Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 10:18 and updated at 16 May 2011 10:18
rvs.1.164 | 25 With Jagati the flood in heaven he stablished, and saw the Sun in the Rathantara Saman. |
rvs.7.33 | 14 He brings the bearer of the laud and Saman: first shall he speak bringing the stone for |
rvs.8.70 | 5 Let prelude sound and following chant so let him hear the Saman sung, |
rvs.10.114 | Craving the milk of heaven the Gods are present: well do they know the praisesong and the Saman. |
rvs.10.114 | Having disposed the sacrifice thoughtful sages send the Car forward with the Rc and Saman. |
rvs.10.135 | This hath the Saman followed close, hence, laid together on a ship. |