
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 10:56 and updated at 16 May 2011 10:56


rvs.7.35 7 Blest unto us be Soma, and devotions, blest be the Sacrifice, the Stones for pressing.
rvs.10.76 Pour riches forth for us with troops of hero sons, and bear ye up, O Stones, the song that visits
rvs.10.76 6 Stirred be the glorious Stones: let it press out the juice, the Stone with heavenly song that
rvs.10.76 7 The Stones press out the Soma, swift as carborne- men, and, eager for the spoil, drain forth the
rvs.10.76 8 Ye, present men, have been most skilful in your work, even ye, O Stones who pressed Soma for
rvs.10.94 When, rich with Soma juice, Stones of the mountain, ye, united, swift to Indra bring the sound of
rvs.10.94 While, pious Stones, they ply their task with piety, and, even before the Hotar, taste the offered
rvs.10.94 8 These Stones with ten conductors, rapid in their course, with lovely revolution travel round and
rvs.10.94 Fair are ye, as it were, through splendour of his wealth, his in whose sacrifice, O Stones, ye
rvs.10.94 11 Bored deep, but not pierced through with holes, are ye, O Stones, not loosened, never weary,
rvs.10.94 13 This, this the Stones proclaim, what time they are disjoined, and when with ringing sounds they
rvs.10.94 So loose thou too his thought who hath effused the sap, and let the Stones which we are honouring
rvs.10.175 1. MAY Savitar the God, O Stones, stir you according to the Law:
rvs.10.175 2 Stones, drive calamity away, drive ye away malevolence:
rvs.10.175 3 Of one accord the upper Stones, giving the Bull his bulllike- strength,
rvs.10.175 4 May Savitar the God, O Stones, stir you as Law commands for him

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