Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 09:23 and updated at 16 May 2011 09:23
rvs.4.57 | With meath and milk Parjanya make us happy. Grant us prosperity, Suna and Sira. |
rvs.5.63 | Ye hide him in the sky with cloud and flood of rain, and waterdrops-, Parjanya! full of sweetness |
rvs.5.63 | 6 Refreshing is your voice, O MitraVaruna-: Parjanya sendeth out a wondrous mighty voice. |
rvs.5.83 | HYMN LXXXIII. Parjanya. 83 |
rvs.5.83 | 1. SING with these songs thy welcome to the Mighty, with adoration praise and call Parjanya. |
rvs.5.83 | From him exceeding strong fices even the guiltless, when thundering Parjanya smites the wicked. |
rvs.5.83 | Far off resounds the roaring of the lion, what time Parjanya fills the sky with raincloud-. |
rvs.5.83 | Food springs abundant for all living creatures, what time Parjanya quickens earth with moisture. |
rvs.5.83 | At whose behest the plants assume all colours, even thou Parjanya, yield us great protection. |
rvs.5.83 | 9 When thou, with thunder and with roar, Parjanya, smitest sinners down, |
rvs.6.49 | 6 Bulls of the Earth, O Vata and Parjanya, stir up for us the regions of the water. |
rvs.6.50 | Rbhuksan, Vaja, and divine Vidhatar, Parjanya, Vata make our food abundant. |
rvs.6.52 | Parjanya, bringing health with herbs, and Agni, well lauded swift to listen, like a father. |
rvs.6.52 | 16 At this my call, O Agni and Parjanya, help, swift to hear, my thought and our laudation. |
rvs.7.35 | Auspicious to all creatures be Parjanya, auspicious be the fields' benign Protector. |
rvs.7.101 | HYMN CI. Parjanya. 101 |
rvs.7.101 | 5 May this my song to Sovran Lord Parjanya come near unto his heart and give him pleasure. |
rvs.7.102 | HYMN CII Parjanya. 102 |
rvs.7.102 | 1 SING forth and laud Parjanya, son of Heaven, who sends the gift of rain |
rvs.7.102 | 2 Parjanya is the God who forms in kine, in mares, in plants of earth, |
rvs.7.103 | The Frogs have lifted up their voice, the voice Parjanya hath inspired. |
rvs.8.6 | 1. INDRA, great in his power and might, and like Parjanya rich in rain, |
rvs.8.21 | He, like Parjanya with his rain, hath spread himself with thousand, yea, with myriad gifts. |
rvs.8.91 | 5 1 call the Sage who sounds like wind, the Might that like Parjanya roars, |
rvs.9.2 | Parjanya sender of the rain. |
rvs.9.22 | 2 Swift as wide winds they lightly move, like rainstorms- of Parjanya, like |
rvs.9.82 | 3 Parjanya is the Father of the Mighty Bird: on mountains, in earths' centre hath he made his home. |
rvs.9.113 | 3 Hither hath Suryas' Daughter brought the wild Steer whom Parjanya nursed. |
rvs.10.65 | 9 Parjanya, Vata, mighty, senders of the rain, Indra and Vayu, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman: |
rvs.10.66 | Mighty be Heaven and Earth, true to eternal Law, strong be Parjanya, strong be they who laud the |
rvs.10.66 | 10 May they who bear up heaven, the Rbhus deft of hand, and Vata and Parjanya of the thundering |
rvs.10.98 | With Maruts, Vasus, or Adityas, make thou Parjanya pour for Santanu his raindrops-. |
rvs.10.98 | Joying in him with all the Gods together, urge on the sender of the rain, Parjanya. |
rvs.10.169 | Whom the Angirases produced by Fervour, vouchsafe to these, Parjanya, great protection. |