Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 09:30 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 14:14
[p. a61]
A man s love charm
[0203001] As the wind shake this Tuft of Grass hither and thither on the ground. [p. a57] So do I stir and shake thy mind, that thou mayst be in love with me, my darling, never to depart.
[0203002] Ye, Asvins, lead together, ye unite and bring the loving pair.
Now have the fortunes of you twain, now have your vows and spirits met.
[0203003] When eagles, calling out aloud, are screaming in the joy of health, Then to my calling let her come, as to the arrow s neck the shaft.
[0203004] Let what is inward turn outside, let what is outward be within: Seize and possess, O Plant, the mind of maidens rich in every charm.
[0203005] Seeking a husband she hath come! and I came longing for a wife: Even as a loudly neighing steed may fate and fortune have I met.
[p. a58]
A charm against all sorts of worms
[0203101] With Indra s mighty millstone, that which crushes worms of every sort, I bray and bruise the worms to bits like vetches on the grinding stone.
[0203102] The Seen and the Invisible, and the Kururu have I crushed: Alandus, and all Chhalunas, we bruise to pieces with our spell.
[0203103] I kill Alandus with a mighty weapon: burnt or not burnt they now have lost their vigour
Left or not left, I with the spell subdue them: let not a single worm remain uninjured.
[0203104] The worm that lives within the ribs, within the bowels, in the head.
Avaskava and Borer, these we bruise to pieces with the spell.
[0203105] Worms that are found on mountains, in the forests, that live in plants, in cattle, in the waters, Those that have made their way within our bodies, these I destroy, the worms whole generation.
[p. a59]
A charm against worms or bots in cows
[0203201] Uprising let the Sun destroy, and when he sinketh, with his beams.
The Worms that live within the cow.
[0203202] The four eyed worm, of every shape, the variegated, and the white I break and crush the creature s ribs, and tear away its head besides.
[0203203] Like Atri I destroy you, Worms! in Kanva s, Jamadagni s way: I bray and bruise the creeping things to pieces with Agastya s* spell.
[0203204] Slain is the sovran of these Worms, yea, their controlling lord is slain: Slain is the Worm, his mother slain, brother and sister both are slain.
[0203205] Slain are his ministers, and slain his followers and retinue: Yes, those that seemed the tiniest things, the Worms have all been put to death.
[0203206] I break in pieces both thy horns wherewith thou pushest here and there: I cleave and rend the bag which holds the venom which is* stored in thee.
[p. a60]
[0203301] From both thy nostrils, from both eyes, from both thine ears, and from thy chin, Forth from thy brain and tongue I root Consumption seated in thy head.
[0203302] Forth from the neck and from the nape, from dorsal vertebrae and spine.
From arms and shoulder blades I root Consumption seated in thine arms.
[0203303] Forth from thy heart and from thy lungs, from thy gall bladder and thy sides, From kidneys, spleen and liver thy Consumption we eradicate.
[0203304] From bowels and intestines, from the rectum and the belly, I Extirpate thy Consumption, from flanks, navel and mesentery.
[0203305] Forth from thy thighs and from thy knees, heels and the fore parts of thy feet.
Forth from thy loins and hips I draw Consumption setted in thy loins.
[0203306] Forth from thy marrows and thy bones, forth from thy tendons and thy veins I banish thy Consumption, from thy hands, thy fingers, and thy nails.
[0203307] In every member, every hair, in every joint wherein it lies, We with the exorcising spell of Kasyapa drive far away Con sumption settled in thy skin.
A prayer accompanying an animal sacrifice
[0203401] May this, of all the beasts that Pasupati rules, Lord of animals,.
quadruped and biped, Come, purchased, to the sacrificial portion.
May growth of wealth attend the sacrificer.
[0203402] Loosing the seed of future time existence, give good success, O Gods, to him who worships.
May what is present, duly brought, the victim, go to the deities beloved region.
[0203403] Those who are looking, deep in meditation, on the bound ani mal with eye and spirit To them, the first, may Agni, God, give freedom, rejoicing in his creatures, Visvakarman.
[0203404] Tame animals of every shape, though varied in colour, manifold.
alike in nature To them, the first, may Vayu, God, give freedom, Prajapati.
rejoicing in his creatures.
[0203405] Let those who know receive before all others the vital breath proceeding from the body.
Go to the sky.
Stay there with all thy members.
By paths which Gods have travelled go to Svarga.
[p. a62]
Expiation for an imperfectly performed sacrifice
[0203501] We who enjoying it have grown no richer, for whom the sacred altar fires have sorrowed, We who compounded with deficient worship, may Visvakarman make our service prosper.
[0203502] Rishis have called the sacrifice s patron amerced through sin, sorrowing for his offspring.
Those drops of meath whereof the missed enjoyment, may Visvakarman with those drops unite us.
[0203503] Regarding niggard churls as Soma drinkers, skilful in sacrifice, weak at the meeting, Whatever sin the captive hath committed, do thou for weal release him, Visvakarman!
[0203504] Awful are Rishis: unto them be homage, and to their eye and truthfulness of spirit! Loud homage to Brihaspati, O mighty! Homage to thee, O Visvakarman! Guard us.
[0203505] The eye of sacrifice, source, and beginning with voice, ear, spirit unto him I offer.
To this our sacrifice wrought by Visvakarman may the Gods come gracious and kindly hearted.
[p. a63]
A charm to secure a husband for a marriageable girl
[0203601] To please us may the suitor come, O Agni, seeking this maid and bringing us good fortune.
Approved by wooers, lovely in assemblies, may she be soon made happy with a husband.
[0203602] As bliss beloved by Soma, dear to Prayer, and stored by Arya man, With the God Dhatar s truthfulness I work the bridal oracle.
[0203603] O Agni, may this woman find a husband.
Then verily King Soma makes her happy.
May she bear sons, chief lady of the household, blessed and bearing rule beside her consort.
[0203604] As this lair, Maghavan! that is fair to look on was dear to wild things as a pleasant dwelling, So may this woman here be Bhaga s darling.
Loved by her lord and prizing his affection. [p. a64]
[0203605] Mount up, embark on Bhaga s ship, the full, the inexhaustible, Thereon bring hitherward to us the lover whom thou fain wouldst wed.
[0203606] Call out to him, O Lord of Wealth! Make thou the lover well inclined.
Set each on thy right hand who is a lover worthy of her choice.
[0203607] Here is the Bdellium and the gold, the Auksha and the bliss are here: These bring thee to the husbands, so to find the man whom thou.
wouldst have.
[0203608] May Savitar lead and bring to thee the husband whom thy heart desires.
O Plant, be this thy gift to her!
[p. a65]
[p. a66]
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