Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 10:31 and updated at 16 May 2011 10:31
rvs.4.10 | This gleams like gold on thee, O Self. dependent. |
rvs.8.20 | Decked with bright rings, ye spread the broad expanses out, when ye, Self. luminous, stirred |
rvs.9.5 | 7 Both Gods who look on men I call, Celestial Heralds: Indras' Self |
rvs.9.6 | 2 Pour hitherward, as Indras' Self, Indu, that gladdening stream of thine, |
rvs.10.38 | 5 For, Indra, I have heard thee called Self. capturer, One, Steer! who never yields, who urges |