Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 10:41 and updated at 16 May 2011 10:41
rvs.1.5 | The Somas mingled with the curd. |
rvs.1.5 | 7 O Indra, lover of the song, may these quick Somas enter thee: |
rvs.1.23 | 1 STRONG are the Somas; come thou nigh; these juices have been mixt with milk: |
rvs.1.34 | 2 Three are the fellies in your honeybearing- car, that travels after Somas' loved one, as all |
rvs.1.47 | Whereon ye ever bring wealth to the worshipper, to drink the Somas' pleasant juice. |
rvs.1.89 | And the joygiving- stones that press the Somas' juice. Asvins, may ye, for whom our spirits long, |
rvs.1.116 | When, by the horses' head, Atharvans' offspring Dadhyac made known to you the Somas' sweetness. |
rvs.1.119 | 9 To you in praise of sweetness sang the honeybee-: Ausija calleth you in Somas' rapturous joy. |
rvs.1.135 | Somadrops-, fain for you, over the wethers' fleece, Somas over the wethers' fleece. |
rvs.1.136 | Long may we live and have attendant progeny, have progeny with Somas' help. |
rvs.1.168 | 3 They who, like Somas with their wellgrown- stalks pressed out, imbibed within the heart, dwell |
rvs.2.8 | 6 May we with Agnis', Indras' help, with Somas', yea, of all the Gods, |
rvs.2.15 | Earth he upheld, and gave it wide expansion. These things did Indra in the Somas' rapture. |
rvs.2.15 | And made them flow at ease by paths farreaching-, These things did Indra in the Somas' rapture. |
rvs.2.15 | And made him rich with kine and cars and horses. These things did Indra in the Somas' rapture. |
rvs.2.15 | They having crossed the stream attained to riches. These things did Indra in the Somas' rapture. |
rvs.2.15 | Rending her slow steeds with his rapid coursers. These things did Indra in the Somas' rapture. |
rvs.2.15 | The cripple stood erect, the blind beheld them. These things did Indra in the Somas' rapture. |
rvs.2.15 | He tore away their deftlybuilt- defences. These things did Indra in the Somas' rapture. |
rvs.2.15 | There the staffbearer- found the golden treasure. These things did Indra in the Somas' rapture. |
rvs.3.1 | 1. THOU, Agni, who wilt have the strong, hast made me the Somas' priest, to worship in assembly. |
rvs.3.5 | This Agni guards with care that never ceases the Somas' skin, the Birds' place rich in fatness. |
rvs.3.36 | 2 For Indra were the Somas erst- discovered, whereby he grew strongjointed-, vast, and skilful. |
rvs.3.36 | 3 Drink and wax great. Thine are the juices, Indra, both Somas of old time and these we bring thee. |
rvs.3.36 | Even as thou drankest, Indra, earlier Somas, so drink today-, a new guest, meet for praises. |
rvs.3.36 | Him the broad earth hath never comprehended when Somas cheered the Lord of Tawny Coursers. |
rvs.3.41 | 5 Our hymns caress the Lord of Strength, vast, drinker of the Somas' juice, |
rvs.3.42 | 5 Indra, these Somas are expressed. Take them within thy belly, Lord |
rvs.3.48 | 1. SOON as the young Bull sprang into existence he longed to taste the pressedout- Somas' liquor. |
rvs.3.53 | Ye singers, with the Gods, sages who look on men, ye Kutikas drink up the Somas' savoury meath. |
rvs.4.1 | He hath disclosed, like the milch cows' pure udder, the Somas' juice when cleansed and poured |
rvs.4.32 | Of Somas, Somadrinker- thou. |
rvs.5.2 | Forth burst his splendours in the Somas' rapture. The godless bands press round but cannot stay |
rvs.5.30 | 11 What time the Somas mixed by Babhru cheered him, loud the Steer bellowed in his habitations. |
rvs.5.34 | 2 He who filled full his belly with the Somas' juice, Maghavan, was delighted with the meaths' |
rvs.5.40 | 1. COME thou to what the stones have pressed, drink Soma, O thou Somas' Lord, |
rvs.5.43 | 4 Two armsthe- Somas' dexterous immo. latorsand- the ten fingers set and fix the pressstone-. |
rvs.6.42 | 2 With Soma go ye nigh to him chief drinker of the Somas' juice: |
rvs.8.14 | 7 In Somas' ecstasy Indra spread the firmament and realms of light, |
rvs.8.21 | Drink thou the Soma, Somas' Lord! |
rvs.8.22 | Chief drinkers of the Somas' juice |
rvs.8.32 | Wrought in the Somas' wild delight. |
rvs.8.35 | 22 Drive down your chariot hitherward drink ye the Somas' savoury juice. |
rvs.9.10 | 3 The Somas deck themselves with milk, as Kings are graced with eulogies, |
rvs.9.21 | 1. To Indra flow these running drops, these Somas frolicsome in mood. |
rvs.9.23 | 4 The living Somas being cleansed diffuse exhilarating drink, |
rvs.9.46 | juice, the Somas rich in food, |
rvs.9.51 | 2 Pour out for Indra, Thunderarmed-, the milk of heaven,, the Somas' juice, |
rvs.9.63 | 4 These Somas swift and brown of hue, in stream of solemn sacrifice |
rvs.9.63 | 15 Over the cleansing sieve have flowed the Somas, blent with curdled milk, |
rvs.9.64 | 28 Bright are these Somas blent with milk, with light that flashes brilliantly. And form that |
rvs.9.70 | 9 Flow on for the Gods' banquet, Soma, as a Steer, and enter Indras' heart, the Somas' reservoir. |
rvs.9.87 | 5 These Somas are for wealth of countless cattle, renown therefor, and mighty strength immortal. |
rvs.9.87 | Somas' stream clears itself for thee, O Indra, like lightning thundering through the clouds of |
rvs.9.88 | 6 These Somas passing through the fleecy filter, like rain descending from the clouds of heaven, |
rvs.9.97 | 26 Effused by us let Goddelighting- Somas bring as they flow a home with noble heroes. |
rvs.9.98 | 11 These ancient Somas, at the break of day, have flowed into the sieve, |
rvs.9.101 | 4 The Somas, very rich in sweets, for which the sieve is destined, flow, |
rvs.10.29 | Here for thy choice are Somas mixed with butter: may the sweet meath be pleasant for thy drinking. |
rvs.10.42 | 5 Whoso with plenteous food for him expresses strong Somas as much quicklycoming- treasure, |
rvs.10.42 | 8 Indra, the swallower of strong libations rich in the boons they bring, the potent Somas, |
rvs.10.43 | The man in whose libations Sakra hath delight by means of potent Somas vanquisheth his foes. |
rvs.10.44 | He stays apart the two confronting bowls; he sings lauds in the potent Somas' joy when he hath |
rvs.10.45 | 12 Agni, the Friend of men, the Somas' keeper, Vaisvanara, hath been lauded by the Rsis. |
rvs.10.46 | White, waxing in their strength, for ever stirring, and sitting in the wood; like winds are Somas. |
rvs.10.48 | I give full many a thousand to the worshipper, what time the Somas and the lauds have made me glad. |
rvs.10.78 | As best of all foreknowers, excellent to guide, like Somas, good to guard the man who follows Law. |
rvs.10.85 | 3 One thinks, when they have brayed the plant, that he hath drunk the Somas' juice; |
rvs.10.85 | Vayu is Somas' guardian God. The Moon is that which shapes the years. |
rvs.10.92 | 10 For these have spread abroad the fame of human kind, the Bull Brhaspati and Somas' brotherhood. |
rvs.10.148 | May we be they who take delight in Somas: these with sweet food for thee, O Chariotrider-. |
rvs.10.167 | 3 By royal Somas' and by Varunas' decree, under Brhaspatis' and Anumatis' guard, |