Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 09:15 and updated at 16 May 2011 09:15
rvs.1.22 | 1 WAKEN the Asvin Pair who yoke their car at early morn: may they |
rvs.1.22 | 13 May Heaven and Earth, the Mighty Pair, bedew for us our sacrifice, |
rvs.1.46 | 6 Vouchsafe to us, O Asvin Pair, such strength as, with attendant light, |
rvs.1.62 | 7 Unwearied, won with lauding hymns, he parted of old the ancient Pair, united ever. |
rvs.1.62 | 8 Still born afresh, young Dames, each in her manner, unlike in hue, the Pair in alternation |
rvs.1.80 | 11 Yea, even this great Pair of Worlds trembled in terror at thy wrath, |
rvs.1.93 | 1 AGNI and Soma, mighty Pair, graciously hearken to my call, |
rvs.1.122 | 4 And Ausija shall call for me that famous Pair who enjoy and drink, who come to brighten. |
rvs.1.160 | 2 Widelycapacious- Pair, mighty, that never fail, the Father and the Mother keep all creatures |
rvs.1.160 | 5 Extolled in song, O Heaven and Earth, bestow on us, ye mighty Pair, great glory and high lordly |
rvs.1.161 | 7 Ye by your wisdom brought a cow from out a hide; unto that ancient Pair ye gave again their |
rvs.1.181 | 1. WHAT, dearest Pair, is this in strength and riches that ye as Priests are bring from the Waters |
rvs.1.185 | The blessed Pair, victorious, allsustaining-. Protect us, Heaven and Earth, from fearful danger. |
rvs.2.32 | Pair. |
rvs.3.30 | 11 Indra alone filled full the earth and heaven, the Pair who meet together, rich in treasures. |
rvs.3.44 | The golden Pair yield Indra plenteous nourishment: between them moves the golden One. |
rvs.3.55 | 11 Ye, variant Pair, have made yourselves twin beauties: one of the Twain is dark, bright shines |
rvs.3.55 | 20 The two great meeting Bowls hath he united: each of the Pair is laden with histreasure. |
rvs.3.62 | 16 May MitraVaruna-, sapient Pair, bedew our pasturage with oil, |
rvs.5.51 | Gladly accept them, spotless Pair come to the food. |
rvs.5.75 | 3 Come to us, O ye Asvin Pair, bringing your precious treasures, come |
rvs.5.86 | 3 Impetuous is their strength, and keen the lightning of the mighty Pair, |
rvs.6.70 | 2 The Everlasting Pair, with full streams, rich in milk, in their pure rule pour fatness for the |
rvs.7.35 | 3 Kind unto us he Maker and Sustainer, and the farreaching- Pair with Godlike- natures. |
rvs.7.66 | With homage to that highborn- Pair; |
rvs.7.69 | 3 Renowned, with noble horses, come ye hither: drink, Wondrous Pair, the cup that holds sweet |
rvs.7.90 | 1. To you pure juice, rich in meath, are offered by priest: through longing for the Pair of Heroes. |
rvs.7.90 | Viands attend the car that beareth Heroes, your car, ye Sovran Pair, Indra and Vayu. |
rvs.8.18 | 8 And may the Asvins, the divine Pair of Physicians, send us health: |
rvs.8.25 | 14 And may the Sindhu of the floods, the Maruts, and the ASvin Pair, |
rvs.8.26 | Be it your own, O Asvin Pair. |
rvs.8.85 | The hidden Pair, the Heaven and Earth, thou foundest, and to the mighty worlds thou gavest |
rvs.9.18 | 5 Who milketh out this mighty Pair, the Earth and Heaven, like mother kine |
rvs.9.68 | Everwaxing- Pair. |
rvs.9.81 | 5 Both Heaven and Earth, the allinvigorating- Pair, Vidhatar, Aditi, and Aryaman the God, |
rvs.10.5 | 3 The Holy Pair, of wondrous power, have coupled: they formed the Infant, they who bred produced |
rvs.10.10 | In heaven and earth the kindred Pair commingle. On Yami be the unbrotherly act of Yama. |
rvs.10.12 | All the Gods came to this thy heavenly Yajus which from the motley Pair milked oil and water. |
rvs.10.29 | 1. As sits the young bird on the tree rejoicing, ye, swift Pair, have been roused by clear |
rvs.10.32 | 1. FORTH speed the Pair to bring the meditating God, benevolent with boons sent in return for |
rvs.10.35 | May Heaven and Earth, great Pair, observe our holy work. We claim for us this day the favour of |
rvs.10.35 | The Asvin Pair have harnessed their swiftmoving- car. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity. |
rvs.10.36 | 1. THERE are the Dawn and Night, the grand and beauteous Pair, Earth, Heaven, and Varuna, Mitra, |
rvs.10.61 | 23 When he goes forth, ye Pair of Kings, for booty, speeding to war and praise to please the |
rvs.10.85 | The bridesmen were the Asvin Pair Agni was leader of the train. |
rvs.10.85 | One of the Pair beholdeth all existing things; the other ordereth seasons and is born again. |
rvs.10.88 | When the Pair, ever wandering, sprang to being, all creatures that existed looked upon them. |
rvs.10.125 | I hold aloft both Varuna and Mitra, Indra and Agni, and the Pair of Asvins. |