Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 10:44 and updated at 16 May 2011 10:44
rvs.1.28 | 8 Ye Sovrans of the Forest, both swift, with swift pressers press today- |
rvs.1.136 | Sovrans adored with streams of oil and praised at every sacrifice. |
rvs.3.38 | 6 Three seats ye Sovrans, in the Holy synod, many, yea, all, ye honour with your presence. |
rvs.3.56 | Sovrans, |
rvs.6.60 | Who rule as Sovrans over ample riches, victorious, showing forth their power in conquest. |
rvs.8.23 | Imperial Sovrans, holyminded-, true to Law. |
rvs.8.72 | 5 For Sovrans of dear wealth are ye, Adityas, not of sinners' wealth, |