Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 11:51 and updated at 16 May 2011 11:51
rvs.1.51 | O Herosouled-, the steeds of Vata, yoked by thought, have carried thee to fame while thou art |
rvs.1.186 | Friendly are Visnu, Vata, and Rbhuksan so may I bring the Gods to make us happy. |
rvs.5.41 | 4 The heavenly Victor, he whose priest is Kanva, Trta with Dyaus accordant, Vata, Agni, |
rvs.5.46 | 4 May Visnu also and Vata who injures none, and Soma granter of possessions give us joy; |
rvs.6.49 | 6 Bulls of the Earth, O Vata and Parjanya, stir up for us the regions of the water. |
rvs.6.50 | Rbhuksan, Vaja, and divine Vidhatar, Parjanya, Vata make our food abundant. |
rvs.7.40 | May the swiftmoving- Gods protect and bless us, and Vata send us rain, wha wanders round us. |
rvs.10.64 | To Sun and Moon, two Moons, to Yama in the heaven, to Trita, Vata, Dawn, Night, and the Atvins |
rvs.10.65 | 9 Parjanya, Vata, mighty, senders of the rain, Indra and Vayu, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman: |
rvs.10.66 | 10 May they who bear up heaven, the Rbhus deft of hand, and Vata and Parjanya of the thundering |
rvs.10.136 | 5 The Steed of Vata, Vayus' friend, the Muni, by the Gods impelled, |
rvs.10.141 | Vata, Visnu, Sarasvati and the Strong Courser Savitar. |
rvs.10.158 | 1. MAY Surya guard us out of heaven, and Vata from the firmament, |
rvs.10.186 | 1. FILLING our hearts with health and joy, may Vata breathe his balm on us |
rvs.10.186 | 2 Thou art our Father, Vata, yea, thou art a Brother and a friend, |
rvs.10.186 | 3 The store of Amrta laid away yonder, O Vata, in thine home, |