Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 10:31 and updated at 16 May 2011 10:31
rvs.1.48 | 9 Shine on us with thy radiant light, O Usas, Daughter of the Sky, |
rvs.1.79 | Shine, thou of many forms, shine radiantly on us. |
rvs.1.92 | Shine thou on us this day, O Dawn auspiciously. |
rvs.1.93 | Shine forth an ample recompense. |
rvs.1.113 | Shine then today-, rich Maid, on him who lauds thee, shine down on us the gift of life and |
rvs.1.123 | Blessed art thou O Dawn. Shine yet more widely. No other Dawns have reached what thou attainest. |
rvs.1.123 | Shine thou on us today-, Dawn, swift to listen. With us be riches and with chiefs who worship. |
rvs.1.124 | Shine richly, Wealthy One, on those who worship, richly, glad. |
rvs.3.10 | Shine forth in thine own home as guardian of the Law. |
rvs.3.15 | 4 Shine forth, a Bull invincible, O Agni, winning by conquest all the forts and treasures, |
rvs.3.61 | 2 Shine forth, O Morning, thou auspicious Goddess, on thy bright car awaking pleasant voices. |
rvs.5.21 | Shine forth enkindled, Radiant One. Sit in the chamber of the Law, sit in the chamber of the food. |
rvs.6.16 | Shine forth and gleam, Eternal One. |
rvs.6.65 | 6 Shine on us as of old, thou Child of Heavenon, him, rich Maid! who serves like Bharadvaja. |
rvs.7.1 | 3 Shine thou before us, Agni, wellenkindled-, with flame, Most Youthful God, that never fadeth. |
rvs.7.3 | 10 Shine this felicity on us, O Agni: may we attain to perfect understanding. |
rvs.7.4 | 10 Shine this felicity on us, O Agni: may we attain to perfect understanding. |
rvs.7.15 | 8 Shine forth at night and morn: through thee with fires are we provided well. |
rvs.8.43 | Shine, Agni, with thy sharpened flame. |
rvs.8.47 | Shine thou away the evil dream, O Dawn, whereof we are afraid. Yours are incomparable aids, and |
rvs.8.49 | 6 Shine, Most Resplendent! blaze, send bliss unto the folk, and to thy worshipper |
rvs.10.35 | Shine ye on us today- auspicious, for renown. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity. |
rvs.10.118 | Shine guardian of Eternal Law. |