Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 09:13 and updated at 16 May 2011 09:13
rvs.1.77 | 5 Thus Agni Jatavedas, true to Order, hath by the priestly Gotamas been lauded. |
rvs.1.79 | 3 When he comes streaming with the milk of worship, conducting by directest paths of Order |
rvs.1.84 | 16 Who yokes today- unto the pole of Order the strong and passionate steers of checkless spirit, |
rvs.1.123 | The Maiden breaketh not the law of Order, day by day coming to the place appointed. |
rvs.1.124 | Truly she followeth the path of Order, nor faileth, knowing well, the heavenly quarters. |
rvs.1.156 | 3 Him have ye satisfied, singers, as well as ye know, primeval germ of Order even from his birth. |
rvs.1.164 | 8 The Mother gave the Sire his share of Order: with thought, at first, she wedded him in spirit. |
rvs.1.164 | during Order. |
rvs.1.164 | Again descend they from the seat of Order, and all the earth is moistened with their fatness. |
rvs.2.28 | 5 Loose me from sin as from a bond that binds me: may we swell, Varuna, thy spring of Order. |
rvs.3.1 | Friend of the house, within the lap of Order lay Agni, in the Sister Rivers' service. |
rvs.3.4 | These speak of truth, praising the truth eternal, thinking on Order as the guards of Order. |
rvs.3.5 | Loving the varied shows of holy Order at the first flush of dawn he shines as envoy. |
rvs.3.6 | 6 Bind to the pole with cords of holy Order the longmaned- ruddy steeds who sprinkle fatness. |
rvs.3.6 | They fair and true and holy coming forward stand at his sacrifice who springs from Order. |
rvs.3.7 | To thee safe resting in the seat of Order the Cow alone upon her way proceedeth. |
rvs.3.7 | These speak of truth, praising the Truth Eternal, thinking on Order as the guards of Order. |
rvs.3.20 | Order! |
rvs.3.31 | 1. WISE, teaching, following the thought of Order, the sonless gained a grandson from his daughter. |
rvs.3.31 | Order. |
rvs.3.31 | Teaching us pleasant things by holy Order, to, us hath he thrown open all his portals. |
rvs.3.54 | 6 The Sage who looketh on mankind hath viewed them bedewed, rejoicing in the seat of Order. |
rvs.3.54 | Order, |
rvs.3.55 | This Ila streameth with the milk of Order. Great is the Gods supreme and sole dominion. |
rvs.4.1 | 12 Wondrously first he rose aloft, defiant, in the Bulls' lair, the homeof holy Order, |
rvs.4.2 | Order. |
rvs.4.3 | 9 I crave the cows' true gift arranged by Order: though raw, she hath the sweet ripe juice, O Agni. |
rvs.4.5 | This, shining brightly in the place of Order, swift, hasting on in secret, she discovered. |
rvs.4.6 | Order. |
rvs.4.7 | 7 That as food spreads forth in this earthly udder, Gods may rejoice them in the home of Order, |
rvs.4.21 | With Maruts, from the realm of light to aid us, or from a distance, from the seat of Order. |
rvs.4.42 | 4 I made to flow the moistureshedding- waters, and set the heaven firm in the scat of Order. |
rvs.4.51 | 5 With horses harnessed by eternal Order, Goddesses, swiftly round the worlds ye travel, |
rvs.4.51 | Order; |
rvs.4.51 | Awaking, from the seat of holy Order the Godlike Dawns come nigh like troops of cattle. |
rvs.5.12 | 2 Mark the Law, thou who knowest, yea, observe it: send forth the full streams of eternal Order. |
rvs.5.15 | 2 By holy Law they kept supporting Order, by help of sacrifice, in loftiest heaven, |
rvs.5.41 | Preserve us in the seat of holy Order, and give the offerer power that winneth cattle. |
rvs.5.63 | 1. GUARDIANS of Order, ye whose Laws are ever true, in the sublimest heaven your chariot ye ascend. |
rvs.5.63 | Ye by eternal Order govern all the world. Ye set the Sun in heaven as a refulgent car. |
rvs.5.80 | Sublime, by Law true to eternal Order, bright on her path, redtinted-, farrefulgent-. |
rvs.5.80 | She travels perfectly the path of Order, nor fails to reach, as one who knows, the quarters. |
rvs.6.7 | 1. Him, messenger of earth and head of heaven, Agni Vaisvanara, born in holy Order, |
rvs.6.17 | Both worlds, whose Sons are Gods, thou hast supported, young, Mothers from old time ofholy Order. |
rvs.6.39 | He moves with Steeds yoked by eternal Order, contenting men with nave that finds the sunlight. |
rvs.6.49 | 15 Give riches borne on cars, with many heroes, contenting men, the guard of mighty Order. |
rvs.6.51 | The pure and lovely face of holy Order hath shone like gold of heaven in its arising. |
rvs.6.51 | 9 You Furtherers of Law, pure in your spirit, infallible, dwellers in the home of Order, |
rvs.7.36 | 1. LET the prayer issue from the seat of Order, for Surya with his beams hath loosed the cattle. |
rvs.7.43 | 4 Gladly the Gods have let themselves be honoured, milking the copious streams of holy Order. |
rvs.7.44 | 5 May Dadhikras prepare the way we travel that we may pass along the path of Order. |
rvs.7.53 | 2 With newest hymns set in the seat of Order, those the Two Parents, born before all others, |
rvs.7.64 | 2 Kings, guards of rrtighty everlasting Order, come hitherward, ye Princes, Lords of Rivers. |
rvs.7.65 | VarunaMitra-, may your path of Order bear us over trouble as a boat over waters. |
rvs.7.95 | 6 For thee, O Blest Sarasvati, Vasistha hath here unbarred the doors d sacred Order. |
rvs.9.89 | 2. King, he hath clothed him in the robe of rivers, mounted the straightestgoing- ship of Order. |
rvs.9.95 | Order. |
rvs.9.97 | From days of old is TreasureLord- of riches: he, Indu, cherishes fair wellkept- Order. |
rvs.9.97 | 32 Bright, bellowing aiong the path of Order, thou shinest as the form of life eternal. |
rvs.9.97 | 34 Three are the voices that the Courser utters: he speaks the thought of prayer, the law of Order. |
rvs.10.2 | Order. |
rvs.10.5 | The sages guard the seat of Holy Order, and keep the highest names concealed within them. |
rvs.10.5 | 4 For tracks of Order and refreshing viands attend from ancient times the goodly Infant. |
rvs.10.5 | Is Agni, our firstborn- of Holy Order, the Milchcow- and the Bull in lifes' beginning. |
rvs.10.8 | In his swift flight the red Dawns borne by horses refresh their bodies in the home of Order. |
rvs.10.8 | 5 Thou art the Eye and Guard of mighty Order, and Varuna when to sacrifice thou comest. |
rvs.10.12 | 1. HEAVEN and Earth, first by everlasting Order, speakers of truth, are near enough to hear us, |
rvs.10.13 | This by the Sacred Syllable have I measured: I purify in the central place of Order, |
rvs.10.31 | 2 A man should think on wealth and strive to win it by adoration on the path of Order, |
rvs.10.31 | For him darkcoloured- streamed the shining udder: none made it swell for him. Thus Order willed it. |
rvs.10.55 | Who through the might of Indras' operation came forth as Gods in course of Law and Order. |
rvs.10.61 | Twiceborn- am I, the firstborn- Son of Order: the Cow milked this when first she had her being. |
rvs.10.66 | Obeying Order, these whose priest is Agni, free from falsehood, poured the waters out when Vrtra |
rvs.10.67 | 2 Thinking aright, praising eternal Order, the sons of Dyaus the Asura, those heroes, |
rvs.10.68 | 4 As the Sun dews with meath the seat of Order, and casts a flaming meteor down from heaven. |
rvs.10.70 | May he, most Godlike, speed our offered viands with homage Godward- on the path of Order. |
rvs.10.73 | 5 Glad, for the race that rests on holy Order, with friends who hasten to their goal, hath Indra |
rvs.10.80 | Stablished in holy oil is Agnis' pasture, on the Gandharva path of Law and Order. |
rvs.10.87 | 11 Thrice, Agni, let thy noose surround the demon who with his falsehood injures Holy Order. |
rvs.10.104 | 4 O Mighty Indra, through thine aid, thy prowess, obtaining life, zealous, and skilled in Order, |
rvs.10.109 | And heavenly Floods, firstborn- by holy Order, exclaimed against the outrage on a Brahman. |
rvs.10.110 | 2 Tanunapat, fairtongued-, with sweet meath balming the paths and waysof Order, make them pleasant. |
rvs.10.123 | Ascending to the lofty height of Order, the bands of singers sip' the sweets of Amrta. |
rvs.10.124 | 3 1, looking to the guest of other lineage, have founded many a rule of Law and Order. |