Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 09:57 and updated at 16 May 2011 09:57
rvs.2.32 | 4 With eulogy I call on Raka swift to hear may she, auspicious, hear us, and herself observe. |
rvs.2.32 | 5 All thy kind thoughts, O Raka, lovely in their form, wherewith thou grantest wealth to him who |
rvs.2.32 | 8 Her, Sinivali, her, Gungu, her, Raka, her, Sarasvati, Indrani to mine aid I call, and Varunani |
rvs.5.42 | And may the fair Ones honour and befriend us, Sarasvati, Brhaddiva, and Raka. |