
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 11:54 and updated at 16 May 2011 11:54


rvs.1.2 HYMN II. Vayu. 2
rvs.1.2 1 BEAUTIFUL Vayu, come, for thee these Soma drops have been prepared:
rvs.1.2 Thee, Vayu, with their hymns of praise.
rvs.1.2 3 Vayu, thy penetrating stream goes forth unto the worshipper,
rvs.1.2 5 Well do ye mark libations, ye Vayu and Indra, rich in spoil!
rvs.1.2 6 Vayu and Indra, come to what the Somapresser- hath prepared:
rvs.1.14 3 Indra, Vayu, Brhaspati, Mitra, Agni, Pusan, Bhaga,
rvs.1.14 10 With all the Gods, with Indra, with Vayu, and Mitras' splendours, drink,
rvs.1.23 HYMN XXIII. Vayu and Others. 23
rvs.1.23 Drink, Vayu, the presented draughts.
rvs.1.23 2 Both Deities who touch the heaven, Indra and Vayu we invoke
rvs.1.23 3 The singers' for their aid, invoke Indra and Vayu, swift as mind,
rvs.1.113 These let the Somapresser- gain when ending his glad songs louder than the voice of Vayu.
rvs.1.134 HYMN CXXXIV. Vayu. 134
rvs.1.134 Come with thy teamdrawn- car, O Vayu, to the gift, come to the sacrificers' gift.
rvs.1.134 2 May the joygiving- drops, O Vayu gladden thee, effectual, well prepared, directed to the
rvs.1.134 3 Two red steeds Vayu yokes, Vayu two purple steeds, swiftfooted-, to the chariot, to the pole to
rvs.1.134 6 Thou, Vayu, who hast none before thee, first of all hast right to drink these offerings of Soma
rvs.1.135 HYMN CXXXV. Vayu, IndraVayu-. 135
rvs.1.135 1. STREWN is the sacred grass; come Vayu, to our feast, with team of thousands, come, Lord of the
rvs.1.135 Drive thou thy horses, Vayu, come to us with love, come wellinclined- and loving us.
rvs.1.135 sacred food, Vayu, to taste the offerings.
rvs.1.135 Brought by attendant priests pure juice is offered up, Vayu, pure juice is offered up.
rvs.1.135 food, Vayu, to taste the offerings!
rvs.1.135 O Vayu, with your splendid bounty come ye both, Indra, with bounty come ye both.
rvs.1.135 you: bright, Vayu, are they offered up.
rvs.1.135 7 O Vayu, pass thou over all the slumberers, and where the pressstone- rings enter ye both that
rvs.1.135 O Vayu, never shall the cows grow thin, never for thee shall they be dry.
rvs.1.135 9 These Bulls of thine, O Vayu with the arm of strength, who swiftly fly within the current of thy
rvs.1.139 company, Indra and Vayu we elect.
rvs.1.142 12 To Vayu joined with Pusan, with the Maruts, and the host of Gods,
rvs.1.169 May hymns that please thee cause the breast of Vayu to swell as with the meads' refreshing
rvs.2.11 These streams in which is thy delight approach thee, even as the brilliant ones draw near to Vayu.
rvs.2.41 2 Drawn by thy team, O Vayu, come; to thee is offered this, the pure.
rvs.2.41 3 Indra and Vayu, drawn by teams, ye Heroes, come today and drink.
rvs.3.35 1. MOUNT the Bay Horses to thy chariot harnessed, and come to us like Vayu with his coursers.
rvs.3.49 4 Supporting heaven, the high back of the region, his car is Vayu with his team of Vasus.
rvs.3.58 7 O Asvins, Very Mighty ones, with Vayu and with his steeds, oneminded-, everyouthful-,
rvs.4.21 Victor with Vayu where the herds are gathered, who leads with boldness on to higher fortune.
rvs.4.46 HYMN XLVI. Vayu. IndraVayu- 46
rvs.4.46 1. DRINK the best draught of Somajuice-, O Vayu, at our holy rites:
rvs.4.46 Vayu, and drink your fill of juice.
rvs.4.46 3 May steeds a thousand bring you both, Indra. and Vayu, hitherward
rvs.4.47 HYMN XLVIL Vayu. IndraVayu-. 47
rvs.4.47 1. Vayu, the bright is offered thee, best of the meath at holy rites.
rvs.4.47 2 O Vayu, thou and Indra are meet drinkers of these Somadraughts-,
rvs.4.48 HYMN XLVIII. Vayu. 48
rvs.4.48 O Vayu, on refulgent car come to the drinking of the juice.
rvs.4.48 O Vayu, on refulgent car come to the drinking of the juice.
rvs.4.48 O Vayu, on refulgent car come to the drinking of the juice.
rvs.4.48 O Vayu, on refulgent car come to the drinking of the juice.
rvs.4.48 5 Harness, O Vayu, to thy car a hundred wellfed- tawny steeds,
rvs.5.41 6 Bring hither him who yokes the car, your Vayu, who praises with his songs, the God and Singer;
rvs.5.43 3 Adhvaryus, make the sweet libations ready, and bring the beautiful bright juice to Vayu.
rvs.5.43 9 I have declared this speech of adoration to mightiest Pusan and victorious Vayu,
rvs.5.51 4 To Indra and to Vayu dear, this Soma, by the mortar pressed,
rvs.5.51 5 Vayu, come hither to the feast, wellpleased unto our sacred gifts:
rvs.5.51 6 Ye, Indra, Vayu, well deserve to drink the juices pressed by us.
rvs.5.51 7 For Indra and for Vayu pressed are Soma juices blent with curd,
rvs.5.51 12 Let us solicit Vayu for prosperity, and Soma who is Lord of all the world for weal;
rvs.6.4 5 Even he who cats his firm hard food with swiftnessand, overtakes the nights as Vayu kingdoms.
rvs.6.49 4 I with a lofty song call hither Vayu, allbounteous-, filler of his car, most wealthy.
rvs.6.50 12 May Rudra and Sarasvati, accordant, Visnu and Vayu, pour down gifts and bless us;
rvs.7.23 Come unto us as with his team comes Vayu: thou, through our solemn hymns bestowest booty.
rvs.7.35 May Visnu give felicity, and Pusan, the Air that cherisheth our life, and Vayu.
rvs.7.39 At the folks early call on Night and Morning, Vayu, and Pusan with his team, to bless us.
rvs.7.40 May Goddess Aditi assign us riches, Vayu and Bhaga make them ours for ever.
rvs.7.62 Let us not anger Varuna, nor Vayu, nor him, the dearest Friend of mortals, Mitra.
rvs.7.64 5 To you this laud, O Varuna and Mitra is offered like bright Soma juice to Vayu.
rvs.7.65 5 To you this laud, O Varuna and Mitra, is offered, like bright Soma juice to Vayu.
rvs.7.90 HYMN XC. Vayu. 90
rvs.7.90 Drive, Vayu, bring thine harnessed horses hither: drink the pressed Soma till it make thee joyful.
rvs.7.90 2 Whoso to thee, the Mighty, brings oblation, pure Soma unto thee, puredrinking- Vayu,
rvs.7.90 His team of harnessed horses waits on Vayu, and, foremost, on the radiant Treasurebearer-.
rvs.7.90 Viands attend the car that beareth Heroes, your car, ye Sovran Pair, Indra and Vayu.
rvs.7.90 These princes, through full life, Indra and Vayu! overcome in battle with their steeds and heroes.
rvs.7.91 HYMN XCI. Vayu. 91
rvs.7.91 For Vayu and for man in his affliction they caused the Morning to arise with Surya.
rvs.7.91 They have arranged them of one mind with Vayu: the men have wrought all noble operations.
rvs.7.91 O ye puredrinkers-, drink with us pure Soma: sit on this sacred grass, Indra and Vayu.
rvs.7.91 6 Your hundred and your thousand teams, O Indra and Vayu, allmunificent-, which attend you,
rvs.7.92 HYMN XCII. Vayu 92
rvs.7.92 2 Prompt at the holy rites forth came the presser with Somadraughts- for Indra and for Vayu,
rvs.7.92 4 Near to the Gods and making Indra joyful, devout and ofFering precious gifts to Vayu,
rvs.7.92 Come, Vayu, make thee glad at this libation. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
rvs.8.9 12 Whether with Indra ye be faring, Asvins, or resting in one dwellingplace- with Vayu,
rvs.8.26 O Vayu, drink thou of our meath: come unto our drinkofferings-.
rvs.8.26 21 Wonderful Vayu, Lord of Right, thou who art Tvastars' soninlaw—,
rvs.8.26 23 From heaven, auspicious Vayu, come drive hither with thy noble steeds:
rvs.8.26 25 So, glad and joyful in thine heart, do thou, God, Vayu, first of all
rvs.8.46 25 Come thou to this great rite of ours, Vayu! to give us vigorous light.
rvs.8.46 28 Sole Lord in beauty meet for praise, O Vayu, dropping fatness down,
rvs.8.46 These are thy people, Vayu, who rejoice with Indra for their guard, rejoice with Gods for guards.
rvs.8.90 9 Come, Vayu, drawn by fair hymns, to our sacrifice that reaches heaven.
rvs.9.5 Vayu, Surya, Brhaspati, Indra, and Agni, in accord.
rvs.9.7 7 He goes to Indra, Vayu, to the Asvins, as his custom is,
rvs.9.8 2 Laid in the bowl, pureflowing- on to Vayu and the Asvins, may
rvs.9.25 For Vayu and the Marut host.
rvs.9.25 Pass into Vayu as Law bids.
rvs.9.27 2 As giving power and winning light, for Indra and for Vayu he
rvs.9.33 3 To Indra, Vayu, Varuna, to Visnu, and the Maruts, flow
rvs.9.34 2 Poured forth to Indra, Varuna, to Vayu and the Marut hosts,
rvs.9.44 5 May Soma, ever bringing power to Bhaga and to Vayu, Sage
rvs.9.46 2 To Vayu flow the Somastreams-, the drops of juice made beautiful
rvs.9.61 8 With Indra and with Vayu he, effused, flows onward withthe, beams
rvs.9.61 9 Flow rich in sweets and lovely for our Bhaga, Vayu, Pusan flow
rvs.9.63 May Vayu find it rich in sweets.
rvs.9.63 10 Hence, singers, pour the gladdeningjuice to Vayu and to Indra, pour
rvs.9.63 To Vayu mount as Law commands
rvs.9.65 20 Soma, the Waterwinner- flows to Indra, Vayu, Varuna,
rvs.9.67 18 Brilliant, best givers of delight, these juices have sent Vayu forth.
rvs.9.70 Acceptable to Mitra, Vayu, Varuna, he is prepared as threefold meal by skilful men.
rvs.9.81 The Maruts, Asvins, Vayu, and Brhaspati, Savitar, Tvastar, tractable Sarasvati.
rvs.9.84 1. FLOW, cheering Gods, most active, winner of the flood, for Indra, and for Vayu, and for Varuna.
rvs.9.85 Flow sweet for Mitra, Varuna, and Vayu, rich in meath, inviolable for Brhaspati.
rvs.9.86 Producing Tritas' name, may he pour forth the meath, that Vayu and that Indra may become his
rvs.9.88 3 Like Vayu with his team, moving at pleasure, most gracious when invoked like both Nasatyas,
rvs.9.96 Pour booty, like a horse, for love of glory God, Soma, send us kine, and send us Vayu.
rvs.9.97 42 Make Vayu glad,, for furtherance and bounty: cheer Varuna and Mitra, as they cleanse thee.
rvs.9.97 49 To feast him, flow mid song and hymn, to Vayu, flow purified to Varuna and Mitra.
rvs.9.108 Acceptable to Mitra, Vayu, Varuna, the noblest Pillar of the heavens.
rvs.10.64 7 Bring ye Purandbi, bring Vayu who yokes his steeds, for friendship bring ye Pusan with your
rvs.10.65 1. MAY Agni, Indra, Mitra, Varuna consent, Aryaman, Vayu, Pusan, and Sarasvati,
rvs.10.65 9 Parjanya, Vata, mighty, senders of the rain, Indra and Vayu, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman:
rvs.10.65 10 Tvastar and Vayu, those who count as Rbhus, both celestial Hotarpriests-, and Dawn for
rvs.10.66 5 With Holy Thoughts Sarasvan, firmlawed- Varuna, great Vayu, Pusan, Visnu, and the Asvins Twain,
rvs.10.76 More rapidly than Vayu seize the Soma juice, better than Agni give us food, to you I sing.
rvs.10.85 Vayu is Somas' guardian God. The Moon is that which shapes the years.
rvs.10.90 Indra and Agni from his mouth were born, and Vayu from his breath.
rvs.10.92 13 Dear to all Gods, may Pusan guard the ways we go, the Waters child and Vayu help us to success.
rvs.10.100 2 Bring swift, for offering, the snare that suits the time, to the puredrinker- Vayu, roaring as
rvs.10.107 4 These who observe mankind regard oblation as streamy Vayu and lightfinding- Arka.
rvs.10.136 7 Vayu hath churned for him: for him he poundeth things most hard to bend,
rvs.10.141 4 Indra, Vayu, Brhaspati, Gods swift to listen, we invoke,
rvs.10.151 4 Guarded by Vayu, Gods and men who sacrifice draw near to Faith.
rvs.10.168 HYMN CLXVIII. Vayu. 168
rvs.10.186 HYMN CLXXXVI. Vayu. 186

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