bearing the yoke together.
Come, speaking sweetly each one to the other.
I make you one intentioned and one minded. [p. a102]
[0303006] Let what you drink, your share of food be common together, with one common bond I bid you. Serve Agni, gathered round him like the spokes about the chariot nave.
[0303007] With binding charm I make you all united, obeying one sole leader and one minded.
Even as the Gods who watch and guard the Amrit, at morn and eve may ye be kindly hearted.
A charm for the recovery of one dangerously ill
[0303101] May Gods release from failing strength, thou Agni, from malignity! I free from every evil, from decline: I compass round with life.
[0303102] May Pavamana free from harm, and Sakra from unrighteous deed.
I free from every evil, from decline: I compass round with life.
[0303103] Tame beasts have parted from wild beasts, water and thirst have gone apart I free, etc.
[0303104] Parted are heaven and earth, and paths turned to each quarter of the sky. I free, etc.
[0303105] Tvashtar prepares the bridal of his daughter; then all this world of life departs and leaves him. I free, etc.
[0303106] Agni combines the vital airs. The moon is closely joined with breath. I free. etc. [p. a103]
[0303107] The Gods have lifted up with breath the Sun whose might is everywhere. I free, etc.
[0303108] Die not. Live with the breath of those who make and who enjoy long life. I free, etc.
[0303109] Die not. Stay here. Breathe with the breath of those who draw the vital air. I free, etc.
[0303110] Rise up with life, conjoined with life. Up, with the sap of growing plants! I free, etc.
[0303111] We as immortal beings have arisen with Parjanya s rain, I free from every evil, from decline: I compass round with life.
[p. a104]
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