Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 09:27 and updated at 24 Dec 2011 09:02
[p. a42]
HYMN X (10) Pacamochana Suktha
Absolution and benediction
See its Sanskrit Original and Audio Here:- avs-02-10
[0201001] From family sickness, kinsmen s curse, Destruction, from Druh, from Varuna s noose I free and save thee.
With spell and prayer I make thee pure and sinless: to thee be both, the Earth and Heaven, auspicious!
[0201002] Gracious to thee be Agni with the Waters, let Soma with the Plants be kind and bless thee.
From family sickness, kinsmen s curse, Destruction, from Druh, from Varuna s noose I thus release thee.
[0201003] May kind Wind strengthen thee in air s mid region, to thee may heaven s four quarters be auspicious.
From family sickness, kinsmen s curse, Destruction, from Druh, from Varuna s curse I thus release thee.
[0201004] These Goddesses, four regions of the heavens, on whom the Sun looks kindly, wives of Vata From family sickness, kinsmen s curse, Destruction, from Druh, from Varuna s noose I thus release thee.
[0201005] For long life, in the midst of these I set thee.
Away pass Nirriti, away Consumption! From family sickness, kinsmen s curse, Destruction, from Druh, from Varuna s noose I thus release thee.
[0201006] Thou hast been freed from Phthisis and from trouble, from shame, and from the snare of Druh and Grain.
From family sickness, kinsmen s curse, Destruction, from Druh, from Varuna s noose I thus release thee.[p. a43]
[0201007] Joy hast thou found, and left ill will behind thee: thou hast attained the happy world of virtue.
From family sickness, kinsmen s curse, Destruction, from Druh, from Varuna s noose I thus release thee.
[0201008] The Gods have freed from, sinfulness, redeeming the Sun, the Law from darkness and from Grahi.
From family sickness, kinsmen s curse, Destruction, from Druh, from Varuna s noose I thus release thee.
With spell and prayer I make thee pure and sinless: to thee be both, the Earth and Heaven, auspicious!
HYMN XI (11)
Counter charm, with an amulet, against an enemy s spell
[0201101] Dart against dart, destroyer of destruction, thou art the missile sent to meet the missile. [p. a44] Reach thy superior, thou; surpass thine equal.
[0201102] Sraktya art thou, an Amulet art thou, a counter charm of spells, Reach thy superior, thou; surpass thine equal.
[0201103] Use spells against the man we hate, against the man who hateth us.
Reach thy superior, thou; surpass thine equal.
[0201104] A prince art thou, giver of speech, thou art our bodies strong defence.
Reach thy superior, thou; surpass thine equal.
[0201105] Fulgent art thou, and splendid, thou art heavenly lustre, thou art light.
Reach thy superior, thou; surpass thine equal.
A prayer for vengeance on a malicious rival worshipper
[0201201] The spacious Firmament, and Earth and Heaven, the Field s Queen, and the wonderful Wide Strider, Yea, the broad middle air which Vata guardeth, may these now burn with heat while I am burning.
[0201202] Listen to this, ye Gods who merit worship.
+ HYMNs here are sung for me by Bharadvaja.
Bound in the noose may he be doomed to trouble whoever mars this that our mind hath purposed.
[0201203] Hear this my call, O Indra, Soma drinker, as with a burning heart I oft invoke thee.
I smite, as it were a tree felled with a hatchet, the man who marreth this my plan and purpose.
[0201204] Together with thrice eighty Sama singers, Angirases, and Vasus, and Adityas, May the felicity of the Fathers guard us.
I seize that man with fire that Gods have kindled. [p. a45]
[0201205] O Heaven and Earth, regard me with your favour, and, all ye Gods, stand on my side and help me.
Angirases, Fathers worthy of the Soma! woe fall on him who, caused the hateful outrage!
[0201206] Whoever either scorns us, O ye Maruts, or blames devotion which we now are paying.
Let his own wicked deeds be fires to burn him.
May Heaven consume the man who hates devotion.
[0201207] Thy sevenfold vital breath, thine eight marrows I rend away with prayer.
With Agni as thine envoy, go, prepared, to Yama s dwelling place.
[0201208] In Jatavedas kindled flame I set the place assigned to thee.
Let fire consume thy body, and thy voice go to the general breath.
[p. a46]
A youth s Investiture ceremony (godanam)
[0201301] Strength giver, winning lengthened life, O Agni, with face and back shining with molten butter, Drink thou the butter and fair milk and honey, and, as a sire his sons, keep this man safely.
[0201302] For us surround him, cover him with splendour, give him long life, and death when age removes him.
The garment hath Brihaspati presented to Soma, to the King, to w rap about him.
[0201303] Thou for our w eal hast clothed thee in the mantle: thou hast become our heifers guard from witchcraft.
Live thou a hundred full and plenteous autumns, and wrap thee in prosperity of riches.
[0201304] Come hither, stand upon the stone: thy body shall become a stone.
The Universal Gods shall make thy life a hundred autumns long.
[0201305] So may the Universal Gods protect thee, whom we divest of raiment worn aforetime.
So after thee, well formed and growing stronger, be born a multitude of thriving brothers.
[p. a47]
A charm to banish vermin and noxious creatures
[0201401] Forth from the hall the bold, the sharp, the greedy one, the single voiced, Sadanvas, and all progeny of Chanda we exterminate.
[0201402] We drive you forth from cattle shed, from axle, from within the wain, Ye daughters of Magundi, we frighten and chase you from out homes.
[0201403] Yonder let the Arayis dwell, there where that house is down below.
Let utter indigence and all the Yatudhanis settle there.
[0201404] May Bhutapati drive away, and Indra, the Sadanvas hence.
Let Indra with his bolt quell those who sit upon our dwelling s floor.
[0201405] Whether ye be of farm and field, or whether ye be sent by men, Or be ye sprung from Dasyu race, vanish, Sadanvas, and begone.
[0201406] I have gone round their homes as runs a fleet foot racer round the post, And in all races conquered you.
Vanish, Sadanvas, and begone.
[p. a48]
HYMN XV (15)
A charm against fear
[0201601] As Heaven and Earth are not afraid, and never suffer loss or harm, Even so, my spirit, fear not thou.
[0201602] As Day and Night are not afraid, nor ever suffer loss or harm, Even so, my spirit, fear not thou.
[0201603] As Sun and Moon are not afraid, nor ever suffer loss or harm.
Even so.
my spirit, fear not thou.
[0201604] As Brahmanhood and Princely Power fear not, nor suffer loss, or harm, Even so, my spirit, fear not thou.
[0201605] As Truth and Falsehood have no fear, nor ever suffer loss or harm, Even so, my spirit, fear not thou.
[0201606] As What Hath Been and What Shall Be fear not, nor suffer loss or harm, Even so, my spirit, fear not thou.
[p. a49]
A prayer for general protection
[0201601] Guard me from death, Inhaling and Exhaling! All bliss to you!
[0201602] Guard me from overhearing, Earth and Heaven! All hail to you!
[0201603] Do thou, O Surya, with thine eye protect me! All hail to thee!
[0201604] Agni Vaisvanara, with all Gods preserve me! All hail to thee!
[0201605] Preserve me with all care.
O All Sustainer! All hail to thee!
A prayer to an amulet for health and strength
[0201701] Power art thou, give me power. All hail!
[0201702] Might art thou, give me might. All hail!
[0201703] Strength art thou, give me strength. All hail!
[0201704] Life art thou, give me life. All hail!
[0201705] Ear art thou, give me hearing! Hail!
[0201706] Eye art thou, give me eyes. All hail!
[0201707] Shield art thou, shield me well. All hail
A charm against enemies, goblins, and other evil creatures
[0201801] Destruction of the foe art thou, give me the scaring of my foes.
All hail!
[0201802] The rival s ruiner art thou, give me to drive my rivals off.
All hail! [0201803] Arayas ruiner art thou, give me to drive Arayas off. All hail! [p. a50]
[0201804] Pisachas ruiner art thou, give me to drive Pisachas off.
All hail!
[0201805] Sadanvas ruiner art thou, give me to drive Sadanvas off.
All hail!
A prayer to Agni for aid against an enemy
[0201901] Burn thou, O Agni, with that heat of thine against the man who hates us, whom we hate.
[0201902] Flame thou, O Agni, with that flame of thine against the man who hates us, whom we hate.
[0201903] Shine out, O Agni, with that sheen of thine against the man who hates us, whom we hate.
[0201904] Blaze thou, O Agni, with that blaze of thine against the man who hates us, whom we hate.
[0201905] O Agni, with the splendour that is thine darken the man who hates us, whom we hate.
It appears that hymns 20 23 were omitted
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