Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 May 2011 17:03 and updated at 15 May 2011 17:03
rvs.1.17 | HYMN XVII. IndraVaruna- 17 |
rvs.1.17 | 1 I CRAVE help from the Imperial Lords, from IndraVaruna-; may they |
rvs.1.17 | 3 Sate you, according to your wish, O IndraVaruna-, with wealth: |
rvs.1.17 | 7 O IndraVaruna-, on you for wealth in many a form I call: |
rvs.1.17 | 8 O IndraVaruna-, through our songs that seek to win you to ourselves, |
rvs.1.17 | 9 O IndraVaruna-, to you may fair praise which I offer come, |
rvs.3.62 | Where, IndraVaruna-, is now that glory wherewith ye brought support to those who loved you? |
rvs.3.62 | Accordant, IndraVaruna-, with Maruts, with Heaven and Earth, hear ye mine invocation. |
rvs.3.62 | 3 O IndraVaruna-, ours be this treasure ours be wealth, Maruts, with full store of heroes. |
rvs.4.41 | HYMN XLI. IndraVaruna-. 41 |
rvs.4.41 | 1. WHAT laud, O IndraVaruna-, with oblation, hath like the Immortal Priest obtained your favour? |
rvs.4.41 | Hath our effectual laud, addressed with homage, touched you, O IndraVaruna-, in spirit? |
rvs.4.41 | 5 O IndraVaruna-, be ye the lovers of this my song, as steers who love the milchCow-. |
rvs.4.41 | May IndraVaruna- with gracious favours work marvels for us in the stress of battle. |
rvs.4.41 | For glory have they gone, as milk to Soma, to IndraVaruna- my thoughts and praises. |
rvs.4.41 | 11 Come with your mighty succours, O ye Mighty; come, IndraVaruna-, to us in battle. |
rvs.4.42 | HYMN XLIL IndraVaruna-. 42 |
rvs.4.42 | 9 The spouse of Purukutsa gave oblations to you, O IndraVaruna-, with homage. |
rvs.4.42 | And that Milchcow- who shrinks not from the milking, O IndraVaruna-, give to us daily. |
rvs.6.68 | HYMN LXVIII. IndraVaruna-. 68 |
rvs.6.68 | The rite which IndraVaruna- shall carry this day to high success and glorious issue. |
rvs.6.68 | Ye, IndraVaruna-, have in might surpassed them, and thus were ye spread wide, O Earth and Heaven. |
rvs.6.68 | 5 Righteous is he, and liberal and helpful who, IndraVaruna-, brings you gifts with gladness. |
rvs.6.68 | Wealth, Gods! which breaks the curse of those who vex us, be, IndraVaruna-, even our own |
rvs.6.68 | 7 So also, IndraVaruna-, may our princes have riches swift to save, with Gods to guard them- |
rvs.6.68 | 10 True to Law, IndraVaruna-, drinkers of the juice, drink this pressed Soma which shall give you |
rvs.7.82 | HYMN LXXXIT. IndraVaruna- 82 |
rvs.7.82 | 1. GRANT us your strong protection, IndraVaruna, our people, and our family, for sacrifice. |
rvs.7.82 | 2 O IndraVaruna-, mighty and very rich One of you is called Monarch and One Autocrat. |
rvs.7.82 | Cheered by this magic draught ye, IndraVaruna-, made the dry places stream, made songs of praise |
rvs.7.82 | Invoke you, only you, the Lords of twofold wealth, you prompt to hear, we bards, O IndraVaruna-. |
rvs.7.82 | 5 O IndraVaruna-, as ye created all these creatures of the world by your surpassing might, |
rvs.7.82 | 7 No trouble, no misfortune, IndraVaruna-, no woe from any side assails the mortal man |
rvs.7.82 | Bestow ye upon us, O IndraVaruna-, your friendship and your kinship and your favouring grace. |
rvs.7.82 | 9 In battle after battle, IndraVaruna-, be ye our Champions, ye who are the peoples' strength, |
rvs.7.83 | HYMN LXXXIII. IndraVaruna-. 83 |
rvs.7.83 | Ye smote and slew his Dasa and his Aryan enemies, and helped Sudas with favour, IndraVaruna-. |
rvs.7.83 | Where all things that behold the light are terrified, there did ye comfort us, O IndraVaruna-. |
rvs.7.83 | 3 The boundaries of earth were seen all dark with dust: O IndraVaruna-, the shout went up to |
rvs.7.83 | 4 With your resistless weapons, IndraVaruna-, ye conquered Bheda and ye gave Sudas your aid. |
rvs.7.83 | 5 O IndraVaruna-, the wickedness of foes and mine assailants' hatred sorely trouble me. |
rvs.7.83 | 7 Ten Kings who worshipped not, O IndraVaruna-, confederate, in war prevailed not over Sudas. |
rvs.7.83 | 8 O IndraVaruna-, ye gave Sudas your aid when the Ten Kings in battle compassed him about, |
rvs.7.83 | We call on you, ye Mighty, with our hymns of praise. Vouchsafe us your protection, IndraVaruna-. |
rvs.7.84 | HYMN LXXXIV. IndraVaruna-. 84 |
rvs.7.84 | 1. KINGS, IndraVaruna-, I would turn you hither to this our sacrifice with gifts and homage. |
rvs.7.84 | 4 O IndraVaruna-, vouchsafe us riches with store of treasure, food, and every blessing; |
rvs.7.85 | HYMN LXXXV. IndraVaruna-. 85 |
rvs.7.85 | O IndraVaruna-, smite back thoseour- foemenyea,, smite them withyour shaft to every quarter. |
rvs.8.103 | HYMN XI. IndraVaruna-. 103 |
rvs.8.103 | 1. IN offerings poured to you, O IndraVaruna-, these shares of yours stream forth to glorify your |
rvs.8.103 | 2 The waters and the plants, O IndraVaruna-, had efficacious vigour, and attained to might: |
rvs.8.103 | These, dropping oil, are yours, O IndraVaruna-: with these enrich with gifts and help the |
rvs.8.103 | O Lords of splendour, aid us through the ThreetimesSeven—, as we pour holy oil, O IndraVaruna-. |
rvs.8.103 | 7 O IndraVaruna-, grant to the worshippers cheerfulness void of pride, and wealth to nourish them. |