Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 09:49 and updated at 16 May 2011 09:49
rvs.1.59 | 6 Now will I tell the greatness of the Hero whom Purus' sons follow as Vrtras' slayer: |
rvs.1.108 | 8 If with, the Yadus, Turvasas, ye sojourn, with Druhyus, Anus, Purus, IndraAgni-! |
rvs.4.38 | 1. FROM you two came the gifts in days aforetime which Trasadasyu granted to the Purus. |
rvs.4.39 | Whom, swift of foot and shining bright as Agni, ye, Varuna and Mitra, gave to Purus. |
rvs.7.96 | 2 When in the fulness of their strength the Purus dwell, Beauteous One, on thy two grassy banks, |
rvs.8.53 | 10 For thee among mankind, among the Purus is this Soma shed. |
rvs.10.48 | Pressing the Soma, ask riches from me alone: ye, Purus, in my friendship shall not suffer harm. |