
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 11:28 and updated at 16 May 2011 11:28


rvs.1.36 Agni, bring Navavastva and Brhadratha, Turviti, to subdue the foe.
rvs.1.54 6 Thou helpest Narya, Turvasa, and Yadu, and Vayyas' son Turviti, Satakratu!
rvs.1.61 Using his might and favouring him who worshipped, he made a ford, victorious, for Turviti.
rvs.1.112 23 Wherewith ye, Lords of Hundred Powers, helped Kutsa, son of Arjuni, gave Turviti and Dabhiti
rvs.2.13 12 Thou for Turviti heldest still the flowing floods, the riverstream- for Vayya easily to pass
rvs.4.19 6 Thou for the sake of Vayya and Turviti didst stay the great stream, flowing, allsustaining-:

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