Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 11:02 and updated at 16 May 2011 11:02
rvs.1.7 | 3 Indra hath raised the Sun on high in heaven, that he may see afar: |
rvs.1.23 | 17 May Waters gathered near the Sun, and those wherewith the Sun is joined, |
rvs.1.23 | So that I long may see the Sun. |
rvs.1.24 | 8 King Varuna hath made a spacious pathway, a pathway for the Sun wherein to travel. |
rvs.1.32 | Then, giving life to Sun and Dawn and Heaven, thou foundest not one foe to stand against thee. |
rvs.1.33 | Although they hastened, they overcame not Indra: their spies he compassed with the Sun of morning. |
rvs.1.35 | Drives away sickness, bids the Sun approach us, and spreads the bright sky through the darksome |
rvs.1.43 | 5 He shines in splendour like the Sun, refulgent as bright gold is he, |
rvs.1.46 | 10 Light came to lighten up the branch, the Sun appeared as it were gold: |
rvs.1.48 | 7 This Dawn hath yoked her steeds afar, beyond the rising of the Sun: |
rvs.1.50 | Before the allbeholding- Sun. |
rvs.1.50 | Sun, seeing all things that have birth. |
rvs.1.51 | When thou hadst slain with might the dragon Vrtra, thou, Indra, didst raise the Sun in heaven for |
rvs.1.52 | Thou heldst in thine arms the metal thunderbolt, and settest in the heaven the Sun for all to see. |
rvs.1.56 | 4 When Strength the Goddess, made more strong for help by thee, waits upon Indra as the Sun |
rvs.1.59 | 3 As in the Sun firm rays are set for ever, treasures are in Vaisvanara, in Agni. |
rvs.1.62 | 5 Praised by Angirases, thou, foedestroyer-, hast, with the Dawn, Sun, rays, dispelled the |
rvs.1.71 | 9 He who like thought goes swiftly on his journey, the Sun, alone is ever Lord of riches. |
rvs.1.83 | 5 Atharvan first by sacrifices laid the paths then, guardian of the Law, sprang up the loving Sun. |
rvs.1.84 | May Indravigour- fill thee full, as the Sun fills midair- with rays. |
rvs.1.86 | That reaches even to the Sun. |
rvs.1.89 | Sages whose tongue is Agni, brilliant as the Sun, hither let all the Gods for our protection come. |
rvs.1.90 | 8 May the tall tree be full of sweets for us, and full of sweets the Sun: |
rvs.1.102 | The Sun and Moon in change alternate run their course, that we, O Indra, may behold and may have |
rvs.1.105 | 16 That pathway of the Sun in heaven, made to be highly glorified, |
rvs.1.108 | 12 If, when the Sun to the midheaven- hath mounted, ye take delight in food, O IndraAgni-, |
rvs.1.112 | 13 Wherewith ye, compass round the Sun when far away, strengthened Mandhatar in his tasks as lord |
rvs.1.113 | She for the Sun hath left a path to travel we have arrived where men prolong existence. |
rvs.1.115 | The soul of all that moveth not or moveth, the Sun hath filled the air and earth and heaven. |
rvs.1.115 | 2 Like as a young man followeth a maiden, so doth the Sun the Dawn, refulgent Goddess: |
rvs.1.115 | 5 In the skys' lap the Sun this form assumeth that Varuna and Mitra may behold it. |
rvs.1.116 | 17 The Daughter of the Sun your car ascended, first reaching as it were the goal with coursers. |
rvs.1.117 | Like one who slumbered in destructions' bosom, or like the Sun when dwelling in the darkness. |
rvs.1.117 | The Daughter of the Sun with all her glory, O ye Nasatyas, chose your car to bear her. |
rvs.1.118 | 5 The youthful Daughter of the Sun, delighting in you, ascended there your chariot, Heroes. |
rvs.1.121 | 6 There is he born. May the Swift give us rapture, and like the Sun shine forth from yonder |
rvs.1.121 | 13 The strong Bay Horses of the Sun thou stayedst: this Etasa drew not the wheel, O Indra. |
rvs.1.122 | Now like the Sun, O Varuna and Mitra, your car hath shone, longshaped- and reined with splendour. |
rvs.1.123 | May Savitar the God, Friend of the homestead, declare before the Sun that we are sinless. |
rvs.1.124 | 1. THE Dawn refulgent when the fire is kindled, and the Sun rising, far diffuse their brightness. |
rvs.1.130 | Let thy Bay Horses bring thee hither as the Sun, as every day they bring the Sun. |
rvs.1.135 | This is thy seasonable share, that comes coradiant- with the Sun. |
rvs.1.136 | 2 For the broad Sun was seen a path more widely laid, the path of holy law hath been maintained |
rvs.1.141 | Now may these wealthy chiefs and we together spread forth as spreads the Sun above the rainclouds-. |
rvs.1.146 | Longing, they turned their eyes unto the River: to these the Sun of men was manifested. |
rvs.1.149 | Bright like the Sun, with hundredfold existence. |
rvs.1.151 | Here in the neighbourhood they cry unto the Sun at morning and at evening, like swift birds of |
rvs.1.160 | Two Bowls of noble kind: between these Goddesses the God, the fulgent Sun, travels by fixed decree. |
rvs.1.163 | His bridle the Gandharva grasped. O Vasus, from out the Sun ye fashioned forth the Courser. |
rvs.1.164 | 25 With Jagati the flood in heaven he stablished, and saw the Sun in the Rathantara Saman. |
rvs.1.174 | Let the Sun roll his chariot wheel anear us, and let the Thunderer go to meet the foemen. |
rvs.1.190 | 3 The praise, the verse that offers adoration, may he bring forth, as the Sun sends his arms out, |
rvs.1.191 | HYMN CXCI. Water. Grass. Sun. 191 |
rvs.1.191 | 8 Slayer of things unseen, the Sun, beheld of all, mounts, eastward, up, |
rvs.1.191 | 10 I hang the poison in the Sun, a wineskin- in a vintners' house, |
rvs.2.8 | 4 Who shines refulgent like the Sun, with brilliance and with fiery flame, |
rvs.2.12 | He who gave being to the Sun and Morning, who leads the waters, He, O men, is Indra. |
rvs.2.19 | He gave the Sun his life, he found the cattle, and with the night the works of days completed. |
rvs.2.23 | As with great light the Sun brings forth the rays of morn, so thou alone art Father of all sacred |
rvs.2.24 | When, gracious, for the hymn he brings forth food and wealth, the glowing Sun untroubled sends |
rvs.3.14 | What time unto the peoples' lands thou camest, spreading them as the Sun of men, with lustre. |
rvs.3.15 | 2 Be thou To us, while now the morn is breaking, be thou a guardian when the Sun hath mounted.. |
rvs.3.26 | 8 Bearing in mind a thought with light accordant, he purified the Sun with three refinings; |
rvs.3.31 | Indra who shone together with the Heroes begot the song, the fire, and Sun and Morning. |
rvs.3.32 | He beareth up this earth and heaven, and, doer of marvels, he begot the Sun and Morning. |
rvs.3.34 | 9 He gained possession of the Sun and Horses, Indra obtained the Cow who feedeth many. |
rvs.3.39 | There, verily with ten Dasagvas Indra found the Sun lying hidden in the darkness. |
rvs.3.53 | The Daughter of the Sun hath spread our glory among the Gods, imperishable, deathless. |
rvs.3.54 | May Earth and Heaven, the Sun, the waters, hear us, and the wide firmament and constellations. |
rvs.4.3 | 8 What wilt thou tell the truthful band of Maruts, how answer the great Sun when thou art |
rvs.4.13 | Their stablished way go Varuna and Mitra, what time they make the Sun ascend the heaven. |
rvs.4.16 | 14 What time thou settest near the Sun thy body, thy form, Immortal One, is seen expanding: |
rvs.4.25 | 4 To him shall Agni Bharata give shelter: long shall he look upon the Sun uprising-, |
rvs.4.30 | 6 When also for a mortal man, Indra, thou speddest forth the Sun, |
rvs.4.31 | I share thee even with the Sun. |
rvs.4.31 | With thee and with the Sun alike, |
rvs.4.38 | 10 Dadhikras hath overspread the Fivefold People with vigour, as the Sun lightens the waters. |
rvs.4.43 | What car do they call swift with rapid coursers? That which the Daughter of the Sun elected. |
rvs.4.45 | like the Sun. |
rvs.4.45 | radiance like the Sun; |
rvs.4.45 | And the Sun harnessing his horses goeth forth: ye through your Godlike nature let his paths be |
rvs.5.14 | He found the Kine, the Floods, the Sun. |
rvs.5.26 | 2 We pray thee, thou who droppest oil, brightrayed-! who lookest on the Sun, |
rvs.5.27 | O IndraAgni-! lofty rule like the unwasting Sun in heaven. |
rvs.5.29 | 10 One carwheel- of the Sun thou rolledst forward, and one thou settest free to move for Kutsa. |
rvs.5.40 | 9 The Atris found the Sun again, him whom Svarbhanu of the brood |
rvs.5.45 | The Sun hath risen and oped the stable portals: the doors of men, too, hath the God thrown open. |
rvs.5.51 | 15 Like Sun and Moon may we pursue in full prosperity our path, |
rvs.5.54 | 5 Maruts, this hero strength and majesty of yours hath, like the Sun, extended over a lengthened |
rvs.5.54 | 10 When, as the Sun hath risen up, ye take delight, O bounteous radiant Maruts, Heroes of the sky, |
rvs.5.54 | the Sun. |
rvs.5.55 | Sun. |
rvs.5.62 | 8 Ye mount your car goldhued- at break of morning, and ironpillared- when the Sun is setting, |
rvs.5.63 | 4 Your magic, MitraVaruna-, resteth in the heaven. The Sun, the wondrous weapon, cometh forth as |
rvs.5.63 | Ye by eternal Order govern all the world. Ye set the Sun in heaven as a refulgent car. |
rvs.5.69 | 3 I call at dawn on Aditi the Goddess, I call at noon and when the Sun is setting. |
rvs.5.76 | 3 Yea, come at milkingtime-, at early morning, at noon of day and when the Sun is setting, |
rvs.5.79 | Let not the Sun with fervent heat consume thee like a robber foe, highborn-! delightful with the |
rvs.5.85 | Who standing in the firmament hath meted the earth out with the Sun as with a measure. |
rvs.6.2 | For, Purifier! like the Sun thou beamest with thy radiant glow. |
rvs.6.4 | 3 Whose might the very heavens regard with wonder: bright as the Sun he clothes himself with |
rvs.6.17 | Make the Sun visible, make food abundant, slaughter the foes, pierce through and free the cattle. |
rvs.6.17 | 5 Gladdened whereby, bursting the firm enclosures, thou gavest splendour to the Sun and Morning. |
rvs.6.21 | 3 He hath made pathways, with the Sun to aid him, throughout the darkness that extended pathless. |
rvs.6.30 | Near and afar he spread and set the regions, and every day the Sun became apparent. |
rvs.6.30 | Thou art the King of men, of all that liveth, engendering at once Sun, Heaven, and Morning. |
rvs.6.32 | 2 Amid the sages, with the Sun he brightened the Parents: glorified, he burst the mountain; |
rvs.6.44 | 23 The Dawns he wedded to a glorious Consort, and set within the Sun the light that lights him. |
rvs.6.48 | Let them not snare by day the neck of that Celestial Bird the Sun. |
rvs.6.48 | 21 They whose high glory in a moment like the God, the Sun, goes round the space of heaven, |
rvs.6.52 | 5 Through all our days may we be healthy. minded, and look upon the Sun when he arises. |
rvs.6.59 | Drive those who hate me far away, and keep them distant from the Sun. |
rvs.6.72 | Ye found the Sun ye found the light of heaven: ye killed all darkness and the Gods blasphemers. |
rvs.6.72 | 2 Ye, IndraSoma-, gave her light to Morning, and led the Sun on high with all his splendour. |
rvs.7.3 | Like Heavens' thundering roar thy might approaches, and like the wondrous Sun thy light thou |
rvs.7.8 | 4 Far famed is this the Bharatas' own Agni he shineth like the Sun with lofty splendour. |
rvs.7.9 | 2 Most wise is he who, forcing doors of Panis, brought the bright Sun to us who feedeth many. |
rvs.7.10 | 2 He, like the Sun, hath shone while Morn is breaking, and priests who weave the sacrifice sing |
rvs.7.34 | 19 Leading great hosts, with fierce attacks of these, they burn their foes as the Sun burns the |
rvs.7.35 | 8 May the farseeing- Sun rise up to bless us: be the four Quarters of the sky auspicious. |
rvs.7.60 | 1. WHEN thou, O Sun, this day, arising sinless, shalt speak the truth to Varuna and Mitra, |
rvs.7.60 | 2 Looking on man, O Varuna and Mitra, this Sun ascendeth up by both the pathways, |
rvs.7.63 | With homage and oblations will we serve you, O MitraVaruna-, when the Sun hath risen. |
rvs.7.65 | 1. WITH hymns I call you, when the Sun hath risen, Mitra, and Varuna whose thoughts are holy, |
rvs.7.66 | 4 So when the Sun hath risen today-, may sinless Mitra, Aryaman, |
rvs.7.66 | 7 Soon as the Sun hath risen, to you, to MitraVaruna-, I sing, |
rvs.7.66 | 12 So at the rising of the Sun we think of you with hymns today-, |
rvs.7.78 | She hath brought forth Sun, sacrifice, and Agni, and far away hath fled detested darkness. |
rvs.7.79 | She hath sent out her sheen with beauteous oxen. The Sun with light hath opened earth and heaven. |
rvs.7.80 | Youthful and unrestrained she cometh forward: she hath turned thoughts to Sun and fire and worship. |
rvs.7.81 | 2 The Sun ascending, the refulgent Star, pours down his beams together with the Dawn. |
rvs.7.82 | 3 Ye with your strength have pierced the fountains of the floods: the Sun have ye brought forward |
rvs.7.104 | Let the fools' gods with bent necks fall and perish, and see no more the Sun when he arises. |
rvs.8.1 | 29 My praises when the Sun hath risen, my praises at the time of noon, |
rvs.8.3 | 6 With might hath Indra spread out heaven and earth, with power hath Indra lighted up the Sun. |
rvs.8.3 | 20 Bright were the flaming fires, the Sun gave forth his shine, and Soma, Indras' juice, shone |
rvs.8.6 | I was born like unto the Sun. |
rvs.8.7 | 8 With might they drop the loosened rein so that the Sun may run his course, |
rvs.8.7 | 22 They brought together both the worlds, the mighty waters, and the Sun, |
rvs.8.9 | 18 Thou, Dawn, approaching with thy light shinest together with the Sun, |
rvs.8.10 | 4 On whom the solemn rites depend, whose worshippers rise without the Sun: |
rvs.8.12 | When, like the Sun, he hath increased both Heaven and Earth. |
rvs.8.12 | 30 When yonder Sun, that brilliant light, thou settest in the heaven above, |
rvs.8.13 | 13 I call thee when the Sun is risen, I call thee at the noon of day: |
rvs.8.27 | 19 If ye appoint the rite today-, kind Rulers, when the Sun ascends, |
rvs.8.29 | 10 Some, singing lauds, conceived the Samahymn-, great hymn whereby they caused the Sun to shine. |
rvs.8.59 | The splendid bolt of thunder was deposited, as the great Sun was set in heaven. |
rvs.8.61 | 17 I took some Soma when the Sun rose up, O Mitra, Varuna. |
rvs.8.83 | 2 She in whose bosom all the Gods, and Sun and Moon for men to see, |
rvs.8.87 | 2 Thou, Indra, art the Conqueror: thou gavest splendour to the Sun. |
rvs.8.88 | 3 Turning, as it were, to meet the Sun, enjoy from Indra all good things. |
rvs.8.90 | 14 Past and gone are three mortal generations: the fourth and last into the Sun hath entered. |
rvs.8.91 | A pleasant aspect like the Sun. |
rvs.8.96 | 10 Indra hath tossed together mighty stores of wealth, and both the worlds, yea, and the Sun. |
rvs.8.100 | Agni with his resplendent flame hath shone on high as shines the Sun, hath shone like Surya in |
rvs.9.2 | He shines together with the Sun. |
rvs.9.4 | 5 Give us our portion in the Sun through thine own mental power and aids; |
rvs.9.4 | 6 Through thine own mental power and aid long may we look upon the Sun; |
rvs.9.10 | 8 He gives us kinship with the Gods, and with the Sun unites our eye: |
rvs.9.10 | 9 The Sun with his dear eye beholds that quarter of the heavens which priests |
rvs.9.17 | And moving secmst' to speed the Sun. |
rvs.9.23 | They made the Sun that he might shine. |
rvs.9.28 | The Sun and all his forms of light. |
rvs.9.37 | 4 This Payamana up above Tritas' high ridge hath made the Sun, |
rvs.9.42 | 1. ENGENDERING the Sun in floods, engendering heavens' lights, greenhued-, |
rvs.9.54 | 2 In aspect he is like the Sun; he runneth forward to the lakes, |
rvs.9.63 | 9 And those ten Coursers, tawnyhued-, he harnessed that the Sun might come |
rvs.9.64 | Flow like the Sun for us to see. |
rvs.9.86 | the Sun. |
rvs.9.97 | 38 Cleansed near the Sun as it were he as Creator hath filled full heaven and earth, and hath |
rvs.9.110 | 3 O Pavamana, thou didst generate the Sun, and spread the moisture out with power, |
rvs.10.9 | So that I long may see the Sun. |
rvs.10.12 | Have given the Moon his beams, the Sun his splendourthe- Two unweariedly maintain their brightness. |
rvs.10.16 | 3 The Sun receive thine eye, tne Wind thy spirit; go, as thy merit is, to earth or heaven. |
rvs.10.27 | The waters even shall aid him to his object, and the allcleansing- Sun who is above us. |
rvs.10.35 | 5 Dawns, who come forward with the bright beams of the Sun, and at your earliest flushing bring to |
rvs.10.35 | The Sun goes up beholding all the rays of morn. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity. |
rvs.10.37 | All else that is in motion finds a place of rest: the waters ever flow and ever mounts the Sun. |
rvs.10.37 | Never may we suffer want in presence of the Sun, and, living happy lives, may we attain old age. |
rvs.10.43 | 5 As in the game a gambler piles his winnings, so Maghavan, sweeping all together, gained the Sun |
rvs.10.49 | 7 I travel round about borne onward in my might by the fleetfooted- dappled Horses of the Sun. |
rvs.10.58 | 8 Thy spirit, that went far away, that visited the Sun and Dawn. |
rvs.10.59 | 4 Give us not up as prey to death, O Soma still let us look upon the Sun arising. |
rvs.10.59 | Long may we look upon the Sun uprising; O Anumati, favour thou and bless us. |
rvs.10.60 | Even as the Sun for all to see. |
rvs.10.62 | 3 Ye raised the Sun to heaven by everlasting Law, and spread broad earth, the Mother, out on every |
rvs.10.64 | To Sun and Moon, two Moons, to Yama in the heaven, to Trita, Vata, Dawn, Night, and the Atvins |
rvs.10.65 | These very bounteous Gods made the Sun mount to heaven, and spread the righteous laws of Aryas |
rvs.10.67 | Brhaspati discovered, while he thundered like Dyaus, the dawn, the Sun, the cow, the lightning. |
rvs.10.68 | 4 As the Sun dews with meath the seat of Order, and casts a flaming meteor down from heaven. |
rvs.10.68 | He did a deed Never done, Never to be equalled, whereby the Sun and Moon ascend alternate. |
rvs.10.69 | like the Sun. |
rvs.10.88 | 6 Head of the world is Agni in the nighttime-; then, as the Sun, at morn springs up and rises. |
rvs.10.90 | 13 The Moon was gendered from his mind, and from his eye the Sun had birth; |
rvs.10.91 | Sun. |
rvs.10.92 | Ye Sun and Moon who dwell in heaven and move in turn, and with your thought, O Earth and Sky, |
rvs.10.93 | 5 Come also to our dwelling, Lords of ample wealth, common partakers of our waters, Sun and Moon, |
rvs.10.93 | 12 So have they strengthened this mine hymn which seems to take its bright path to the Sun, and |
rvs.10.94 | Then downward to the nether stones' fixt place they sink, and, splendid as the Sun, effuse their |
rvs.10.96 | O Asura, disclose thou and make visible the Cows' beloved home to the bright golden Sun. |
rvs.10.107 | 2 High up in heaven abide the Guerdongivers-: they who give steeds dwell with the Sun for ever. |
rvs.10.111 | The vast sky with the Sun hath he extended, and, best otpillars, stayed it with a pillar. |
rvs.10.112 | 3 Deck out thy body with the fairest colours, with golden splendour of the Sun adorn it. |
rvs.10.121 | When over them the risen Sun is shining. What God shall we adore with our oblation? |
rvs.10.138 | Thou gavest increase through this Trees' surpassing might. The Sun shone by the hymn that sprang |
rvs.10.138 | 3 In the midway- of heaven the Sun unyoked his car: the Arya found a match to meet his Dam foe. |
rvs.10.138 | Like Sun and Moon he took the strongholds' wealth away, and, praised in song, demolished foes with |
rvs.10.151 | Faith at the setting of the Sun. O Faith, endow us with belief. |
rvs.10.154 | 5 Skilled in a thousand ways and means, the sages who protect the Sun, |
rvs.10.156 | 4 O Agni, thou hast made the Sun, Eternal Star, to mount the sky, |
rvs.10.157 | 5 Brought the Sun hitherward with mighty powers, and looked about them on their vigorous Godhead. |
rvs.10.159 | 1. YON Sun hath mounted up, and this my happy fate hate mounted high. |
rvs.10.170 | Alllighting-, radiant, mighty as the Sun to see, he spreadeth wide unfailing victory and strength. |
rvs.10.171 | 4 Bring, Indra, to the east again that Sun who now is in the west, |
rvs.10.179 | 2 Oblation is prepared: come to us, Indra; the Sun hath travelled over half his journey. |
rvs.10.190 | 3 Dhatar, the great Creator, then formed in due order Sun and Moon. |