Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 12:17 and updated at 16 May 2011 12:17
rvs.1.112 | And lent to Vyasva and to Prthi favouring help, Come hither unto us, O Asvins, with those aids. |
rvs.8.9 | 10 As erst Kaksivan and the Rsi Vyasva, as erst Dirghatamas invoked your presence, |
rvs.8.23 | 16 Vyasva the sage, who sought the Bull, hath won thee, finder of good things: |
rvs.8.24 | 22 As Vyasva did, praise Indra, praise the Strong unfluctuating Guide, |
rvs.8.24 | 23 Now, son of Vyasva, praise thou him who to the tenth time still is new, |
rvs.8.26 | 9 For we, like Vyasva, lifting up our voice like oxen, call on you: |
rvs.8.26 | 11 O Heroes, listen to the son of Vyasva, and regard me here, |
rvs.9.65 | 7 Sing forth your songs, as Vyasva sang, to Soma Pavamana, to, |