Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 09:29 and updated at 16 May 2011 09:29
rvs.9.1 | HYMN I. Soma Pavamana. 1 |
rvs.9.2 | HYMN II. Soma Pavamana. 2 |
rvs.9.3 | HYMN III. Soma Pavamana. 3 |
rvs.9.4 | HYMN IV. Soma Pavamana. 4 |
rvs.9.4 | 9 By worship, Pavamana! men have strengthened thee to prop the Law: |
rvs.9.5 | 1. ENKINDLED, Pavamana, Lord, sends forth his light on, every side |
rvs.9.5 | 2 He, Pavamana, Selfproduced-, speeds onward sharpening his horns: |
rvs.9.5 | 3 Brilliant like wealth, adorable, with splendour Pavamana shines, |
rvs.9.5 | 4 The tawny Pavamana, who strews from of old the grass with might, |
rvs.9.5 | By Pavamana glorified. |
rvs.9.5 | 6 With passion Pavamana longs for the great lofty pair, wellformed- |
rvs.9.5 | Is Pavamana, yea, the Bull. |
rvs.9.5 | Indu is Indra, tawny Steer; Pavamana is Prajapati. |
rvs.9.5 | 10 O Pavamana, with the meath in streams anoint Vanaspati, |
rvs.9.5 | 11 Come to the consecrating rite of Pavamana, all ye Gods, |
rvs.9.6 | HYMN VI. Soma Pavamana. 6 |
rvs.9.7 | HYMN VII. Soma Pavamana. 7 |
rvs.9.8 | HYMN VIII. Soma Pavamana. 8 |
rvs.9.9 | HYMN IX. Soma Pavamana. 9 |
rvs.9.9 | 7 Aid us in holy rites, O Man: O Pavamana, drive away |
rvs.9.9 | 9 Give, Pavamana, high renown, give kine and steeds and hero sons: |
rvs.9.10 | HYMN X. Soma Pavamana. 10 |
rvs.9.11 | HYMN XL Soma Pavamana. 11 |
rvs.9.11 | 9 O Soma Pavamana, give us riches and heroic strength, |
rvs.9.12 | HYMN XII. Soma Pavamana. 12 |
rvs.9.12 | 9 O Pavamana, bring us wealth bright with a thousand splendours. Yea. |
rvs.9.13 | HYMN XIII. Soma Pavamana. 13 |
rvs.9.13 | 2 Sing forth, ye men who long for help, to Pavamana, to the Sage, |
rvs.9.13 | 8 As Gladdener whom Indra loves, O Pavamana, with a roar |
rvs.9.14 | HYMN XIV. Soma Pavamana. 14 |
rvs.9.15 | HYMN XV. Soma Pavamana. 15 |
rvs.9.16 | HYMN XVI. Soma Pavamana. 16 |
rvs.9.17 | HYMN XVII. Soma Pavamana. 17 |
rvs.9.18 | HYMN XVIII. Soma Pavamana. 18 |
rvs.9.19 | HYMN XIX. Soma Pavamana. 19 |
rvs.9.19 | O Pavamana, find us wealth. |
rvs.9.20 | HYMN XX Soma Pavamana. 20 |
rvs.9.20 | 2 For he, as Pavamana, sends thousandfold treasure in the shape |
rvs.9.21 | HYMN XXI. Soma Pavamana. 21 |
rvs.9.22 | HYMN XXII. Soma Pavamana. 22 |
rvs.9.23 | HYMN XXIII. Soma Pavamana. 23 |
rvs.9.23 | 3 O Pavamana, bring to us the unsacrificing foemans' wealth, |
rvs.9.24 | HYMN XXIV Soma Pavamana. 24 |
rvs.9.24 | 3 O Soma Pavamana, thou art flowing to be Indras' drink: |
rvs.9.25 | HYMN XXV. Soma Pavamana. 25 |
rvs.9.25 | 2 O Pavamana, sent by song, roaring about thy dwellingplace-, |
rvs.9.26 | HYMN XXVI. Soma Pavamana. 26 |
rvs.9.26 | 3 Him, nourisher of many, Sage, creative Pavamana, they |
rvs.9.26 | 6 O Pavamana, Indu, priests hurry thee on to Indra, thee |
rvs.9.27 | HYMN XXVII. Soma Pavamana. 27 |
rvs.9.27 | 4 Longing for kine, longing for gold hath Indu Pavamana lowed, |
rvs.9.27 | 5 This Pavamana, gladdening draught, drops on the filtering cloth, and then |
rvs.9.28 | HYMN XXVIII. Soma Pavamana. 28 |
rvs.9.28 | 5 This Pavamana, swiftand strong, Omniscient, gave spleudour to |
rvs.9.29 | HYMN XXIX. Soma Pavamana. 29 |
rvs.9.30 | HYMN XXX. Soma Pavamana. 30 |
rvs.9.30 | 4 Hither hath Pavamana flowed, Soma flowed hither in a stream, |
rvs.9.31 | HYMN XXXI. Soma Pavamana. 31 |
rvs.9.32 | HYMN XXXII. Soma Pavamana. 32 |
rvs.9.33 | HYMN XXXIII. Soma Pavamana. 33 |
rvs.9.34 | HYMN XXXIV. Some Pavamana. 34 |
rvs.9.35 | HYMN XXXV. Soma Pavamana. 35 |
rvs.9.35 | 1. Pour forth on us abundant wealth, O Pavamana, with thy stream. |
rvs.9.36 | HYMN XXXVI. Soma Pavamana. 36 |
rvs.9.36 | 3 Excellent Pavamana, make the lights shine brightly out for us. |
rvs.9.37 | HYMN XXXVII. Soma Pavamana. 37 |
rvs.9.37 | 3 This vigorous Pavamana runs forth to the luminous realm of heaven, |
rvs.9.38 | HYMN XXXVIII. Soma Pavamana. 38 |
rvs.9.39 | HYMN XXXIX Soma Pavamana. 39 |
rvs.9.40 | HYMN XL. Soma Pavamana. 40 |
rvs.9.40 | 4 O Soma Pavamana, bring, Indu, all splcndours hitherward: |
rvs.9.41 | HYMN XLI. Soma Pavamana. 41 |
rvs.9.42 | HYMN XLII. Soma Pavamana. 42 |
rvs.9.43 | HYMN XLIII. Soma Pavamana. 43 |
rvs.9.43 | 4 O Soma Pavamana, find exceeding glorious wealth for us, |
rvs.9.44 | HYMN XLIV. Soma Pavamana. 44 |
rvs.9.45 | HYMN XLV. Soma Pavamana. 45 |
rvs.9.46 | HYMN XLVI. Soma Pavamana. 46 |
rvs.9.46 | 6 This Pavamana, meet to be adorned, the fingers ten adorn, |
rvs.9.47 | HYMN XLVII. Soma Pavamana. 47 |
rvs.9.48 | HYMN XLVIII. Soma Pavamana. 48 |
rvs.9.49 | HYMN XLIX. Soma Pavamana. 49 |
rvs.9.49 | 5 Onward hath Pavamana flowed and beaten off the Raksasas, |
rvs.9.50 | HYMN L. Soma Pavamana. 50 |
rvs.9.50 | Even Pavamana, dropping meath. |
rvs.9.51 | HYMN LI. Soma Pavamana. 51 |
rvs.9.52 | HYMN LII. Soma Pavamana. 52 |
rvs.9.53 | HYMN LIII. Soma Pavamana. 53 |
rvs.9.54 | HYMN LIV. Soma Pavamana. 54 |
rvs.9.55 | HYMN LV. Soma Pavamana. 55 |
rvs.9.56 | HYMN LVI. Soma Pavamana. 56 |
rvs.9.57 | HYMN LVII. Soma Pavamana. 57 |
rvs.9.58 | HYMN LVIII. Soma Pavamana. 58 |
rvs.9.59 | HYMN LIX. Soma Pavamana. 59 |
rvs.9.59 | 3 Soma, as Pavamana, pass over all trouble and distress: |
rvs.9.59 | 4 Thou, Pavamana, foundest light; thou at thy birth becamest great: |
rvs.9.60 | HYMN LX. Soma Pavamana. 60 |
rvs.9.60 | 1. SING forth and laud with sacred song most active Pavamana, laud |
rvs.9.60 | 3 He, Pavamana, hath streamed through the fleece then: he runs into the jars, |
rvs.9.61 | HYMN LXI. Soma Pavamana. 61 |
rvs.9.61 | 16 From heaven hath Pavamana made, as it were, the marvellous thunder, and |
rvs.9.61 | 17 The gladdening and auspicious juice of thee, of Pavamana, King! |
rvs.9.61 | 18 Thy juice, O Pavamana, sends its rays abroad like splendid skill, |
rvs.9.61 | 26 O Pavamana, hither bring great riches, and destroy our foes: |
rvs.9.62 | HYMN LXII. Soma Pavamana. 62 |
rvs.9.62 | 10 Most active and benevolent, this Pavamana, sent to us |
rvs.9.62 | 11 Queller of curses, mighty, with strong sway, this Pavamana shall |
rvs.9.62 | 16 Pressed by the men, as it were to war hath Soma Pavamana sped, |
rvs.9.62 | 30 Soma, true, Pavamana, Sage, is seated in the cleansing sieve, |
rvs.9.63 | 8 He, Pavamana, high over man yoked the Suns' courser Etasa |
rvs.9.63 | 11 O Soma Pavamana, find wealth for us not to be assailed, |
rvs.9.63 | 23 O Soma, Pavamana, thou pourest out wealth that brings renown: |
rvs.9.63 | 27 From, heaven, from out the firmament, hath Pavamana been effused |
rvs.9.64 | HYMN LXIV. Soma Pavamana. 64 |
rvs.9.64 | 7 The streams of Pavamana, thine, Finder of all, have been effused, |
rvs.9.64 | 9 Urged on thou sendest out thy voice, O Pavamana; thou hast moved, |
rvs.9.65 | HYMN LXV. Soma Pavamana. 65 |
rvs.9.65 | 2 Pervade, O Pavamana, all our treasures with repeated light, |
rvs.9.65 | 3 Pour on us, Pavamana, rain, as service and rain praise for Gods: |
rvs.9.65 | 4 Thou art a Steer by lustre: we, O Pavamana, faithfully |
rvs.9.65 | 7 Sing forth your songs, as Vyasva sang, to Soma Pavamana, to, |
rvs.9.65 | 11 I send thee forth to battle from the press, O Pavamana, Strong, |
rvs.9.65 | 16 King Pavamana is implored with holy songs, on mans' behalf, |
rvs.9.66 | HYMN LXVI. Soma Pavamana. 66 |
rvs.9.66 | 2 Over all thou rulest with these Two which, Soma Pavamana, stand, |
rvs.9.66 | 3 Wise Soma Pavamana, thou encompassest on every side |
rvs.9.66 | 10 The streams of Pavamana, thine, Sage, Mighty One, have pouredthem forth. |
rvs.9.66 | 20 Agni is Pavamana, Sage, Chief Priest of all the Races Five: |
rvs.9.66 | 22 Beyond his enemies away to sweet praise Pavamana flows, |
rvs.9.66 | 24 He, Pavamana, hath produced the lofty Law, the brilliant light, |
rvs.9.66 | 25 From tawny Pavamana, the Destroyer, radiant streams have sprung, |
rvs.9.66 | 27 May Pavamana, best to win the booty, penetrate with rays, |
rvs.9.66 | 30 O Pavamana, bless us, so that we may live, with that bright milk |
rvs.9.67 | To Pavamana dropping meath. |
rvs.9.67 | 21 O Pavamana, drive away the danger, whether near at hand |
rvs.9.67 | 22 This day may Pavamana cleanse us with his purifying power, |
rvs.9.68 | HYMN LXVIII. Soma Pavamana. 68 |
rvs.9.69 | HYMN LXIX. Soma Pavamana. 69 |
rvs.9.69 | And Pavamana, like the shout of combatants, the drop rising in sweet juice, is flowing through the |
rvs.9.70 | HYMN LXX. Soma Pavamana. 70 |
rvs.9.71 | HYMN LXXI. Soma Pavamana, 71 |
rvs.9.72 | HYMN LXXII. Soma Pavamana. 72 |
rvs.9.72 | Measure thou forth, yea, splendid ample strengthening food do thou, O Pavamana, heed this laud of |
rvs.9.73 | HYMN LXXIII. Soma Pavamana. 73 |
rvs.9.74 | HYMN LXXIV. Soma Pavamana 74 |
rvs.9.74 | 9 Soma, thy juice when thou art blended with the streams, flows, Pavamana, through the long wool |
rvs.9.74 | So, cleansed by sages. O best giver of delight, grow sweet for Indra, Pavamana! for his drink. |
rvs.9.75 | HYMN LXXV. Soma Pavamana. 75 |
rvs.9.76 | HYMN LXXVI. Soma Pavamana. 76 |
rvs.9.77 | HYMN LXXVII. Soma Pavamana. 77 |
rvs.9.78 | HYMN LXXVIII. Soma Pavamana. 78 |
rvs.9.78 | They urge the Master of the house upon his way, and to the Eternal Pavamana pray for bliss. |
rvs.9.78 | 5 Soma, as Pavamana thou, our faithful Friend, making for us these real treasures, flowest on. |
rvs.9.79 | HYMN LXXIX. Soma Pavamana. 79 |
rvs.9.79 | As thirst subdueth in the desert, conquer thou, O Soma Pavamana, men of evil thoughts. |
rvs.9.79 | Bring low, thou Pavamana, every single foe, and be thy might shown forth as sweet and gladdening |
rvs.9.80 | HYMN LXXX. Soma Pavamana. 80 |
rvs.9.80 | Thou, Soma, gladdening Indra, and the Heavenly Host, flowest as Pavamana like a rivers' wave. |
rvs.9.81 | HYMN LXXXI. Soma Pavamana. 81 |
rvs.9.81 | 4 Hither let Pusan Pavamana come to us, Varuna, Mitra, bountiful, of one accord, |
rvs.9.81 | Bhaga who blesses men, the spacious Firmament, let all the Gods in Pavamana take delight. |
rvs.9.82 | HYMN LXXXII. Soma Pavamana. 82 |
rvs.9.83 | HYMN LXXXIII. Soma Pavamana. 83 |
rvs.9.84 | HYMN LXXXIV. Soma Pavamana. 84 |
rvs.9.85 | HYMN LXXXV. Soma Pavamana. 85 |
rvs.9.85 | 2 O Pavamana, urge us forward in the fight thou art the vigour of the Gods, the wellloved- drink. |
rvs.9.86 | HYMN LXXXVI. Soma Pavamana. 86 |
rvs.9.86 | 1. THY gladdening draughts, O Pavamana, urged by song flow swiftly of themselves like sons of |
rvs.9.86 | 4 Fleet as swift steeds, thy drops, divine, thoughtswift-, have been, O Pavamana, poured with milk |
rvs.9.86 | 6 The beams of Pavamana, sent from earth and heaven, his ensigns who is ever steadfast, travel |
rvs.9.86 | High heavens' Sustainer at the central point of earth, raised on the fleecy surface Pavamana |
rvs.9.86 | 12 In forefront of the rivers Pavamana speeds, in forefront of the hymn, foremost among the kine. |
rvs.9.86 | 13 This heedful Pavamana, like a bird sent forth, hath with his wave flowed onward to the fleecy |
rvs.9.86 | This universe, O Pavamana, owns thy sway; thou, Indu, art the first establisher of Law. |
rvs.9.86 | Thou reachest out beyond the earth, beyond the heavens: thine are the lights, O Pavamana, thine |
rvs.9.86 | 30 Thou in the filter, Soma Pavamana, art purified to support the region for the Gods. |
rvs.9.86 | 34 Fain to be cleansed, thou, Pavamana, pourest out, like wondrous Surya, through the fleece, an |
rvs.9.86 | 35 Thou, Pavamana, sendest food and power in streams. thou sittest in the beakers as a hawk on |
rvs.9.86 | 38 O Soma, thou beholdest men from every side: O Pavamana, Steer, thou wanderest through these. |
rvs.9.86 | 44 Sing forth to Pavamana skilled in holy song: the juice is flowing onward like a mighty stream. |
rvs.9.87 | HYMN LXXXVII. Soma Pavamana. 87 |
rvs.9.88 | HYMN LXXXVIII. Soma Pavamana. 88 |
rvs.9.88 | Like one who fights, the roaring of the mighty, thus Soma Pavamana sends his current. |
rvs.9.89 | HYMN LXXXIX. Soma Pavamana. 89 |
rvs.9.89 | 1. THIS Chariothorse- hath moved along the pathways, and Pavamana flowed like rain from heaven. |
rvs.9.90 | HYMN XC. Soma Pavamana, 90 |
rvs.9.90 | 5 O Soma, gladden Varuna and Mitra; cheer, Indu Pavamana! Indra, Visnu. |
rvs.9.91 | HYMN XCI. Soma Pavamana. 91 |
rvs.9.91 | 3 Steer roaring unto Steer, this Pavamana, this juice runs to the white milk of the milchcow-. |
rvs.9.92 | HYMN XCII. Soma Pavamana. 92 |
rvs.9.92 | 4 In thy mysterious place, O Pavamana Soma, are all the Gods, the ThriceEleven-. |
rvs.9.92 | 5 Now let this be the truth of Pavamana, there where all singers gather them together, |
rvs.9.93 | HYMN XCIII. Soma Pavamana. 93 |
rvs.9.93 | 4 With all the Gods, O Indu Pavamana, while thou art roaring send us wealth in horses. |
rvs.9.94 | HYMN XCIV. Soma Pavamana. 94 |
rvs.9.94 | All ther are easy things for thee to master thou, Pavamana Soma, quellest foemen. |
rvs.9.95 | HYMN XCV Soma Pavamana. 95 |
rvs.9.96 | HYMN XCVI. Soma Pavamana 96 |
rvs.9.96 | This is the wish of these friends assembled: this is my wish, O Soma Pavamana. |
rvs.9.96 | 7 He, Soma Pavamana, like a river, hath stirred the wave of voice, our songs and praises. |
rvs.9.96 | As thoughtful Pavamana, urge O Indu, speeding the kine, the plants' wave on to Indra. |
rvs.9.96 | 11 For our sage fathers, Soma Pavamana, of old performed, by thee, their sacred duties. |
rvs.9.96 | 21 Flow on with might as Pavamana, Indu flow loudly roaring through the fleecy filter. |
rvs.9.96 | 23 Chasing our foes thou comest, Pavamana Indu, besting, as lover to his darling. |
rvs.9.97 | HYMN XCVII. Soma Pavamana 97 |
rvs.9.97 | Friends come to Pavamana meet for praises, and sound in concert their resistless music. |
rvs.9.97 | The race of kine is thy gift, Pavamana: when born thou madest Surya rich with brightness. |
rvs.9.97 | He, Pavamana, granted strength to Indra; he, Indu, generated light in Surya. |
rvs.9.97 | 58 Soma, may we, with thee as Pavamana, pile up together all our spoil in battle. |
rvs.9.98 | HYMN XCVIII. Soma Pavamana 98 |
rvs.9.99 | HYMN XCIX. Soma Pavamana. 99 |
rvs.9.100 | HYMN C. Soma Pavamana. 100 |
rvs.9.100 | As cows, O Pavamana, lick the newborn- calf, as Law commands. |
rvs.9.100 | 8 Thou, Pavamana, movest on with wondrous rays to great renown. |
rvs.9.100 | Thou, Pavamana hast assumed thy coat of mail in majesty. |
rvs.9.101 | HYMN CI. Soma Pavamana 101 |
rvs.9.101 | 9 O Pavamana, bring the juice, the mightiest, worthy to be famed, |
rvs.9.102 | HYMN CIL Soma Pavamana. 102 |
rvs.9.103 | HYMN CIII. Soma Pavamana. 103 |
rvs.9.103 | The penetrating Pavamana flows along. |
rvs.9.104 | HYMN CIV. Soma Pavamana. 104 |
rvs.9.105 | HYMN CV. Soma Pavamana 105 |
rvs.9.106 | HYMN CVI. Soma Pavamana. 106 |
rvs.9.107 | HYMN CVII. Soma Pavamana. 107 |
rvs.9.107 | Even Soma Pavamana who shall be the joy of sages and of holy bards. |
rvs.9.107 | 15 May Pavamana, King and God, speed with his wave over the sea the lofty rite: |
rvs.9.107 | Thou, Pavamana, makest riches flow to us, yellow, abundant, muchdesifed-. |
rvs.9.107 | Thou flowest, Soma Pavamana, balmed with milk unto the special place of Gods. |
rvs.9.108 | HYMN CVIII. Soma Pavamana. 108 |
rvs.9.108 | 3 For, verily, Pavamana, thou hast, splendidest, called all the generations of |
rvs.9.109 | HYMN CIX. Soma Pavamana. 109 |
rvs.9.110 | HYMN CX. Soma Pavamana. 110 |
rvs.9.110 | Thou, Pavamana, enterest into mighty deeds, |
rvs.9.110 | 3 O Pavamana, thou didst generate the Sun, and spread the moisture out with power, |
rvs.9.110 | 9 As long as thou, O Pavamana, art above this earth and heaven and all existence in thy might, |
rvs.9.110 | 10 In the sheeps' wool hath Soma Pavamana flowed, while they cleanse him, like a playful infant, |
rvs.9.111 | HYMN CXI. Soma Pavamana. 111 |
rvs.9.112 | HYMN CXII. Soma Pavamana. 112 |
rvs.9.113 | HYMN CXIII. Soma Pavamana. 113 |
rvs.9.113 | 6 O Pavamana, where the priest, as he recites the rhythmic prayer, |
rvs.9.113 | 7 O Pavamana, place me in that deathless, undecaying world |
rvs.9.114 | HYMN CXIV. Soma Pavamana. 114 |
rvs.9.114 | 1. THE man who waIketh as the Laws of Indu Pavamana bid, |