Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 09:26 and updated at 16 May 2011 09:26
rvs.1.42 | 7 Past all pursuers lead us, make pleasant our path and fair to tread: |
rvs.4.29 | Past even the foemans' manifold libations, glorified with our hymns, true Wealthbestower-. |
rvs.8.33 | Past other mens' libations, Lord of Hundred Powers, thee, Vrtraslayer-, thee our Friend. |
rvs.8.55 | Past the drinkofferings-, Vasu, even of the good, hear my call, Strongest God, and come. |
rvs.8.90 | 14 Past and gone are three mortal generations: the fourth and last into the Sun hath entered. |