Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 11:42 and updated at 16 May 2011 11:42
rvs.1.167 | Well grasped, bright, decked with gold there is Vak also, like to a courtly, eloquent dame, among |
rvs.8.89 | HYMN LXXXIX Indra. Vak. 89 |
rvs.8.89 | 10 When, uttering words which no one comprehended, Vak, Queen of Gods, the Gladdener, was seated, |
rvs.8.89 | 11 The Deities generated Vak the Goddess, and animals of every figure speak her. |
rvs.8.89 | May she, the Gladdener, yielding food and vigour, the Milchcow- Vak, approach us meetly lauded. |
rvs.10.71 | 3 With sacrifice the trace of Vak they foIlowed, and found her harbouring within the Rsis. |
rvs.10.71 | 4 One man hath Never seen Vak, and yet he seeth: one man hath hearing but hath never heard her. |
rvs.10.71 | 6 No part in Vak hath he who hath abandoned his own dear friend who knows the truth of friendship. |
rvs.10.71 | Having attained to Vak in sinful fashion spin out their thread in ignorance like spinsters. |
rvs.10.114 | A thousand spots contain the mighty thousand. Vak spreadeth forth as far as Prayer extendeth. |
rvs.10.114 | 9 What sage hath learned the metres' application? Who hath gained Vak, the spirits' aim and object? |
rvs.10.125 | HYMN CXXV. Vak. 125 |