
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 May 2011 09:10 and updated at 16 May 2011 09:10


rvs.5.41 Here he wins wholesome food to feed this body: as for mine old age, Nirrti consume it
rvs.6.74 Drive Nirrti away into the distance, and give us excellent and happy glories.
rvs.7.37 7 Though Nirrti the Goddess reigneth round him, Autumns with food in plenty come to Indra.
rvs.7.104 May Soma give them over to the serpent, or to the lap of Nirrti consign them.
rvs.10.36 Let not malignant Nirrti rule over us. We crave today- this gracious favour of the Gods.
rvs.10.36 4 May ringing pressstones- keep the Raksasas afar, ill dream, and Nirrti, and each voracious fiend.
rvs.10.59 HYMN LIX. Nirrti and Others. 59
rvs.10.59 One falls, then seeks the goal with quickened vigour. Let Nirrti depart to distant places.
rvs.10.59 All these our doings shall delight the singer. Let Nirrti depart to distant places.
rvs.10.59 All these our deeds the singer hath considered. Let Nirrti depart to distant places.
rvs.10.59 Let our old age with passing days be kindly. Let Nirrti depart to distant places.
rvs.10.76 4 Drive ye the treacherous demons far away from us: keep Nirrti afar and banish Penury.

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