Indra More
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 May 2011 10:04 and updated at 17 May 2011 10:04
rvs.7.29 | 5 We will address this liberal Lord, this Indra, that he may grant us gifts of ample riches, |
rvs.7.30 | HYMN XXX. Indra. 30 |
rvs.7.30 | 1. WITH power and strength, O Mighty God, approach us: be the augmenter, Indra, of these riches; |
rvs.7.30 | 3 When fair bright days shall dawn on us, O Indra, and thou shalt bring thy banner near in battle, |
rvs.7.30 | 4 Thine are we, Indra, thine, both these who praise thee, and those who give rich gifts, O God and |
rvs.7.30 | 5 We will address this liberal Lord, this Indra that he may grant us gifts of ample riches: |
rvs.7.31 | HYMN XXXI. Indra. 31 |
rvs.7.31 | 1. SING ye a song, to make him glad, to Indra, Lord of Tawny Steeds, |
rvs.7.31 | 3 O Indra, Lord of boundless might, for us thou winnest strength and kine, |
rvs.7.31 | 4 Faithful to thee we loudly sing, heroic Indra, songs to thee: Mark, O Good Lord, this act of |
rvs.7.31 | 11 For Indra, the sublime, the farpervading-, have singers generated prayer and praises: |
rvs.7.31 | 12 The choirs have stablished Indra King for ever, for victory, him whose anger is resistless: |
rvs.7.32 | HYMN XXXII. Indra. 32 |
rvs.7.32 | Wealthcraving- singers have on Indra set their hope, as men set foot upon a car. |
rvs.7.32 | 4 These Soma juices, mixed with curd, have been expressed for Indra here. |
rvs.7.32 | 6 The hero never checked by men hath gained his strength through Indra, he |
rvs.7.32 | 8 For Indra, Somadrinker-, armed with thunder, press the Soma juice. |
rvs.7.32 | The man whom Indra and the Marut host defend comes to a stable full of kine. |
rvs.7.32 | 11 Indra, that man when fighting shall obtain the spoil, whose strong defender thou wilt be. |
rvs.7.32 | Him who is Indra, Lord of Bays, no foes subdue. He gives the Somapourer- strength. |
rvs.7.32 | Even many snares and bonds subdue not him who dwells with Indra through his sacrifice. |
rvs.7.32 | 14 Indra, what mortal will attack the man who hath his wealth in thee? |
rvs.7.32 | 16 Thine, Indra, is the lowest wealth, thou cherishest the midmost- wealth, |
rvs.7.32 | 18 If I, O Indra, were the Lord of riches ample as thine own, |
rvs.7.32 | Your Indra, Muchinvoked-, I bend with song, as bends a wright his wheel of solid wood. |
rvs.7.32 | Looker on heavenly light, Lord of this moving world, Lord, Indra, of what moveth not. |
rvs.7.32 | Desiring horses, Indra Maghavan! and kine, as men of might we call on thee. |
rvs.7.32 | 24 Bring, Indra, the Victorious Ones; bring, elder thou, the younger host. |
rvs.7.32 | 26 O Indra, give us wisdom as a sire gives wisdom to his sons. |
rvs.7.33 | 2 With Soma they brought Indra from a distance, Over Vaisanta, from the strong libation. |
rvs.7.33 | Indra preferred Vasisthas to the Soma pressed by the son of Vayata, Pasadyumna. |
rvs.7.33 | So in the fight with the Ten Kings, Vasisthas! did Indra help Sudas through your devotions. |
rvs.7.33 | Since, when ye sang aloud the Sakvari verses, Vasisthas! ye invigorated Indra. |
rvs.7.33 | Then Indra heard Vasistha as he praised him, and gave the Trtsus ample room and freedom. |
rvs.7.34 | 4 Set ye for him the coursers to the pole: like Indra Thunderer is the Goldenarmed-. |
rvs.7.34 | 24 To this may both the wide Worlds lend approval, and Varuna in heaven, whose Friend is Indra. |
rvs.7.34 | 25 May Indra, Varuna, Mitra, and Agni, Waters, Herbs, Trees accept the praise we offer. |
rvs.7.35 | 1. BEFRIEND us with their aids Indra and Agni, Indra and Varuna who receive oblations! |
rvs.7.35 | Indra and Soma give health, strength and comfort, Indra and Pusan be our help in battle. |
rvs.7.35 | 6 Be the God Indra with the Vasus friendly, and, with Adityas, Varuna who blesseth. |
rvs.7.36 | 4 May I bring hither with my song, O Indra, wise Aryaman who yokes thy dear Bay Horses, |
rvs.7.37 | 4 Indra, highfamed-, as Vaja and Rbhuksans, thou goest working, singing to the dwelling. |
rvs.7.37 | For thee with friendly succour have we battled, and when, O Indra, wilt thou grant us riches? |
rvs.7.37 | 6 To us thy priests a home, as it were, thou givest: when, Indra wilt thou recognize our praises? |
rvs.7.37 | 7 Though Nirrti the Goddess reigneth round him, Autumns with food in plenty come to Indra. |
rvs.7.39 | 5 Agni, to these mens' hymns, from earth, from heaven, bring Mitra, Varuna, Indra, and Agni, |
rvs.7.40 | 2 This, dealt from heaven ' may both the Worlds vouchsafe us, and Varuna, Indra, Aryaman, and |
rvs.7.41 | 1. AGNI at dawn, and Indra we invoke at dawn, and Varuna and Mitra, and the Asvins twain. |
rvs.7.42 | 5 Accept this sacrifice of ours, O Agni; glorify it with Indra and the Maruts. |
rvs.7.44 | Indra, and Visnu, Pusan, Brahmanaspati, Adityas, Heaven and Earth, the Waters, and the Light. |
rvs.7.47 | Made erst the special beverage of Indra, bright, stainless, rich in sweets and dropping fatness. |
rvs.7.47 | That shall make Indra and the Vasus joyful. This may we gain from you today-, we pious. |
rvs.7.47 | They never violate the laws of Indra. Present the oilrich- offering to the Rivers. |
rvs.7.47 | 4 Whom Surya with his bright beams hath attracted, and Indra dug the path for them to travel, |
rvs.7.48 | May Vaja aid us in the fight for booty, and helped by Indra may we quell the foeman. |
rvs.7.48 | May Indra, Vibhvan, Vaja, and Rbhuksan destroy by turns the wicked foemans' valour. |
rvs.7.49 | Indra, the Bull, the Thunderer, dug their channels: here let those Waters, Goddesses, protect me. |
rvs.7.51 | Indra, and Agni, and the Asvins, lauded. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings. |
rvs.7.56 | 25 May Indra, Mitra, Varuna and Agni, Waters, and Plants, and Trees accept our praises. |
rvs.7.79 | 3 Wealthy, most like to Indra, Dawn hath risen, and brought forth lauds that shall promote our |
rvs.7.82 | 10 May Indra, Varuna, Mitra, and Aryaman vouchsafe us glory and great shelter spreading far. |
rvs.7.83 | 6 The men of both the hosts invoked you in the fight, Indra and Varuna, that they might win the |
rvs.7.83 | 10 May Indra, Varuna, Mitra, and Aryaman vouchsafe us glory and great shelter spreading far. |
rvs.7.84 | Far from us still be Varunas' displeasure may Indra give us spacious room to dwell in. |
rvs.7.84 | 5 May this my song reach Varuna and Indra, and, strongly urging, win me sons and offspring. |
rvs.7.85 | 1. FOR you I deck a harmless hymn, presenting the Soma juice to Varuna and Indra- |
rvs.7.85 | 3 Selflucid- in their seats, even heavenly Waters endowed with Godhead Varuna and Indra. |
rvs.7.85 | 5 May this my song reach Varuna and Indra, and, strongly urging, win me sons and offspring. |
rvs.7.90 | Viands attend the car that beareth Heroes, your car, ye Sovran Pair, Indra and Vayu. |
rvs.7.90 | These princes, through full life, Indra and Vayu! overcome in battle with their steeds and heroes. |
rvs.7.91 | O ye puredrinkers-, drink with us pure Soma: sit on this sacred grass, Indra and Vayu. |
rvs.7.91 | 6 Your hundred and your thousand teams, O Indra and Vayu, allmunificent-, which attend you, |
rvs.7.92 | 2 Prompt at the holy rites forth came the presser with Somadraughts- for Indra and for Vayu, |
rvs.7.92 | 4 Near to the Gods and making Indra joyful, devout and ofFering precious gifts to Vayu, |
rvs.7.93 | 1. SLAYERS of enemies, Indra and Agni, accept this day our newborn- pure laudation. |
rvs.7.93 | 7 So Agni, kindled mid this adoration, invite thou Mitra, Varuna, and Indra. |
rvs.7.93 | Never may the Maruts, Indra, Visnu slight us. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings. |
rvs.7.94 | 1. As rain from out the cloud, for you, Indra and Agni, from my soul |
rvs.7.94 | 4 To Indra and to Agni we bring reverence, high and holy hymn, |
rvs.7.94 | 7 Indra and Agni, come to us with favour, ye who conquer men: |
rvs.7.94 | 10 When heroes prompt in worship call Indra and Agni, Lords of steeds, |
rvs.7.97 | Where the libations are effused for Indra, may he come first to drink and make him stronger. |
rvs.7.97 | May the great song of praise divine, reach Indra who is the King of prayer the Gods creation. |
rvs.7.97 | 9 This, Brahmanaspati, is your laudation prayer hath been made to thunderwielding Indra. |
rvs.7.97 | 10 Ye Twain are Lords of wealth in earth and heaven, thou, O Brhaspati, and thou, O Indra. |
rvs.7.98 | HYMN XCVIII. Indra. 98 |
rvs.7.98 | No wildbull- knows his drinkingplace- like Indra who ever seeks him who hath pressed the Soma, |
rvs.7.98 | O Indra, gratified in heart and spirit, drink eagerly the Soma set before thee. |
rvs.7.98 | O Indra, thou hast filled midairs-' wide region, and given the Gods by battle room and freedom. |
rvs.7.98 | Or, Indra, when thou fightest girt by heroes, we in the glorious fray with thee will conquer. |
rvs.7.98 | 5 I will declare the earliest deeds of Indra, and recent acts which Maghavan hath accomplished. |
rvs.7.98 | Thou, Indra, art alone the Lord of cattle; may we enjoy the treasure which thou givest. |
rvs.7.98 | 7 Ye Twain are Lords of wealth in earth and heaven, thou, O Brhaspati, and thou, O Indra. |
rvs.7.99 | 5 Ye have destroyed, thou, Indra, and thou Visnu, Sambaras' nineandninety— fenced castles. |
rvs.7.99 | I laud you in the solemn synods, Visnu: pour ye food on us in our camps, O Indra. |
rvs.7.104 | 2 Indra and Soma, let sin round the wicked boil like as a caldron set amid the flames of fire. |
rvs.7.104 | 3 Indra and Soma, plunge the wicked in the depth, yea, cast them into darkness that hath no |
rvs.7.104 | 4 Indra and Soma, hurl your deadly crushing bolt down on the wicked fiend from heaven and from the |
rvs.7.104 | 5 Indra and Soma, cast ye downward out of heaven your deadly darts of stone burning with fiery |
rvs.7.104 | 6 Indra and Soma, let this hymn control you both, even as the girth encompasses two vigorous |
rvs.7.104 | Indra and Soma, let the wicked have no bliss who evermore assails us with malignity. |
rvs.7.104 | May he, the speaker of untruth, be, Indra, like water which the hollowed hand compresses. |
rvs.7.104 | He slays the fiend and him who speaks untruly: both lie entangled in the noose of Indra. |
rvs.7.104 | 16 May Indra slay him with a mighty weapon, and let the vilest of all creatures perish, |
rvs.7.104 | 19 Hurl down from heaven thy bolt of stone, O Indra: sharpen it, Maghavan, made keen by Soma. |
rvs.7.104 | 20 They fly, the demon dogs, and, bent on mischief, fain would they harm indomitable Indra. |
rvs.7.104 | 21 Indra hath ever been the fiends' destroyer who spoil oblations of the Gods invokers: |
rvs.7.104 | Destroy him shaped as eagle or as vulture as with a stone, O Indra, crush the demon. |
rvs.7.104 | 24 Slay the male demon, Indra! slay the female, joying and triumphing in arts of magic. |
rvs.7.104 | 25 Look each one hither, look around Indra and Soma, watch ye well. |
rvs.8.1 | HYMN I. Indra. 1 |
rvs.8.1 | Praise only mighty Indra when the juice is shed, and say your lauds repeatedly: |
rvs.8.1 | Be this our prayer, addressed, O Indra, unto thee, thine exaltation every day. |
rvs.8.1 | 6 O Indra, thou art more to me than sire or niggard brother is. |
rvs.8.1 | Indra the richlyyielding- Milchcow- who provides unfailing food in ample stream. |
rvs.8.1 | Indra bore Kutsa Arjuneya off, and mocked Gandharva. the unconquered One. |
rvs.8.1 | We, Thunderwielding- Indra, count ourselves as trees rejected and unfit to burn. |
rvs.8.1 | Rapidly through the strainer gladden Indra, drops due to the Tugryas' Strengthener. |
rvs.8.1 | 23 Come, Indra, and rejoice thyself, O God, in manifold affluence. |
rvs.8.1 | So may the longmaned- Bays, yoked by devotion, bring Indra to drink the Soma juice. |
rvs.8.1 | Thou, Indra, from of old, hast followed after light, since we have had thee to invoke. |
rvs.8.2 | HYMN II. Indra. 2 |
rvs.8.2 | Indra, I call thee to our feast. |
rvs.8.2 | 4 Beloved of all, Indra alone drinks up the flowing Soma juice |
rvs.8.2 | 7 For him, for Indra, for the God, be pressed three draughts of Soma juice |
rvs.8.2 | 10 Here, Indra, are thy Somadraughts- pressed out by us, the strong, the pure: |
rvs.8.2 | 11 O Indra, pour in milk, prepare the cake, and mix the Somadraught-. |
rvs.8.2 | 15 Give us not, Indra, as a prey unto the scornful or the proud: |
rvs.8.2 | 16 This, even this, O Indra, we implore. as thy devoted friends, |
rvs.8.2 | 23 O presser, offer Soma first to Indra, Hero, Sakra, him |
rvs.8.2 | Indra who doeth glorious deeds, |
rvs.8.2 | 32 Vrtra he slays with his right hand, even Indra, great with mighty power, |
rvs.8.2 | 34 All this hath he accomplished, yea, Indra, most gloriously renowned, |
rvs.8.2 | 37 O Priyamedhas, worship with collected mind this Indra whom |
rvs.8.3 | HYMN III. Indra. 3 |
rvs.8.3 | 1. DRINK, Indra, of the savoury juice, and cheer thee with our milky draught. |
rvs.8.3 | 5 Indra for worship of the Gods, Indra while sacrifice proceeds, |
rvs.8.3 | Indra, as worshippers in battleshock-, we call, Indra that we may win the spoil. |
rvs.8.3 | 6 With might hath Indra spread out heaven and earth, with power hath Indra lighted up the Sun. |
rvs.8.3 | In Indra are all creatures closely held; in him meet the distilling Somadrops-. |
rvs.8.3 | 7 Men with their lauds are urging thee, Indra, to drink the Soma first. |
rvs.8.3 | 8 Indra increased his manly strength at sacrifice, in the wild rapture of this juice. |
rvs.8.3 | 10 Wherewith thou sentest mighty waters to the sea, that, Indra, is thy manly strength. |
rvs.8.3 | 11 Help us, O Indra, when we pray to thee for wealth and hero might. |
rvs.8.3 | 12 Help for us, Indra, as thou holpest Paura once, this mans' devotions bent on gain. |
rvs.8.3 | When ever wilt thou, Indra Maghavan, come nigh to pressers' or to praisers' call? |
rvs.8.3 | The living men of Priyamedhas' race have sung exalting Indra with their lauds. |
rvs.8.3 | 17 Best slayer of the Vrtras, yoke thy Bay Steeds, Indra, from afar. |
rvs.8.3 | As such, O Maghavan, Indra, who lovest song, even as a lover bear my call. |
rvs.8.3 | 19 Thou from the lofty plains above, O Indra, hurledst Vrtra down. |
rvs.8.3 | Indra, thou blewest the great Dragon from the air: men must regard that valorous deed. |
rvs.8.3 | Which Indra and the Maruts gave, and Pakasthaman Kauraya?. |
rvs.8.4 | HYMN IV. Indra. 4 |
rvs.8.4 | 1. THOUGH, Indra, thou art called by men eastward and westward, north and south, |
rvs.8.4 | 2 Or, Indra, when with Ruma, Rusama, Syavaka, and Krpa thou rejoicest thee, |
rvs.8.4 | Still do the Kanvas, bringing praises, with their prayers, O Indra, draw thee hither: come. |
rvs.8.4 | 4 May the drops gladden thee, rich Indra, and obtain bounty for him who pours the juice. |
rvs.8.4 | O Indra, Strong in youth, all those who sought the fray bent and bowed down to thee like trees. |
rvs.8.4 | 9 Indra, thy friend is fair of form and rich in horses, cars, and kine. |
rvs.8.4 | 11 Priest, let the Soma juice flow forth, for Indra longs to drink thereof. |
rvs.8.4 | 13 Press out the Soma juice, ye priests, for Indra borne upon his car. |
rvs.8.4 | The pressingstones- speak loud of Indra, while they shed the juice which, offered, honours him. |
rvs.8.4 | 14 To the brown juice may his dear vigorous Bay Steeds bring Indra, to our holy task. |
rvs.8.6 | HYMN VI Indra 6 |
rvs.8.6 | 3 Since Kanvas with their lauds have made Indra complete the sacrifice. |
rvs.8.6 | 5 This power of his shone brightly forth when Indra brought together, like |
rvs.8.6 | 9 Indra, may we obtain that wealth in horses and in herds of cows, |
rvs.8.6 | 12 Whatever Rsis have not praised thee, Indra, or have lauded thee, |
rvs.8.6 | 14 Against the Dasyu gusna thou, Indra, didst hurl thy during bolt: |
rvs.8.6 | Indra, the Thunderer with his might. |
rvs.8.6 | 16 O Indra him who lay at length staying thy copious waters thou, |
rvs.8.6 | 17 Thou hiddest deep in darkness itim, O Indra, who had set his grasp |
rvs.8.6 | 18 Indra, whatever Yatis and Bhrgus have offered praise to thee, |
rvs.8.6 | 19 Indra, these spotted cows yield thee their butter and the milky draught; |
rvs.8.6 | 20 Which, teeming, have received thee as a lifegerm-, Indra, with their mouth, |
rvs.8.6 | 22 Under thy guidance, Indra, mid thy praises, Lord of Thunder, shall |
rvs.8.6 | 23 Indra, disclose much food for us, like a stronghold with store of kine: |
rvs.8.6 | 24 And, Indra, grant us all that wealth of fleet steeds which shone bright of old |
rvs.8.6 | When, Indra, thou art kind to us. |
rvs.8.6 | 26 Yea, when thou puttest forth thy power, Indra, thou governest the folk. |
rvs.8.6 | 31 Indra, the Kanvas all exalt thy wisdom and thy manly power, |
rvs.8.6 | 32 Accept this eulogy of mine, Indra, and guard me carefully: |
rvs.8.6 | 34 To Indra have the Kanvas sung, like waters speeding down a slope: |
rvs.8.6 | 35 As rivers swell the ocean, so our hymns of praise make Indra strong, |
rvs.8.6 | O Indra, drink this Soma juice. |
rvs.8.6 | 39 Rejoice, O Indra, in the light, rejoice in Saryandyan, be Glad in the sacrificers' hymn. |
rvs.8.6 | Thou, Indra, guardest well our wealth. |
rvs.8.6 | 44 Mid mightiest Gods let mortal man choose Indra at the sacrifice, |
rvs.8.6 | Indra, whoever would win, for help. |
rvs.8.7 | Indra in battle with the foe. |
rvs.8.7 | 31 What now? where have ye still a friend since ye left Indra all alone? |
rvs.8.9 | 12 Whether with Indra ye be faring, Asvins, or resting in one dwellingplace- with Vayu, |
rvs.8.10 | I call Brhaspati, Indra, Visnu, all the gods, the Asvins borne by rapid steeds. |
rvs.8.12 | HYMN XII. Indra. 12 |
rvs.8.12 | 1. JOY, Mightiest Indra, known and marked, sprung most from Somadraughts-, wherewith |
rvs.8.12 | Indra, with all thy succours thou hast waxen great. |
rvs.8.12 | 9 Indra consumeth with the rays of Surya the malicious man: |
rvs.8.12 | 12 Indra who wins the friend hath spread himself to drink the Somadraught-: |
rvs.8.12 | 14 Aditi also hath brought forth a hymn for Indra, Sovran Lord: |
rvs.8.12 | 16 If, Indra, thou drink Soma by Visnus' or Trta Aptyas' side, |
rvs.8.12 | 19 To magnify the God, the God, Indra, yea, Indra for your help, |
rvs.8.12 | Indra with lauds have they increasedthis have they gained. |
rvs.8.12 | 22 For slaying Vrtra have the Gods set Indra in the foremost place. |
rvs.8.12 | Indra the choral bands have sung, for vigorous strength. |
rvs.8.12 | 25 What time the Gods, O Indra, get thee foremost in the furious fight, |
rvs.8.12 | 29 When, Indra, all the Marut folk humbly submitted them to thee, |
rvs.8.12 | 31 To thee, O Indra, with this thought the sage lifts up this eulogy, |
rvs.8.12 | 33 As Priest, O Indra, give us wealth in brave men and good steeds ana kine |
rvs.8.13 | HYMN XIII. Indra. 13 |
rvs.8.13 | 3 Him, to win strength, have I invoked, even Indra mighty for the fray. |
rvs.8.13 | 4 Indra, Song lover-, here for thee the worshippers' libation flows. |
rvs.8.13 | 5 Even now, O Indra, give us that which, pressing juice, we crave of thee. |
rvs.8.13 | 12 Grant wealth to those who praise thee, Lord of Heroes, Mightiest Indra: give |
rvs.8.13 | With thy carhorses-, Indra, come wellpleased to us. |
rvs.8.13 | 16 Let songs we sing and Somadrops- expressed by us make Indra strong: |
rvs.8.13 | 22 O Indra, Lover of the song, when shall thy praiser be most blest? |
rvs.8.13 | 26 O Indra, Caster of the Stone, thou helpest him who praises thee: |
rvs.8.13 | Thy Bay Steeds, Indra, fraught with weal tb, consent to come. |
rvs.8.13 | 31 O Indra, strong is this thy car, and strong are these Bay Steeds of thine: |
rvs.8.14 | HYMN XIV. Indra. 14 |
rvs.8.14 | 1. IF I, O Indra, were, like thee, the single Sovran of all wealth, |
rvs.8.14 | 3 To worshippers who press the juice thy goodness, Indra, is a cow |
rvs.8.14 | 4 None is there, Indra, God or man, to hinder thy munificence, |
rvs.8.14 | 5 The sacrifice made Indra strong when he unrolled the earth, and made |
rvs.8.14 | 6 Thine aid we claim, O Indra, thine who after thou hast waxen great |
rvs.8.14 | 7 In Somas' ecstasy Indra spread the firmament and realms of light, |
rvs.8.14 | 9 By Indra were the lumirious realms of heaven established and secured, |
rvs.8.14 | 10 Indra, thy laud moves quickly like a joyous wave of waterfloods-: |
rvs.8.14 | 11 For thou, O Indra, art the God whom hymns and praises magnify: |
rvs.8.14 | 12 Let the two longmaned- Bay Steeds bring Indra to drink the Soma juice, |
rvs.8.14 | 13 With waters' foam thou torest off, Indra, the head of Namuci, |
rvs.8.14 | Thou, Indra, castest down to earth. |
rvs.8.15 | HYMN XV. Indra. 15 |
rvs.8.15 | Invite the powerful Indra with your songs of praise. |
rvs.8.15 | To gain, O Indra, spoils of war and high renown. |
rvs.8.15 | 8 O Indra, Heaven and Earth augment thy manly power and thy renown; |
rvs.8.15 | 10 O Indra, thou wast born the Lord of men, most liberal of thy gifts: |
rvs.8.15 | None else than Indra executes the mighty deed. |
rvs.8.15 | 12 Though here and there, in varied hymns, Indra, men call on thee for aid, |
rvs.8.15 | For victory stir thou Indra, up, the Lord of Might. |
rvs.8.16 | HYMN XVI. Indra. 16 |
rvs.8.16 | 1. PRAISE Indra whom our songs must laud, sole Sovran of mankind, the Chief |
rvs.8.16 | They who have Indra win the day. |
rvs.8.16 | Indra is he who giveth case. |
rvs.8.16 | 7 Indra is priest and Rsi, he is much invoked by many men, |
rvs.8.16 | 9 The men, the people magnify that Indra with their Slina. songs, |
rvs.8.16 | 11 May he, the saviour muchinvoked-, may Indra bear us in a ship |
rvs.8.16 | 12 As such, O Indra, honour us with gifts of booty, further us, |
rvs.8.17 | HYMN XVII Indra. 17 |
rvs.8.17 | 1. COME, we have pressed the juice for thee; O Indra, drink this Soma here |
rvs.8.17 | 2 O Indra, let thy longmaned- Bays, yoked by prayer, bring thee hitherward |
rvs.8.17 | We, Indra, bringing Soma juice. |
rvs.8.17 | O active Indra, close to thee. |
rvs.8.17 | 8 Indra, transported with the juice, vast in his bulk, strong in his neck |
rvs.8.17 | 9 O Indra, go thou forward, thou who rulest over all by might: |
rvs.8.17 | 11 Here, Indra, is thy Somadraught-, made pure upon the sacred grass: |
rvs.8.17 | The drop of Soma breaketh all the strongholds down, and Indra is the Rsis' Friend. |
rvs.8.17 | Lead on the wild horse Indra with his vigorous grasp forward to drink the Soma juice. |
rvs.8.19 | That may we, by thy power finding best furtherance, worship, O Indra, helped by thee. |
rvs.8.21 | HYMN XXI. Indra. 21 |
rvs.8.21 | We therefore, we thy friends, Indra, havie chosen thee, freegiver-, as our Guardian God. |
rvs.8.21 | 4 For we the kinless singers have drawn hither thee, O Indra, who hast numerous kin. |
rvs.8.21 | Indra, to thee we sing aloud. |
rvs.8.21 | 7 For not in recent times alone, O Indra, Thunderarmed-, have we obtained thine aid. |
rvs.8.21 | Even Indra, O my friends, for help |
rvs.8.21 | With heroes smite the foeman and show forth our strength. O Indra, further thou our thoughts. |
rvs.8.21 | 13 O Indra, from all ancient time rivalless ever and companionless art thou: |
rvs.8.21 | 15 O Indra, let us not, like fools who waste their lives at home, with friendship such as thine |
rvs.8.21 | 17 Indra or blest Sarasvati alone bestows such wealth, treasure so great, or thou, |
rvs.8.24 | HYMN XXIV. Indra. 24 |
rvs.8.24 | 1. COMPANIONS, let us learn a prayer to Indra. whom the thunder arms, |
rvs.8.24 | 4 Yea, Indra, thou disclosest that preeminent dear wealth of men: |
rvs.8.24 | 9 O Indra, Dancer, Muchinvoked-! as thy great power is unsurpassed, |
rvs.8.24 | 13 For Indra pour ye out the drops meath blent with Soma let him drink |
rvs.8.24 | 17 Indra, whom Tawny Coursers bear, praise such as thine, preeminent, |
rvs.8.24 | 19 Come, sing we praise to Indra, friends, the Hero who deserves the laud, |
rvs.8.24 | 22 As Vyasva did, praise Indra, praise the Strong unfluctuating Guide, |
rvs.8.24 | 24 Thou knowest, Indra, Thunderarmed-, how to avoid destructive powers, |
rvs.8.24 | 25 O Indra, bring that aid wherewith of old, Most Wondrous! thou didst slay |
rvs.8.25 | Boon Indra, and boon Visnu have one mind with us. |
rvs.8.27 | Let Indra, Varuna, and the Adityas sit, swift Heroes, on our sacred grass. |
rvs.8.27 | Let the Strong Indra, famed as Vrtras' slayer, come first with the winners of the spoil. |
rvs.8.31 | 1. THAT Brahman pleases Indra well, who worships, sacrifices, pours Libation, and prepares the |
rvs.8.32 | HYMN XXXII. Indra. 32 |
rvs.8.32 | 1. KANVAS, tell forth with song the deeds of Indra, the Impetuous, |
rvs.8.32 | That exploit, Indra, must be famed. |
rvs.8.32 | 7 O Indra, Lover of the Song, the singers of thy praise are we: |
rvs.8.32 | Indra, with all lhis saving helps. |
rvs.8.32 | To Indra sing your song of praise; |
rvs.8.32 | Indra who aids the worshipper. |
rvs.8.32 | Drink, Indra, of the drops we pour. |
rvs.8.32 | This is it, Indra, that is thine. |
rvs.8.32 | O Indra, noticing our voice. |
rvs.8.32 | 28 Indra, who in the wild delight of Soma juice considers here |
rvs.8.33 | HYMN XXXIII. Indra. 33 |
rvs.8.33 | When comest thou athirst unto the juice as home, O Indra, like a bellowing bull? |
rvs.8.33 | 4 Medhyatithi, to Indra sing, drink of the juice to make thee glad. |
rvs.8.33 | Indra who, rich in hundreds, gathers thousands up, honoured as breakerdown- of forts. |
rvs.8.33 | When Indra Maghavan lists to his praisers' call, he will not stand aloof, but come. |
rvs.8.33 | 13 Come, thou most potent Indra, come to drink the savoury Soma juice. |
rvs.8.33 | 17 Indra himself hath said, The mind of woman brooks not discipline, |
rvs.8.34 | HYMN XXXIV. Indra. 34 |
rvs.8.34 | 1. Come hither, Indra, with thy Bays, come thou to Kanvas' eulogy. |
rvs.8.34 | 16 The thousand steeds, the mightiest troop, which we and Indra have received |
rvs.8.35 | 1. WITH Agni and with Indra, Visnu. Varuna, with the Adityas, Rudras, Vasus, closely leagued; |
rvs.8.36 | HYMN XXXVI. Indra. 36 |
rvs.8.36 | The share which they have fixed for thee, thou, Indra, Victor over all hosts and space, begirt |
rvs.8.36 | Indra, thou only gavest Trasadasyu aid in the fierce fight with heroes, strengthening his prayers. |
rvs.8.37 | HYMN XXXVII. Indra. 37 |
rvs.8.37 | 1. THIS prayer, and those who shed the juice, in wars with Vrtra thou holpest, Indra, Lord of |
rvs.8.37 | 2 Thou mighty Conqueror of hostile armaments, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy saving help. |
rvs.8.37 | 3 Sole Ruler, thou art Sovran of this world of life, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy |
rvs.8.37 | 4 Thou only sunderest these two consistent worlds, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy saving |
rvs.8.37 | 5 Thou art the Lord supreme over rest and energy, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy saving |
rvs.8.37 | 6 Thou helpest one to power, and one thou hast not helped, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy |
rvs.8.37 | Indra, thou only gavest Trasadasyu aid in the fierce fight with heroes, strengthening his powers. |
rvs.8.38 | Indra and Agni, mark this well. |
rvs.8.38 | Indra and Agni, mark this well. |
rvs.8.38 | Indra, and Agni, mark this well. |
rvs.8.38 | Indra and Agni, Heroes, come. |
rvs.8.38 | Indra and Agni, Heroes, come. |
rvs.8.38 | Indra and Agni, Heroes, Come. |
rvs.8.40 | 2 We set no snares to tangle you; Indra we worship and adore, Hero of heroes mightiest. |
rvs.8.40 | 5 To Indra and to Agni send your prayers, as was Nabhakas' wont, |
rvs.8.40 | Who oped with sideway opening the sea with its foundations seven? Indra all powerful in his might. |
rvs.8.40 | 9 O Indra, many are thine aids, many thy ways of guiding us, |
rvs.8.45 | HYMN XLV. Indra 45 |
rvs.8.45 | Whose Friend is Indra ever young. |
rvs.8.45 | Whose Friend is Indra ever young. |
rvs.8.45 | Whose Friend is Indra ever young. |
rvs.8.45 | 7 What time the Warrior Indra goes to battle, borne by noble steeds, |
rvs.8.45 | 9 May Indra set our car in front, in foremost Place to win the spoil, |
rvs.8.45 | 13 Indra, we know thee breakerdown- even of strong forts, winner of spoil, |
rvs.8.45 | 16 Indra, these friends of ours, supplied with Soma, wait and look to thee, |
rvs.8.45 | O Indra, give us gifts of kine. |
rvs.8.45 | 21 To Indra sing a song of praise, Hero of mighty valour, him |
rvs.8.45 | 26 In battle of a thousand arms Indra drank Kadrus' Soma juice: |
rvs.8.45 | Indra beside the flowing juice; |
rvs.8.45 | Do it not, Indra, but be kind. |
rvs.8.45 | Let thine heart, Indra, turn to us. |
rvs.8.45 | When, Indra, thou art kind to us. |
rvs.8.45 | 41 O Indra, that which is concealed in strong firm place precipitous: |
rvs.8.46 | HYMN XLVI. Indra. 46 |
rvs.8.46 | 1. WE, Indra, Lord of ample wealth, our Guide, depend on one like thee, |
rvs.8.46 | 6 We pray to Indra for his gift, to him the Fearless and the Strong, |
rvs.8.46 | 8 Yea, that most excellent carouse, Indra, which slays most enemies, |
rvs.8.46 | To Indra, glorious in his name, the Mighty One, even as the hymn alloweth it. |
rvs.8.46 | 19 O Indra, Mightiest, bring us that which crushes men of evil minds, |
rvs.8.46 | These are thy people, Vayu, who rejoice with Indra for their guard, rejoice with Gods for guards. |
rvs.8.48 | This Soma now deposited within me. For this, I pray for longer life to Indra. |
rvs.8.50 | HYMN L. Indra. 50 |
rvs.8.50 | 1. BOTH boons, may Indra, hitherward turned, listen to this prayer of ours, |
rvs.8.50 | 3 Fill thyself full, O Lord of wealth, O Indra, with the juice we shed. |
rvs.8.50 | 4 Changeless in truth, O Maghavan Indra, let it be as thou in wisdom willest it. |
rvs.8.50 | 5 Indra, with all thy saving helps give us assistance, Lord of power. |
rvs.8.50 | Fill thyself full, O Maghavan, for gain of kine, full, Indra, for the gain of steeds. |
rvs.8.50 | With singers' hymns have we brought the Fortrender- near, singing to Indra for his grace. |
rvs.8.50 | 9 Whether the simple or the sage, Indra, have offered praise to thee, |
rvs.8.50 | We, seeking riches cry to Indra, Lord of wealth, to Satakratu with our lauds. |
rvs.8.50 | When with the Soma juice which we have shed we make Indra, the Mighty One, our Friend. |
rvs.8.50 | 13 Indra, give us security from that whereof we are afraid. |
rvs.8.50 | So Indra, Maghavan, thou Lover of the Song, we with pressed Soma call on thee, |
rvs.8.50 | 15 Indra is Vrtraslayer-, guard, our best defender from the foe. |
rvs.8.50 | 16 Defend us from behind, below, above, in front, on all sides, Indra, shield us well. |
rvs.8.50 | 17 Protect us, Indra, each today-, each morrow, and each following day. |
rvs.8.51 | HYMN LI. Indra. 51 |
rvs.8.51 | 1. OFFER ye up as praise to him that wherein Indra takes delight. |
rvs.8.51 | The Somabringers- magnify Indras' great energy with hymns. Good are the gifts that Indra gives. |
rvs.8.51 | This, Indra, must be told of thee who wilt perform heroic deeds. |
rvs.8.51 | 5 For thou, O Indra, makest yet more bold the spirit of the bold |
rvs.8.51 | 7 In strength and wisdom all the Gods, Indra, have yielded unto thee. |
rvs.8.51 | 8 Praised, Indra, is this might of thine, best for the service of the Gods, |
rvs.8.51 | Indra knows this his manifest deed, and is renowned. |
rvs.8.51 | 10 Thy might, O Indra, at its birth, thee also, and thy mental power, |
rvs.8.51 | 12 Let us extol this Indra as truthful and never as untrue. |
rvs.8.51 | Indra gives. |
rvs.8.52 | HYMN LII. Indra. 52 |
rvs.8.52 | 3 Indra who knew full well disclosed the kine to the Angirases. |
rvs.8.52 | 4 Indra, promoter of the song, the sages' Strengthener as of old, |
rvs.8.52 | Of Hail! have sung loud hymns to thee, Indra, to gain a stall of kine. |
rvs.8.52 | 6 With Indra rest all deeds of might, deeds done and yet to be performed, |
rvs.8.52 | 7 When the Five Tribes with all their men to Indra have sent out their voice, |
rvs.8.52 | The strong assigned to him who sings and praises. May Gods with Indra at their head protect us. |
rvs.8.53 | HYMN LIII. Indra. 53 |
rvs.8.53 | Who takes delight in Indra now? |
rvs.8.54 | HYMN LIV. Indra. 54 |
rvs.8.54 | 1. THOUGH, Indra, thou art called by men from east and west, from north and south, |
rvs.8.54 | Indra, to drink the Somadraught-. |
rvs.8.54 | 4 Hither, O Indra, let thy Bays bear up and, bring upon thy car |
rvs.8.54 | 5 Thou, Indra, wouldst be sung and praised as great, strong, lordly in thy deeds |
rvs.8.54 | 7 As, Indra, thou art evermore the common Lord of all alike, |
rvs.8.54 | Indra, be pleased with it, and drink. |
rvs.8.55 | HYMN LV. Indra. 55 |
rvs.8.55 | With haste, that he may help, as the bards' Cherisher, Indra who findeth wealth for you. |
rvs.8.55 | Indra, the Vrtraslayer-, urges eagerly the opening of the stall of kine: |
rvs.8.55 | May Indra, Lord of Bay Steeds, fairhelmed- Thunderer, act at his pleasure, as he lists. |
rvs.8.55 | All that we offer unto thee, O Indra, now, sacrifice, laud, effectual speech. |
rvs.8.55 | So graciously accepting, Indra, this our praise, with wondrous thought come forth to us. |
rvs.8.55 | 9 What manly deed of vigour now remains that Indra hath not done? |
rvs.8.55 | Indra excels all usurers who see the day, excels all traffickers in strength. |
rvs.8.55 | 11 O Indra, Vrtraslayer-, we, thy very constant worshippers, |
rvs.8.55 | 13 Verily, Indra, we are thine, we worshippers depend on thee. |
rvs.8.56 | For strong is Indra and renowned. |
rvs.8.57 | HYMN LVII. Indra. 57 |
rvs.8.57 | Strong in thy deeds, checking assault, Lord, Mightiest Indra, of the brave! |
rvs.8.57 | 6 Indra, the Strong, the measureless, worthy of praise, Most Bountiful, |
rvs.8.57 | 7 Him, for his ample bounty, him, this Indra do I urge to drink, |
rvs.8.57 | As, in our battles Indra, thou to Purumayya gavest help. |
rvs.8.58 | HYMN LVIII. Indra. 58 |
rvs.8.58 | 4 Praise, even as he is known, with song Indra the guardian of the kine, |
rvs.8.58 | 6 For Indra Thunderarmed- the kine have yielded mingled milk and meath, |
rvs.8.58 | 7 When I and Indra mount on high up to the Bright Ones' place and home, |
rvs.8.58 | Shrill be, the music of the string. To Indra. is the hymn upraised-. |
rvs.8.58 | 11 Indra hath drunk, Agni hath drunk. all Deities have drunk their fill. |
rvs.8.58 | 14 Indra, the very Mighty, holds his enemies in utter scorn. |
rvs.8.59 | HYMN LIX. Indra. 59 |
rvs.8.59 | 2 Honour that Indra, Puruhanman! for his aid, in whose sustaining hand of old, |
rvs.8.59 | No, not by sacrifice, to Indra. praised o all, resistless, daring, bold in might. |
rvs.8.59 | 5 O Indra, if a hundred heavens and if a hundred earths were thine? |
rvs.8.59 | But one who yokes the brighthued- steeds, the Etasas, even Indra yoker of the Bays. |
rvs.8.59 | 8 Urge ye the Conqueror to give, your Indra greatly to be praised, |
rvs.8.59 | Raise us to gain of mighty wealth, O Maghavan, O Indra, to sublime renown. |
rvs.8.59 | 10 Indra, thou justifiest us, and tramplest down thy slanderers. |
rvs.8.59 | 12 O Mightiest Indra, loving us, gather thou up, as grains of corn, |
rvs.8.61 | 8 Entreated by Vivasvans' ten, Indra cast down the waterjar- |
rvs.8.61 | To Indra, Agni light and prayer. |
rvs.8.63 | 10 Steed, cow, a lord of heroes, bright like Indra, who shall fill the car. |
rvs.8.65 | HYMN LXV. Indra. 65 |
rvs.8.65 | 1. NOT to forsake me, I invoke this Indra girt by Maruts, |
rvs.8.65 | 2 This Indra with his Marut Friends clave into pieces Vrtras' bead |
rvs.8.65 | 3 Indra, with Marut Friends grown strong, hath rent asunder Vrtra, and |
rvs.8.65 | 4 This is that Indra who, begirt by Maruts, won the light of heaven |
rvs.8.65 | Indra we invocate with songs. |
rvs.8.65 | 6 Indra begirt by Maruts we invoke after the ancient plan, |
rvs.8.65 | 7 O liberal Indra, Marutgirt-, muchlauded- Satakratu, drink |
rvs.8.65 | 8 To thee, O Indra, Marutgirt-, these Soma juices, Thunderer! |
rvs.8.65 | 9 Drink, Indra, with thy Marut Friends, pressed Soma at the morning rites, |
rvs.8.65 | 10 Arising in thy might, thy jaws thou shookest, Indra, having quaffed |
rvs.8.65 | 11 Indra, both worlds complained to thee when uttering thy fearful roar, |
rvs.8.65 | 12 From Indra have I measured out a song eightfooted- with nine parts, |
rvs.8.66 | HYMN LXVI. Indra. 66 |
rvs.8.66 | 4 Then Indra at a single draught drank the contents of thirty pails, |
rvs.8.66 | 5 Indra in groundless realms of space pierced the Gandharva through, that he |
rvs.8.66 | 6 Down from the mountains Indra shot hither his welldirected- shaft: |
rvs.8.66 | Which, Indra, thou hast made thy friend. |
rvs.8.66 | A hundred buffaloes, a brew of rice and milk: and Indra, slew the ravening boar |
rvs.8.67 | HYMN LXVII. Indra. 67 |
rvs.8.67 | 1. BRING us a thousand, Indra, as our guerdon for the Soma juice: |
rvs.8.67 | 5 Indra can never be brought low, Sakra can never be subdued: |
rvs.8.67 | 10 Indra, through hope in thee alone even this sickle do I grasp. |
rvs.8.69 | HYMN LXIX. Indra 69 |
rvs.8.69 | Indra; be gracious unto us. |
rvs.8.69 | As such, O Indra, favour us. |
rvs.8.69 | Wilt thou not, Indra, strengthen us? |
rvs.8.69 | 4 O Indra, help our chariot on, yea, Thunderer, though it lag behind: |
rvs.8.69 | 7 Indra, be firm: a fort art thou. To thine appointed place proceeds |
rvs.8.70 | HYMN LXX. Indra. 70 |
rvs.8.70 | 4 Come, let us glorify Indra, Lord supreme of wealth, Selfruling- King: |
rvs.8.70 | 6 O Indra, with thy right hand bring, and with thy left remember us. |
rvs.8.70 | 8 Indra, the booty which thou hast with holy singers to receive, |
rvs.8.70 | 9 Indra, thy swiftlycoming- spoil, the booty which rejoices all, |
rvs.8.71 | HYMN LXXI. Indra. 71 |
rvs.8.71 | 3 Joy, Indra, in the strengthening food et it content thy wish and thought, |
rvs.8.71 | Indra, is offered up to thee. |
rvs.8.71 | 6 Graciously, Indra, hear my call. Come and obtain the draught, and sate |
rvs.8.71 | 7 The Soma, Indra, which is shed in chalices and vats for thee, |
rvs.8.72 | 7 Regard us, Indra, Visnu, here, ye Asvins and the Marut host, |
rvs.8.72 | 9 Then come with Indra for your chief, as early day, ye Bounteous Gods |
rvs.8.77 | HYMN LXXVII. Indra. 77 |
rvs.8.77 | This Indra, even your Wondrous God who checks attack, who joys in the delicious juice. |
rvs.8.77 | 3 Indra, the strong and lofty hills are powerless to bar thy way. |
rvs.8.77 | The earthly region, Indra, comprehends thee not. After thy Godhead hast thou waxed. |
rvs.8.78 | HYMN LXXVIII. Indra. 78 |
rvs.8.78 | 1. To Indra sing the lofty hymn, Maruts that slays the Vrtras best. |
rvs.8.78 | 2 Indra who quells the curse blew curses far away, and then in splendour came to us. |
rvs.8.78 | Indra, refulgent with thy Marut host! the Gods strove eagerly to win thy love. |
rvs.8.78 | 3 Sing to your lofty Indra, sing, Maruts, a holy hymn of praise. |
rvs.8.79 | HYMN LXXIX. Indra. 79 |
rvs.8.79 | 1. MAY Indra, who in every fight must be invoked, be near to us. |
rvs.8.79 | Indra, Lord of Bay Steeds, accept these fitting hymns, hymns which we have thought out for thee. |
rvs.8.79 | 5 O Indra, thou art farrenowned-, impetuous, O Lord of Strength. |
rvs.8.80 | HYMN LXXX. Indra. 80 |
rvs.8.80 | Bearing it to her home she said, For Indra will I press thee out, for Sakra will I press thee out. |
rvs.8.80 | Still slowly and in gradual drops, O Indu, unto Indra flow. |
rvs.8.80 | Shall we not, hostile to our lord, unite ourselves to Indra now? |
rvs.8.80 | 5 O Indra, cause to sprout again three places, these which I declare, |
rvs.8.80 | 7 Cleansing Apala, Indra! thrice, thou gavest sunlike skin to her, |
rvs.8.81 | HYMN LXXXI. Indra 81 |
rvs.8.81 | 1. INVITE ye Indra with a song to drink your draught of Soma juice, |
rvs.8.81 | His name is Indra, tell it forth. |
rvs.8.81 | 3 Indra the Dancer be to us the giver of abundant strength: |
rvs.8.81 | 4 Indra whose jaws are strong hath drunk of worshipping Sudaksas' draught, |
rvs.8.81 | 5 Call Indra loudly with your songs of praise to drink the Soma juice. |
rvs.8.81 | 9 O Indra, send us riches, thou Omniscient, worthy of our praise: |
rvs.8.81 | 10 Even thence, O Indra, come to us with food that gives a hundred powers, |
rvs.8.81 | O Indra, none excelleth thee. |
rvs.8.81 | 16 O Satakratu Indra, now rejoice with that carouse of thine |
rvs.8.81 | 17 Even, Indra, that carouse which slays the Vrtras best, most widely famed, |
rvs.8.81 | 19 For Indra, Lover of Carouse, loud be our songs about the juice: |
rvs.8.81 | 20 We summon Indra to the draught, irl whom all glories rest, in whom |
rvs.8.81 | Which, Indra, is within thee now. |
rvs.8.81 | 24 O Indra, Vrtraslayer-, let Soma be ready for thy maw, |
rvs.8.81 | 26 Here, Indra, thou art ready by our Soma juices shed for thee, |
rvs.8.81 | So dwell thou, Indra, even with me. |
rvs.8.81 | 31 O Indra, let not ill designs surround us in the sunbeams' light: |
rvs.8.81 | 32 With thee to help us, Indra, let us answer all our enemies: |
rvs.8.81 | 33 Indra, the poets and thy friends, faithful to thee, shall loudly sing |
rvs.8.82 | HYMN LXXXII. Indra. 82 |
rvs.8.82 | 3 This Indra is our gracious Friend. He sends us in a full broad stream |
rvs.8.82 | That, Indra, all is in thy power. |
rvs.8.82 | 6 Thou, Indra, goest unto all Soma libations shed for thee, |
rvs.8.82 | 7 We make this Indra very strong to strike the mighty Vrtra dead: |
rvs.8.82 | 8 Indra was made for giving, set, most mighty, over the joyous draught. |
rvs.8.82 | 10 Indra, Songlover-, lauded, make even in the wilds fair ways for us, |
rvs.8.82 | 23 Presented strengthening gifts have sent Indra away at sacrifice, |
rvs.8.82 | Bring Indra to his worshippers. |
rvs.8.82 | 26 May Indra give thee skill, and lights of heaven, wealth to his votary |
rvs.8.82 | For, Indra, thou art kind to us. |
rvs.8.82 | For, Indra, thou art kind to us. |
rvs.8.82 | For, Indra, thou art kind to us. |
rvs.8.82 | 32 Known as best Vrtraslayer- erst, as Indra Satakratu, come |
rvs.8.82 | 34 May Indra give, to aid us, wealth handy that rules the Skilful Ones: |
rvs.8.83 | 6 And Indra, like the Herald Priest, desirous of the milky juice, |
rvs.8.84 | HYMN LXXXIV. Indra. 84 |
rvs.8.84 | O Indra, they have called to thee as motherkine- unto their calves. |
rvs.8.84 | 2 Bright juices bitherward have sped thee, Indra, Lover of the Song. |
rvs.8.84 | Drink, Indra, of this flowing sap: in every house it is set for thee. |
rvs.8.84 | 3 Drink Soma to inspirit thee, juice, Indra, which the Falcon brought: |
rvs.8.84 | 4 O Indra, hear Tirascis' call, the call of him who serveth thee. |
rvs.8.84 | 5 For he, O Indra, hath produced for thee the newest gladdening song, |
rvs.8.84 | 6 That Indra will we laud whom songs and hymns of praise have magnified. |
rvs.8.84 | 7 Come now and let us glorify pure Indra with pure Sama hymns. |
rvs.8.84 | 8 O Indra, come thou pure to us, with pure assistance, pure thyself. |
rvs.8.84 | 9 O Indra, pure, vouchsafe us wealth, and, pure, enrich the worshipper. |
rvs.8.85 | HYMN LXXXV. Indra. 85 |
rvs.8.85 | 1. FOR him the Mornings made their courses longer, and Nights with pleasant voices spake to Indra. |
rvs.8.85 | 3 The mightiest force is Indras' bolt of iron when firmly grasped in both the arms of Indra. |
rvs.8.85 | 5 What time, O Indra, in thine arms thou tookest thy wildly rushing bolt to Slay the Dragon, |
rvs.8.85 | The mountains roared, the cattle loudly bellowed, the Brahmans with their hymns drew nigh to Indra. |
rvs.8.85 | May we win Mitra with our songs, and Indra, and. wait upon our Lord with adoration. |
rvs.8.85 | So, Indra, be thy friendship with the Maruts: in all these battles thou shalt be the victor. |
rvs.8.85 | 9 A sharpened weapon is the host of Maruts. Who, Indra, dares withstand thy bolt of thunder? |
rvs.8.85 | Lay oa his body many songs for Indra invoked with song, for will not he regard. them? |
rvs.8.85 | 12 Serve him with gifts of thine which Indra welcomes: praise with fair praise, invite him with |
rvs.8.85 | Indra with might longed for it as it panted: the herohearted- laid aside his weapons. |
rvs.8.85 | And Indra, with Brhaspati to aid him, conquered the godless tribes that came against him. |
rvs.8.85 | 16 Then, at thy birth, thou wast the foeman, Indra, of those the seven who Never had met a rival. |
rvs.8.85 | With weapons broughtest low the migbt of Susna, and, Indra, foundest by thy strength the cattle. |
rvs.8.85 | 20 Indra is Vrtras' slayer, mans' sustainer: he must be called; with fair praise let us call him. |
rvs.8.85 | 21 This Indra, Vrtraslayer-, this Rbhuksan, even at his birth, was meet for invocation. |
rvs.8.86 | HYMN LXXXVI. Indra. 86 |
rvs.8.86 | 2 The unwasting share of steeds and kine which, Indra, thou hast fast secured, |
rvs.8.86 | 3 The riteless, godless man who sleeps, O Indra, his unbroken steep, |
rvs.8.86 | Delight us with thy bounty rich in pleasantness, O Indra, with abundant wealth. |
rvs.8.86 | 7 O Indra, turn us not away: be the companion of our feast. |
rvs.8.86 | For thou art our protection, yea, thou art our kin: O Indra, turn us not away. |
rvs.8.86 | 8 Sit down with us, O Indra, sit beside the juice to drink the meath. |
rvs.8.86 | Show forth great favour to the Singer, Maghavan; Indra, with us, beside the juice. |
rvs.8.86 | 10 Of one accord they made and formed for kingship Indra, the Hero who in all encounters |
rvs.8.86 | 11 Bards joined in song to Indra so that he might drink the Soma juice, |
rvs.8.86 | 13 Loudly I call that Indra, Maghavan the Mighty, who evermore possesses power, ever resistless. |
rvs.8.86 | 14 Thou knowest well, O Sakra, thou Most Potent, with thy strength, Indra, to destroy these |
rvs.8.86 | 15 May thy truth, Indra, Wondrous Hero be my guard: bear me over much woe, Thunderer! as over |
rvs.8.86 | When, Indra, wilt thou honour us with opulence, allnourishing- and muchtobe—. desired, O King? |
rvs.8.87 | HYMN LXXXVII. Indra. 87 |
rvs.8.87 | 1. To Indra sing a Sama hymn, a lofty song to Lofty Sage, |
rvs.8.87 | 2 Thou, Indra, art the Conqueror: thou gavest splendour to the Sun. |
rvs.8.87 | ne Deities, Indra strove to win thee for their Friend. |
rvs.8.87 | 4 Come unto us, O Indra, dear, still conquering, unconcealable, |
rvs.8.87 | 6 For thou art he, O Indra, wiio stormeth all castles of the foe, |
rvs.8.87 | 7 Now have we, Indra, Friend of Song, sent our great wishes forth to thee, |
rvs.8.87 | Bearers of Indra, yoked by word. |
rvs.8.87 | 10 O Indra, bring great strength to us, bring valour, Satakratu, thou most active, bring |
rvs.8.88 | HYMN LXXXVIII. Indra. 88 |
rvs.8.88 | So, Indra, listen here to those who bring the laud: come near unto our dwellingplace. |
rvs.8.88 | Thy loftiest glories claim our lauds beside the juice, O Indra, Lover of the Song. |
rvs.8.88 | 3 Turning, as it were, to meet the Sun, enjoy from Indra all good things. |
rvs.8.88 | 4 Praise him who sends us wealth, whose bounties injure none: good are the gifts which Indra. |
rvs.8.88 | 5 Thou in thy battles, Indra, art subduer of all hostile bands. |
rvs.8.88 | When thou attackest Vrtra all the hostile bands shrink and faint, Indra, at thy wrath. |
rvs.8.88 | Indra, the Friend of all, for succour we invoke, Guardian of treasure, sendjng wealth. |
rvs.8.89 | HYMN LXXXIX Indra. Vak. 89 |
rvs.8.89 | When, Indra, thou securest me my portion, with me thou shalt perform heroic actions. |
rvs.8.89 | 3 Striving for strength bring forth a laud to Indra, a truthful hymn if he in truth existeth. |
rvs.8.89 | One and another say, There is no Indra. Who hath beheld him? Whom then shall we honour? |
rvs.8.89 | 6 All these thy deeds must be declared at Somafeasts-, wrought, Indra, Bounteous Lord, for him who |
rvs.8.89 | For hath not Indra sunk his bolt deep down in Vrtras' vital part? |
rvs.8.89 | Let us slay Vrtra, let us free the rivers let them flow loosed at the command of Indra. |
rvs.8.93 | HYMN I. Indra. 93 |
rvs.8.93 | 3 The drops effused, the gladdening draughts, O Indra, Lover of the Son |
rvs.8.93 | Laud, Godlike Indra, which milchkine- make sweet for thee: with Kanvas' sons are gifts for thee. |
rvs.8.93 | O Thunderer, as a plenteous spring pours forth its stream, so, Indra, flow our songs to thee. |
rvs.8.93 | 9 Indra, from thee so great we crave prosperity in wealth of kine, |
rvs.8.93 | As, Indra, to Gosarya and Rjisvan, thou vouchsafedst wealth in kine and gold. |
rvs.8.94 | HYMN II. Indra. 94 |
rvs.8.94 | O Indra, mighty- thoughted, harnessing thy Bays, come Lofty with the Lofty Ones. |
rvs.8.95 | HYMN III. Indra. 95 |
rvs.8.95 | 1. As with Manu Samvarani, Indra, thou drankest Soma juice, |
rvs.8.95 | 3 Call hither with thy newest song Indra who lacks not hymns of praise, |
rvs.8.95 | 5 We invocate that Indra who bestoweth precious things on us. |
rvs.8.95 | We with our Soma ready, Lover of the Song! call, Indra Maghavan, on thee. |
rvs.8.95 | 7 Never art thou fruitless, Indra Never dost thou desert the worshipper |
rvs.8.96 | HYMN IV. Indra. 96 |
rvs.8.96 | As, Indra, thou didst love the hymn by Tritas' side, so dost thou joy with Ayu now. |
rvs.8.96 | 2 As thou with Matarisvan, Medhya, Prsadhra, hast cheered thee Indra, with pressed juice, |
rvs.8.96 | 4 In whose laud thou didst joy, Indra, at the great deed, O Satakratu, Mighty One! |
rvs.8.96 | Eager for wealth we call on Indra, Lord of wealth, on Satakratu with our lauds. |
rvs.8.96 | The call on Indra, fourth Aditya! is thine own. Amrta is stablished in the heavens. |
rvs.8.96 | 8 The offercr whom thou, Indra, Lover of the Song, liberal Maghavan, favourest, |
rvs.8.96 | 9 Sung is the song of ancient time: to Indra have ye said the prayer. |
rvs.8.96 | 10 Indra hath tossed together mighty stores of wealth, and both the worlds, yea, and the Sun. |
rvs.8.96 | Pure, brightlyshining-, mingled with the milk, the draughts of Soma have made Indra glad. |
rvs.8.97 | HYMN V. Indra. 97 |
rvs.8.97 | Best breakerdown- of forts, kinewinner-, Lord of wealth, we seek thee, Indra Maghavan. |
rvs.8.97 | 5 Come, Indra, very near to us with aids of firmlybased- resolve; |
rvs.8.98 | HYMN VI. Indra. 98 |
rvs.8.98 | 2 Through piety they came to Indra for his aid, they whose libations give theejoy. |
rvs.8.98 | As thou with, Krsa and Samvarta hast rejoiced, so, Indra, be thou glad with us. |
rvs.8.98 | 5 Indra, with thine own bounteous gift, most liberal of the Mighty Ones, |
rvs.8.98 | 7 Our hopes rest on the Faithful One: in Indra is the peoples' life. |
rvs.8.98 | 8 Thee would we worship, Indra, with our songs of praise: O Satakratu, be thou ours. |
rvs.8.103 | 3 True is your Krsas' word, Indra and Varuna: The seven holy voices pour a wave of meath. |
rvs.8.103 | 6 What ye in time of old Indra and Varuna, gave Rsis revelation, thought, and power of song, |
rvs.9.1 | Pressed out for Indra, for his drink. |
rvs.9.1 | 10 In the wild raptures of this draught, Indra slays all the Vrtras: he, |
rvs.9.2 | Pass into Indra, as a Bull. |
rvs.9.4 | 4 Ye purifiers, purify Soma for Indra, for his drink: |
rvs.9.5 | Indu is Indra, tawny Steer; Pavamana is Prajapati. |
rvs.9.5 | Vayu, Surya, Brhaspati, Indra, and Agni, in accord. |
rvs.9.6 | They have reached Indra purified. |
rvs.9.6 | 7. Effused, the God flows onward with his stream to Indra, to the God, |
rvs.9.7 | 7 He goes to Indra, Vayu, to the Asvins, as his custom is, |
rvs.9.9 | Even Indu, Indra! in thy law. |
rvs.9.11 | To Indra offer Indu up. |
rvs.9.11 | 8 Heartknower-, Sovran of the heart, thou art effused, O Soma, that Indra may drink thee and |
rvs.9.11 | Indu! with. Indra for ally. |
rvs.9.12 | 1. To Indra have the Soma drops, exceeding rich in sweets, been poured, |
rvs.9.12 | 2 As mother kine low to their calves, to Indra have the sages called, |
rvs.9.13 | 8 As Gladdener whom Indra loves, O Pavamana, with a roar |
rvs.9.16 | 5 With humble homage, Indra, have the Somadrops- flowed forth to thee, |
rvs.9.17 | To Indra flow the Somastreams-. |
rvs.9.19 | 2 For ye Twain, Indra, Soma, are Lords of the light, Lords of the kine: |
rvs.9.21 | 1. To Indra flow these running drops, these Somas frolicsome in mood. |
rvs.9.23 | 6 For Indra, Soma! thou art cleansed, a feastcompanion- for the Gods: |
rvs.9.23 | 7 When he had drunken draughts of this, Indra smote down resistless foes: |
rvs.9.24 | They come to Indra, being cleansed. |
rvs.9.25 | 5 To Indra Soma flows, the Red, engendering song, exceeding wise, |
rvs.9.26 | 6 O Pavamana, Indu, priests hurry thee on to Indra, thee |
rvs.9.27 | 2 As giving power and winning light, for Indra and for Vayu he |
rvs.9.27 | 6 To Indra in the firmament this mighty tawny Steer hath flowed, |
rvs.9.30 | 6 For Indra, for the Thunderer press the Soma very rich in sweets, |
rvs.9.32 | Indu for Indra, for his drink. |
rvs.9.33 | 3 To Indra, Vayu, Varuna, to Visnu, and the Maruts, flow |
rvs.9.34 | 2 Poured forth to Indra, Varuna, to Vayu and the Marut hosts, |
rvs.9.34 | 4 It is he whom Trita must refine, it is he who shall make Indra glad: |
rvs.9.37 | Indu to Indra willingly. |
rvs.9.38 | Indu to Indra for his drink. |
rvs.9.39 | For Indra is poured forth as meath. |
rvs.9.43 | Indu for Indra, for his drink. |
rvs.9.45 | Indu, to Indra for his drink. |
rvs.9.45 | 2 Stream to thine embassy for us: thou hastenest, for Indra, to |
rvs.9.46 | Give strength to Indra with their work. |
rvs.9.46 | The draught that shall make Indra glad. |
rvs.9.50 | Indu, for Indra, for his drink. |
rvs.9.51 | 2 Pour out for Indra, Thunderarmed-, the milk of heaven,, the Somas' juice, |
rvs.9.53 | 4 For Indra to the streams they drive the tawny rapturedropping- Steed, |
rvs.9.56 | 4 Flow hitherward, O Indu, sweet to Indra and to Visnu: guard |
rvs.9.60 | 4 That Indra may be bounteous, flow, most active Soma, for our weal: |
rvs.9.61 | 8 With Indra and with Vayu he, effused, flows onward withthe, beams |
rvs.9.61 | 12 Finder of room and freedom, flow for Indra whom we must adore, |
rvs.9.61 | 22 Flow onward thou who strengthenedst Indra to slaughter Vrtra who |
rvs.9.62 | 8 So flow thou onward through the fleece, for Indra flow, to be his drink, |
rvs.9.62 | 14 For Indra flows the gladdening drink, the measurer of the region, Sage, |
rvs.9.62 | 15 Born on the inountain, lauded here, Indu for Indra is set down, |
rvs.9.62 | 29 For potent Indra purify Indu effectual and strong, |
rvs.9.63 | 2 Thou makest food and vigour swell for Indra, best of gladdeners! |
rvs.9.63 | 3 For Indra and for Visnu poured, Soma hath flowed into the jar: |
rvs.9.63 | 6 Brown Somadrops-, effused that seek Indra, to their appropriate place |
rvs.9.63 | 10 Hence, singers, pour the gladdeningjuice to Vayu and to Indra, pour |
rvs.9.63 | Effused for Indra Thunderarmed-. |
rvs.9.63 | 17 For Indra, living men adorn the Tawny Courser in the streams, Indu, the giver of delight. |
rvs.9.63 | 19 For Indra pour ye on the fleece him very sweet to taste, who longs. |
rvs.9.63 | 22 God, working with mankind, flow on; to Indra go thy gladdening juice: |
rvs.9.64 | Indu, to Indra for his drink. |
rvs.9.64 | 22 For Indra girt by Maruts, flow, thou Indu, very rich in sweets, |
rvs.9.65 | Indu for Indra, for his drink. |
rvs.9.65 | Enter them, and let Indra drink. |
rvs.9.65 | 20 Soma, the Waterwinner- flows to Indra, Vayu, Varuna, |
rvs.9.66 | 28 Over the fleecy sieve hath flowed the drop effused: to Indra comes |
rvs.9.66 | Summoning Indra to the draught. |
rvs.9.67 | A Prince to Indra with thy juice. |
rvs.9.67 | Come nigh to Indra in their course. |
rvs.9.67 | 8 For Indra floweth excellent Indu, the noblest Soma juice |
rvs.9.67 | 16 For Indra flow most rich in sweets, O Soma, bringing him delight. |
rvs.9.69 | These swift outpourings in long course of holy rites: no form save only Indra shows itself so pure. |
rvs.9.69 | 9 These Pavamanas here, these drops of Soma, to Indra have sped forth like cars to booty. |
rvs.9.69 | 10 O Indu, flow thou on for lofty Indra, flow blameless, very gracious, foedestroyer-. |
rvs.9.70 | 10 Urged like a carsteed- flow to strength, O Soma: Indu, flow onward to the throat of Indra. |
rvs.9.72 | Most liberal, completing sacrifice for men, O Indra, pure bright Soma, Indu, flows for thee. |
rvs.9.72 | 5 O Indra, urged by arms of men and poured in streams, Soma flows on for thee after his Godlike |
rvs.9.73 | Blowing away with supernatural might from earth and from the heavens the swarthy skin which Indra |
rvs.9.74 | So, cleansed by sages. O best giver of delight, grow sweet for Indra, Pavamana! for his drink. |
rvs.9.75 | What gladdening drinks thou hast, foaming, exceeding strong, even with these incite Indra to give |
rvs.9.76 | So, best of Cheerers, thou for Indra flowest on that we, with thy protection, may overcome in |
rvs.9.78 | 2 Thou, Soma, art effused for Indra by the men, balmed in the wood as wave, Sage, Viewer of |
rvs.9.80 | Thou, lengthening our princes' life and high renown, flowest for Indra as his might to gladdening |
rvs.9.80 | Thou, Soma, gladdening Indra, and the Heavenly Host, flowest as Pavamana like a rivers' wave. |
rvs.9.84 | 1. FLOW, cheering Gods, most active, winner of the flood, for Indra, and for Vayu, and for Varuna. |
rvs.9.84 | He, poured forth in a stream flows with the lightnings' flash, Soma who gladdens Indra and the |
rvs.9.85 | 1. FLOW on to Indra, Soma, carefully effused: let sickness stay afar together with the fiends. |
rvs.9.85 | Smite thou our enemies who raise the shout of joy: Indra, drink Soma juice, and drive away our |
rvs.9.85 | 4 Wondrous, with hundred streams, hymned in a thousand songs, Indu pours out for Indra his |
rvs.9.85 | 6 Flow onward sweet of flavour for the Heavenly Race, for Indra sweet, whose name is easily |
rvs.9.86 | Somadrops- rich in meath, waves, to the Thunderarmed-, to Indra, like milchkine- who seek their |
rvs.9.86 | He, gladdening, best of Cheerers, juicehat! Indra loves, enriches with mysterious treasure earth |
rvs.9.86 | O Indra, through thy wisdom, b thy thought, O Sage, Soma flows bright and pure between the earth |
rvs.9.86 | Producing Tritas' name, may he pour forth the meath, that Vayu and that Indra may become his |
rvs.9.86 | Sinking into the throat of Indra with a roar, led by the men thou madest Surya mount to heaven. |
rvs.9.86 | For Indra poured as cheering juice to make him glad, as nearest and farseeing bearerup- of heaven. |
rvs.9.86 | From Indra crave for us, Indu, when thou art quaffed, the blessing that gives children, wealth |
rvs.9.87 | 4 This thine own Soma rich in meath, O Indra, Steer for the Steer, hath flowed into the filter. |
rvs.9.87 | Somas' stream clears itself for thee, O Indra, like lightning thundering through the clouds of |
rvs.9.87 | 9 Cleansing thyselr, and borne along with Indra, Soma, thou goest round the herd of cattle. |
rvs.9.88 | 1. FOR thee this Soma is effused, O Indra: drink of this juice; for thee the stream is flowing- |
rvs.9.88 | 4 Like Indra who hath done great deeds, thou, Soma, art slayer of the Vrtras, Fortdestroyer-. |
rvs.9.89 | 7 Fighting, uninjured come where Gods are feasted; Soma, as Vitraslayer- flow for Indra. |
rvs.9.90 | Going to Indra, sharpening his weapons, and in his hand containing every treasure. |
rvs.9.90 | 5 O Soma, gladden Varuna and Mitra; cheer, Indu Pavamana! Indra, Visnu. |
rvs.9.90 | Cheer thou the Gods, the Company of Maruts: Indu, cheer mighty Indra to rejoicing. |
rvs.9.95 | While thou and Indra rule for our advantage, may we be masters of heroic vigour. |
rvs.9.96 | Soma endues his robes of lasting colours, and blesses, for his friends, their calls on Indra. |
rvs.9.96 | The Friend of Indra mounts his car wellknowing-, he comes thereon to meet the prayer we offer. |
rvs.9.96 | Father of Agni, Suryas' generator, the Father who begat Indra and Visnu. |
rvs.9.96 | As thoughtful Pavamana, urge O Indu, speeding the kine, the plants' wave on to Indra. |
rvs.9.96 | 9 Dear, grateful to the Gods, on to the beaker moves Soma, sweet to Indra, to delight him. |
rvs.9.96 | Even thus flow onward now conferring riches: combine with Indra, and bring forth thy weapons. |
rvs.9.96 | Settle in vessels that are full of fatness, as cheering and most gladdening drink for Indra. |
rvs.9.96 | Enter the beakers sporting, as they cleanse thee, and let thy gladdening juice make Indra joyful. |
rvs.9.97 | Praised by the men after the ancient statute, he hath come nigh, for our great bliss, to Indra. |
rvs.9.97 | 6 Flow, Goldhued-, cleansing thee, to enrich the singer: let thy juice go to Indra to support him. |
rvs.9.97 | 10 Strong Indu, bathed in milk, flows on for Indra, Soma exciting strength, to make him joyful. |
rvs.9.97 | Indu rejoicing in the love of Indra, the God who gladdens, for the Gods' enjoyment. |
rvs.9.97 | Raising a shout thou flowest as they cleanse thee, when thou, O Soma, art effused for Indra. |
rvs.9.97 | Thou flowest on as gladdening drink for Indra, sending thy voice out with the hymns of sages. |
rvs.9.97 | Pass into Indra with a mighty roaring make the voice swell, and generate abundance. |
rvs.9.97 | He, Pavamana, granted strength to Indra; he, Indu, generated light in Surya. |
rvs.9.97 | Blending thy milk with milk which cows afford us. We are thy friends, thou art the Friend of Indra. |
rvs.9.97 | 46 Strong, wise, for thee who longest for his coming this Soma here flows to the bowls, O Indra. |
rvs.9.97 | Flow to the songinspiring- carborne- Hero, to mighty Indra, him who wields the thunder. |
rvs.9.98 | The wavy Friend whom Indra lovesthe- twicefive- sisters dip and bathe, |
rvs.9.98 | 10 For Vrtraslaying- Indra, thou, Soma, art poured that he may drink, |
rvs.9.99 | 3 We cleanse this gladdening drink of his the juice which Indra chiefly drinks - |
rvs.9.99 | Thou, yielding Indra highest joy, takest thy seat within the bowls. |
rvs.9.100 | Effused for Indra, for his drink, for Mitra and for Varuna. |
rvs.9.100 | O Soma, as most rich in sweets for Indra, Visnu, and the Gods. |
rvs.9.101 | Even Soma, Lord of opulence, the Friend of Indra, day by day. |
rvs.9.103 | 5 After thy Godlike qualities, associate with Indra, go, |
rvs.9.106 | 1. To Indra, to the Mighty Steer, may these goldcoloured- juices go, |
rvs.9.106 | 2 Effused, this juice victorious flows for Indra, for his maintenance. |
rvs.9.106 | 3 May Indra in his raptures gain from him the grasp that gathers spoil, |
rvs.9.106 | 4 Flow vigilant for Indra, thou Soma, yea, Indu, run thou on: |
rvs.9.106 | 8 Thy drops that swim in water have exalted Indra to delight: |
rvs.9.107 | 17 Soma, the gladdening juice, flows pressed for Indra with his Marut host: |
rvs.9.108 | 1. FOR Indra, flow thou Soma on, as gladdening juice most sweet, intelligent, |
rvs.9.108 | 14 He whom our Indra and the Marut host shall drink, Bhaga shall drink with Aryaman, |
rvs.9.108 | By whom we bring to us Mitra and Varuna and Indra for our great defence. |
rvs.9.109 | 2 Let Indra drink, O Soma, of thy juice for wisdom, and all Deities for strength. |
rvs.9.109 | 14 He bears the beauteous name of Indra, that wherewith he overcame all demon foes. |
rvs.9.109 | 19 The mighty Soma with a thousand streams is poured to Indra through the cleansing sieve. |
rvs.9.109 | 20 Indu they balm with pleasant milky juice for Indra, for the Steer, for his delight. |
rvs.9.109 | 22 Indu to Indra streams, yea, downward streams, Strong, flowing to the floods, and mingling |
rvs.9.110 | They lifted up their voice to Indra athis birth. |
rvs.9.110 | 11 Holy and sweet, while purified, this Indu flows on, a wave of pleasant taste, to Indra, |
rvs.9.111 | Hymns, lauding manly valour, came, inciting Indra to success, that ye may be unconquered, both thy |
rvs.9.113 | 1. LET Vrtraslaying- Indra drink Soma by Saryanavans' side, |
rvs.10.6 | 5 With songs and adorations bring ye hither Agni who stirs himself at dawn like Indra, |
rvs.10.6 | Inclining hither bring us help, O Agni, even assistance most desired by Indra. |
rvs.10.8 | 8 Wellskilled- to use the weapons of his Father, Aptya, urged on by Indra, fought the battle. |
rvs.10.8 | 9 Lord of the brave, Indra cleft him in pieces who sought to gain much strength and deemed him |
rvs.10.15 | Eaters and drinkers of oblations, truthful, who travel with the Deities and Indra. |
rvs.10.19 | May. Indra give them back to us, and Agni drive them hitherward-. |
rvs.10.19 | 6 Homeleader-, lead them home to us; Indra, restore to us our kine: |
rvs.10.22 | HYMN XXII. Indra. 22 |
rvs.10.22 | 1. WHERE is famed Indra heard of? With what folk is he renowned today- as Mitra is, |
rvs.10.22 | 2 Even here is Indra famed, and among us this day the glorious Thunderer is praised, |
rvs.10.22 | 7 O Indra, thou shalt speak us fair: our holy prayer is offered up. |
rvs.10.22 | 12 Let not thine excellent assistance come to us, O Hero Indra, profitless. |
rvs.10.22 | 13 May those soft impulses of thine, O Indra, be fruitful and innocent to us. |
rvs.10.22 | 15 Drink, drink the Soma, Hero Indra; be not withheld as thou art good, O Treasuregiver-. |
rvs.10.23 | HYMN XXIII. Indra. 23 |
rvs.10.23 | 2 The treasure which his Bay Steeds found at sacrifice, this wealth made opulent Indra slayer of |
rvs.10.23 | Which his two Tawny Coursers draw, then Indra is the Sovran Lord of power whose glory spreads afar. |
rvs.10.23 | 4 With him too is this rain of his that comes like herds: Indra throws drops of moisture on his |
rvs.10.23 | 6 Indra, the Vimadas have formed for thee a laud, copious, unparalleled, for thee Most Bountiful. |
rvs.10.23 | 7 Never may this bond of friendship be dissevered, the Rsi Vimadas' and thine, O Indra. |
rvs.10.24 | HYMN XXIV. Indra. Asvins. 24 |
rvs.10.24 | Guardian of singers, Indra, at your glad carousesave- us from woe and hatred. Thou art waxing |
rvs.10.25 | 10 Victorious is this gladdening drink: to Indra dear it grows in strength. |
rvs.10.27 | HYMN XXVII. Indra. 27 |
rvs.10.27 | Then all this world, though pressing juice for Indra and strengthening the Rsi, is affrighted. |
rvs.10.28 | HYMN XXVIII. Indra. Vasukra. 28 |
rvs.10.28 | 3 Men with the stone press out for thee, O Indra, strong, gladdening Soma, and thereof thou |
rvs.10.28 | 7 Yea, and the Gods have known me also, Indra, as mighty, fierce and strong in every exploit. |
rvs.10.29 | HYMN XXIX. Indra. 29 |
rvs.10.29 | Whose HeraldPriest- through many days is Indra, earths' Guardian, Friend of men, the best of |
rvs.10.29 | 3 What was the gladdening draught that pleased thee, Indra? Speed through our doors to songs, for |
rvs.10.29 | 4 Indra, what fame hath one like thee mid heroes? With what plan wilt thou act? Why hast thou |
rvs.10.29 | Men who present, O Indra strong by nature, with food the many songs that tell thy praises. |
rvs.10.29 | 6 Thine are two measures, Indra, widewellmeted-, heaven for thy majesty, earth for thy wisdom. |
rvs.10.29 | 7 They have poured out a bowl to him, to Indra, full of sweet juice, for faithful is his bounty. |
rvs.10.29 | 8 Indra hath conquered in his wars, the Mighty: men strive in multitudes to win his friendship. |
rvs.10.30 | Give waters rich in sweets, Child of the Waters, even those which gave heroic might to Indra: |
rvs.10.30 | Even to that Indra send the meathrich- current, the wave that gratifies the Gods, O Waters. |
rvs.10.30 | 9 Send forth the rapturegiving- wave, O Rivers, which Indra drinks, which sets the Twain in motion; |
rvs.10.30 | Bearing the wellpressed- Soma juice to Indra, they harmonize in spirit with Adhvaryus. |
rvs.10.30 | Adhvaryus, press the Soma juice for Indra so will the service of the Gods be easy. |
rvs.10.32 | HYMN XXXII. Indra. 32 |
rvs.10.32 | May Indra graciously accept both gifts from us, when he hath knowledge of the flowing Soma juice. |
rvs.10.32 | 2 Thou wanderest far, O Indra, through the spheres of light and realms of earth, the region, thou |
rvs.10.32 | Indra, who knoweth well, beheld and showed thee. By him instructed am I come, O Agni. |
rvs.10.33 | Have mercy on us once, O Indra, Bounteous Lord: be thou a Father unto us. |
rvs.10.35 | 1. THESE fires associate with Indra are awake, bringing their light when first the Dawn begins to |
rvs.10.35 | Varuna, Indra, Mitra, Bhaga for our gain. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity. |
rvs.10.36 | Indra I call, the Maruts, Mountains, and the Floods, Adityas, Heaven and Earth, the Waters, and |
rvs.10.36 | 5 Full flow libations; on our grass let Indra sit; Brhaspati the singer laud with Sama hymns! |
rvs.10.37 | 6 This invocation, these our words may Heaven and Earth, and Indra and the Waters and the Maruts |
rvs.10.38 | HYMN XXXVIII. Indra. 38 |
rvs.10.38 | 2 At home disclose to us opulence rich in food, streaming with milk, O Indra, meet to be renowned. |
rvs.10.38 | 3 The godless man, muchlauded- Indra, whether he be Dasa or be Arya, who would war with us, |
rvs.10.38 | Indra, famed Hero, winner in the deadly strife, let us bring hitherward today- to favour us. |
rvs.10.38 | 5 For, Indra, I have heard thee called Self. capturer, One, Steer! who never yields, who urges |
rvs.10.42 | HYMN XLII. Indra. 42 |
rvs.10.42 | Quell with your voice the wickeds' voice, O sages. Singer, make Indra rest beside the Soma. |
rvs.10.42 | 2 Draw thy Friend to thee like a cow at milking: O Singer, wake up Indra as a lover. |
rvs.10.42 | Sakra, let my intelligence be active, and bring us luck that finds great wealth, O Indra. |
rvs.10.42 | 4 Standing, in battle for their rights, together, the people, Indra, in the fray invoke thee. |
rvs.10.42 | 6 He unto whom we offer praises, Indra, Maghavan, who hath joined to ours his wishes, |
rvs.10.42 | O Indra, give us wealth in corn and cattle, and make thy singers' prayer gain strength and riches. |
rvs.10.42 | 8 Indra, the swallower of strong libations rich in the boons they bring, the potent Somas, |
rvs.10.42 | May Indra from the front, and from the centre, as Friend to friends, vouchsafe us room and freedom. |
rvs.10.43 | HYMN XLIII. Indra. 43 |
rvs.10.43 | 3 From indigence and hunger Indra turns away: Maghavan hath dominion over precious wealth. |
rvs.10.43 | 4 As on the fairleafed- tree rest birds, to Indra flow the gladdening Soma juices that the bowls |
rvs.10.43 | 7 When Soma streams together unto Indra flow like waters to the river, rivulets to the lake, |
rvs.10.43 | May Indra from the front, and from the centre, as Friend to friends, vouchsafe us room and freedom. |
rvs.10.44 | HYMN XLIV. Indra. 44 |
rvs.10.44 | 1. MAY Sovran Indra come to the carousal, he who by Holy Law is strong and active, |
rvs.10.44 | 3 Let strong and mighty Steeds who bear this Mighty Indra, the Lord of men, whose arm wields |
rvs.10.44 | May Indra from the front and from the centre, as Friend to friends, vouchsafe us room and freedom. |
rvs.10.47 | HYMN XLVII. Indra Vaikuntha. 47 |
rvs.10.47 | 1. THY right hand have we grasped in ours, O Indra, longing for treasure, TreasureLord- of |
rvs.10.47 | 3 Wealth, with good Brahmans, Indra! Godattended-, high, wide, and deep, arid based on broad |
rvs.10.47 | True, Indra! crushing forts and slaying Dasyus: vouchsafe us mighty and resplendent riches. |
rvs.10.47 | 5 Wealthy in heroes and in cars and horses, strength hundredfold and thousandfold, O Indra, |
rvs.10.47 | 7 My lauds, like envoys, craving lovingkindness-, go forth to Indra with their strong entreaty, |
rvs.10.47 | 8 Grant us the boon for which I pray, O Indra, a spacious home unmatched among the people. |
rvs.10.48 | HYMN XLVIII. Indra Vaikuntha. 48 |
rvs.10.48 | 2 I, Indra, am Atharvans' stay and firm support: I brought forth kine to Trita from the Dragons' |
rvs.10.48 | 5 Indra am I none ever wins my wealth from me never at any time am I a thrall to death. |
rvs.10.48 | 6 These, breathing loud in fury, two and two, who caused Indra to bring his bolt of thunder to the |
rvs.10.49 | 11 Even thus hath Indra Maghavan, truly bounteous, sped Gods and men with mighty operation. |
rvs.10.50 | HYMN L. Indra Vaikuntha. 50 |
rvs.10.50 | Indra, whose conquering strength is powerful in war, whose fame and manly vigour Heaven and Earth |
rvs.10.50 | 2 He with his friend is active, lauded, good to man, Indra who must be glorified by one like me. |
rvs.10.50 | 3 Who are the men whom thou wilt further, Indra, who strive to win thy bliss allied with riches? |
rvs.10.50 | 4 Thou, Indra, through the holy prayer art mighty, worthy of sacrifice at all libations. |
rvs.10.54 | HYMN LIV. Indra. 54 |
rvs.10.54 | Thou, aiding Gods, didst quell the power of Dasas, what time thou holpest many a race, O Indra. |
rvs.10.54 | 2 When thou wast roaming, waxen strong in body, telling thy might, Indra, among the people, |
rvs.10.54 | Defer not thou, O Maghavan, my longing: thou, art Director, Indra, thou art Giver. |
rvs.10.54 | To Indra hath this welcome hymn that strengthens been uttered by the votary Brhaduktha. |
rvs.10.55 | HYMN LV. Indra. 55 |
rvs.10.57 | 1. LET us not, Indra, leave the path, the Somapressers-' sacrifice: |
rvs.10.59 | 10 Drive forward thou the wagonox-, O Indra, which brought Usinaranis' wagon hither. |
rvs.10.60 | 5 Indra, support the princely power of Rathaprosthas matched by none, |
rvs.10.61 | 15 And, Indra, bring, that I may laud and serve them, those Two resplendent glorious Nasatyas, |
rvs.10.61 | 22 And take thou notice of us also, Indra, for ample riches, King whose arm wields thunder! |
rvs.10.62 | 7 With Indra for associate the priests have cleared the stable full of steeds and kine, |
rvs.10.63 | 9 In battles we invoke Indra still swift to hear, and all the holy Host of Heaven who banish grief, |
rvs.10.63 | That conquering Car, O Indra, that sets forth at dawn, that never breaks, may we ascend for |
rvs.10.64 | 12 The thought which ye, O Maruts, Indra and ye Gods have given to me, and ye, Mitra and Varuna, |
rvs.10.65 | 1. MAY Agni, Indra, Mitra, Varuna consent, Aryaman, Vayu, Pusan, and Sarasvati, |
rvs.10.65 | 2 Indra and Agni, Herolords- when Vrtra fell, dwelling together, speeding emulously on, |
rvs.10.65 | 9 Parjanya, Vata, mighty, senders of the rain, Indra and Vayu, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman: |
rvs.10.66 | Indra leads. |
rvs.10.66 | Who, sent by Indra and advised by Varuna, have gotten for themselves a share of Suryas' light |
rvs.10.66 | 3 May Indra with the Vasus keep our dwelling safe, and Aditi with Adityas lend us sure defence. |
rvs.10.66 | 4 Aditi, Heaven and Earth, the great eternal Law, Indra, Visnu, the Maruts, and the lofty Sky. |
rvs.10.67 | Ayasya, friend of all men, hath engendered the fourth hymn as he sang his laud to Indra. |
rvs.10.67 | 6 As with a hand, so with his roaring Indra cleft Vala through, the guardian of the cattle. |
rvs.10.67 | 12 Indra with mighty strength cleft asunder the head of Arbuda the watery monster, |
rvs.10.70 | O Holy Grass divine, with friendly spirit bring thou the willing Gods whose Chief is Indra. |
rvs.10.70 | 11 Agni, bring hither Varuna to help us, Indra from heaven, from airs' midrealm- the Maruts. |
rvs.10.73 | HYMN LXXIII. Indra. 73 |
rvs.10.73 | There, even there, the Maruts strengthened Indra when. his most rapid Mother stirred the Hero. |
rvs.10.73 | 2 There with fiends' ways even Prsni was seated: with much laudation they exalted Indra. |
rvs.10.73 | Thousand hyenas in thy mouth thou holdest. O Indra, mayst thou turn the Asvins hither. |
rvs.10.73 | 5 Glad, for the race that rests on holy Order, with friends who hasten to their goal, hath Indra |
rvs.10.73 | 6 Two of like name for him didst thou demolish, as Indra striking down the car of Usas. |
rvs.10.73 | 8 These names of thine thou hast fulfilled completely: as Lord, thou boldest in thine arm, O Indra. |
rvs.10.73 | He came from Manyu and remained in houses: whence he hath sprung is known to Indra only. |
rvs.10.73 | 11 Like birds of beauteous wing the Priyamedhas, Rsis, imploring, have come nigh to Indra: |
rvs.10.74 | HYMN LXXIV. Indra. 74 |
rvs.10.74 | 4 Those living men extolled thy deed, O Indra, those who would fain burst through the stall of |
rvs.10.74 | 5 Sacivan, win to your assistance Indra who never bends, who overcomes his foemen. |
rvs.10.74 | 6 Since he who won of old anew hath triumphed, Indra hath earned his name of Vrtraslaycr-. |
rvs.10.76 | 1. I GRASP at you when power and strength begin to dawn: bedew ye, Indra and the Maruts, Heaven |
rvs.10.83 | 2 Manyu was Indra, yea, the God, was Manyu, Manyu was Hotar, Varuna, Jatavedas. |
rvs.10.84 | 5 Unyielding bringing victory like Indra, O Manyu, be thou here our Sovran Ruler. |
rvs.10.85 | That, Bounteous Indra, she may live blest in her fortune and her sons. |
rvs.10.85 | 45 O Bounteous Indra, make this bride blest in her sons and fortunate. |
rvs.10.86 | HYMN LXXXVI. Indra. 86 |
rvs.10.86 | 1. MEN have abstained from pouring juice they count not Indra as a God. |
rvs.10.86 | Where at the votarys' store my friend Vrsakapi hath drunk his fill. Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | 2 Thou, Indra, heedless passest by the ill Vrsakapi hath wrought; |
rvs.10.86 | Yet nowhere else thou findest place wherein to drink the Soma juice. Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | With whom thou art so angry now? What is the votarys' foodful store? Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | O Indra, that Vrsakapi whom thou protectest as a friend, Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | In pieces will I rend his head; the sinners' portion sball be woo. Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | None with more ardour offers all her beauty to her lords' embrace. Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | Mybreast,, O Mother, and my head and both my hips seem quivering. Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | Why, O thou Heros' wife, art thou angry with our Vrsakapi? Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | Yet Heroes for my sons have I, the Maruts? Friend and Indras' Queen. Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | Mother of Heroes, Indras' Queen, the rites' ordainer is extolled. Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | For never shall her Consort die in future time through length of days. Supreme is Indra overall. |
rvs.10.86 | Whose welcome offering here, made pure with water, goeth to the Gods. Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | Indra will eat thy bulls, thy dear oblation that effecteth much. Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | And I devour the fat thereof: they fill my belly full with food. Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | Sweet to thine heart, O Indra, is the brew which she who tends thee pours. Supreme is Indra over |
rvs.10.86 | 18 O Indra this Vrsakapi hath found a slain wild animal, |
rvs.10.86 | Dresser, and newmade- pan, and knife, and wagon with a load of wood. Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | I look upon the wise, and drink the simple votarys' Soma juice. Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | Go to the nearest houses, go unto thine home, Vrsakapi. Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | Thou goest homeward on thy way along this path which leads to sleep. Supreme is Indra over all. |
rvs.10.86 | 22 When, Indra and Vrsakapi, ye travelled upward to your home, |
rvs.10.86 | Where was that noisome beast, to whom went it, the beast that troubles man? Supreme is Indra over |
rvs.10.89 | HYMN LXXXIX. Indra. 89 |
rvs.10.89 | 1. I WILL extol the most heroic Indra who with his might forced earth and sky asunder; |
rvs.10.89 | 2 Surya is he: throughout the wide expanses shall Indra turn him, swift as carwheels-, hither, |
rvs.10.89 | Who marks, as they were backs, all living creatures: Never doth he fail a friend, the noble Indra. |
rvs.10.89 | 4 I will send forth my songs in flow unceasing, like water from the oceans' depth, to Indra. |
rvs.10.89 | Is Soma; forest trees and all the bushes deceive not Indra with their offered likeness. |
rvs.10.89 | He cleft the mountain like a newmade- pitcher. Indra brought forth the kine with his Companions. |
rvs.10.89 | 8 Wise art thou, Punisher of guilt, O Indra. The sword lops limbs, thou smitest down the sinner, |
rvs.10.89 | Against these foes, O Mighty Indra, sharpen, as furious death, thy Bull of fiery colour. |
rvs.10.89 | 10 Indra is Sovran Lord of Earth and Heaven, Indra is Lord of waters and of mountains. |
rvs.10.89 | Indra is Lord of prosperers and sages Indra must be invoked in rest and effort. |
rvs.10.89 | Vaster than bounds of earth and winds' extension, vaster than rivers and our lands is Indra. |
rvs.10.89 | 12 Forward, as herald of refulgent Morning, let thine insatiate arrow fly, O Indra. |
rvs.10.89 | Yearning with love both Worlds approached, the Waters waited on Indra when he first had being. |
rvs.10.89 | 14 Where was the vengeful dart when thou, O Indra, clavest the demon ever beat on outrage? |
rvs.10.89 | 15 Those who are set in enmity against us, the Oganas, O Indra, waxen mighty, |
rvs.10.89 | 17 O Indra, thus may we be made partakers of thy new favours that shall bring us profit. |
rvs.10.89 | Singing with love, may we the Visvamitras win daylight even now through thee, O Indra. |
rvs.10.89 | 18 Call we on Maghavan, auspicious Indra, best hero in the fight where spoil is gathered, |
rvs.10.90 | Indra and Agni from his mouth were born, and Vayu from his breath. |
rvs.10.92 | Varuna, Indra, Mitra were of one accord, and Savitar and Bhaga, Lords of holy might. |
rvs.10.92 | Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman look on with these, and the swiftmoving- Indra with swiftmoving- Gods. |
rvs.10.92 | 7 With Indra have they found enjoyment, they who toil, in the lights' beauty, in the very Strong |
rvs.10.92 | 8 Even the Suns' Bay Coursers hath lie held in check: each one fears Indra as the mightiest of all. |
rvs.10.93 | With his Carsteeds- at once hath' our Indra guided the reins and the car of these men. |
rvs.10.93 | 11 This speaker, Indra, for thou art our Friend, wherever he may be, guard thou, Victor! for help, |
rvs.10.94 | When, rich with Soma juice, Stones of the mountain, ye, united, swift to Indra bring the sound of |
rvs.10.94 | 4 They cry aloud, with strong exhilarating drink, calling on Indra now, for they have found the |
rvs.10.94 | Indra, when he hath drunk Somameath- drawn by them, waxes in strength, is famed, is mighty as a |
rvs.10.96 | HYMN XCVI. Indra. 96 |
rvs.10.96 | For Indra laud ye strength allied with Tawny Steeds, laud him whom cows content as it were with |
rvs.10.96 | Bright with strong teeth, destroying with its tawny rage. In Indra are set fast all forms of |
rvs.10.96 | 5 Thou, thou, when praised by men who sacrificed of old. hadst pleasure in their lauds, O Indra |
rvs.10.96 | 6 These two dear Bays bring hither Indra on his car, Thunderarmed-, joyous, meet for laud, to |
rvs.10.96 | Many libations flow for him who loveth them: to Indra have the goldhued- Soma juices run. |
rvs.10.96 | 12 O Indra, let the eager wishes of the folk bring thee, delightful, goldenvisored-, on thy car, |
rvs.10.96 | Gladden thee, Indra, with the meathrich- Soma: pour it down ever, Mighty One! within thee. |
rvs.10.98 | 4 Let the sweet drops descend on us, O Indra: give us enough to lade a thousand wagons. |
rvs.10.98 | 11 Give thou these ninety thousand loads, O Agni, to Indra, to the Bull, to be his portion. |
rvs.10.99 | HYMN XCIX. Indra. 99 |
rvs.10.99 | 12 So, swiftly Asura, for exaltation, hath the great Vamraka come nigh to Indra. |
rvs.10.100 | 1. Be, like thyself, O Indra, strong for our delight: here lauded, aid us, Maghavan, drinker of |
rvs.10.100 | 4 May Indra evermore be gracious unto us, and may King Soma meditate our happiness, |
rvs.10.100 | 5 Indra hath given the body with its song and strength: Brhaspati, thou art the lengthener of life. |
rvs.10.100 | 6 Indra possesseth might celestial nobly formed: the singer in the house is Agni, prudent Sage. |
rvs.10.100 | 11 The singer fills the spirit: all mens, love hath he. Indra takes kindly care of those who pour |
rvs.10.101 | Agni and Dadhikras and Dawn the Goddess, you, Gods with Indra, I call down to help us. |
rvs.10.101 | 12 Indra is he, O men, who gives us happiness: sport, urge the giver of delight to win us strength |
rvs.10.101 | Bring quickly down, O priests, hither to give us aid, to drink the Soma, Indra Son of Nistigri. |
rvs.10.102 | HYMN CII. Indra. 102 |
rvs.10.102 | 1. FOR thee may Indra boldly speed the car that works on either side. |
rvs.10.102 | 3 O Indra, cast thy bolt among assailants who would slaughter us: |
rvs.10.102 | Indra vouchsafed the lord of cows his favour: with mighty steps the buffalo ran onward. |
rvs.10.102 | 12 Thou, Indra, art the mark whereon the eyes of all life rest, when thou, |
rvs.10.103 | HYMN CIII. Indra. 103 |
rvs.10.103 | With eyes that close not, bellowing, Sole Hero, Indra. subdued at once a hundred armies. |
rvs.10.103 | Indra. the Strong, whose hand bears arrows, conquer, ye warriors, now, now vanquish in the combat. |
rvs.10.103 | 3 He rules with those who carry shafts and quivers, Indra who with his band rings hosts together, |
rvs.10.103 | The Son of Conquest, passing men and heroes, kinewinner-, mount thy conquering car, O Indra. |
rvs.10.103 | Follow him, brothers! quit yourselves like heroes, and like this Indra show your zeal and courage. |
rvs.10.103 | 7 Piercing the cowstalls- with surpassing vigour, Indra, the pitiless Hero, wild with anger, |
rvs.10.103 | 8 Indra guide these: Brhaspati precede them, the guerdon, and the sacrifice, and Soma; |
rvs.10.103 | 9 Ours be the potent host of mighty Indra, King Varuna, and Maruts, and Adityas. |
rvs.10.103 | 11 May Indra aid us when our flags are gathered: victorious be the arrows of our army. |
rvs.10.103 | 13 Advance, O heroes, win the day. May Indra be your sure defence. |
rvs.10.104 | HYMN CIV. Indra. 104 |
rvs.10.104 | To thee have streameld the songs or mighty singers, imploring, Indra, drink of our libation. |
rvs.10.104 | O Indra, hearer of the laud, with Soma which stones have mixed for thee enhance thy rapture. |
rvs.10.104 | Here take delight, O Indra, in our voices while thou art hymned with power and all our spirit. |
rvs.10.104 | 4 O Mighty Indra, through thine aid, thy prowess, obtaining life, zealous, and skilled in Order, |
rvs.10.104 | Obtain most liberal aid for their salvation, and praise thee, Indra, through thine excellencies. |
rvs.10.104 | Even him our songs approach, resistless Indra: the adorations of the singer laud him. |
rvs.10.104 | 8 The way to bliss for Gods and man thou foundest, Indra, seven lovely floods, divine, untroubled, |
rvs.10.104 | O Indra, cherish evermore thy body with those which thou hast won in quelling Vrtra. |
rvs.10.104 | 10 Heroic power and noble praise is Indra yea, the song worships him invoked of many. |
rvs.10.104 | 11 Call we on Maghavan, auspicious Indra. best Hero in this fight where spoil is gathered, |
rvs.10.105 | HYMN CV. Indra. 105 |
rvs.10.105 | 3 Bereft of skill is Indra, if, like some outwearied man he fears |
rvs.10.105 | 4 Indra with these drives round, until he meets with one to worship him: |
rvs.10.105 | Indra is Master of the pair who snort and swerve upon their way. |
rvs.10.108 | 2 I come appointed messenger of Indra, seeking your ample stores of wealth, O Panis. |
rvs.10.108 | 3 What is that Indra like, what is his aspect whose envoy, Sarama, from afar thou comest? |
rvs.10.108 | Him rivers flowing with deep waters bide not. Low will ye be, O Panis, slain by Indra. |
rvs.10.108 | 10 Brotherhood, sisterhood, I know not either: the dread Angirases and Indra know them. |
rvs.10.111 | HYMN CXI. Indra. 111 |
rvs.10.111 | Let us draw Indra with true deeds anear us: he loves our songs, the Hero, and is potent. |
rvs.10.111 | 3 Indra knows, verily, how to hear our singing, for he, victorious, made a path for Surya. |
rvs.10.111 | 4 Praised by Angirases, Indra demolished with might the works of the great watery monster |
rvs.10.111 | 5 The counterpart of heaven and earth is Indra: he knoweth all libations, slayeth Susna. |
rvs.10.111 | 8 Far have they gone, the first of all these waters, the waters that flowed forth when Indra sent |
rvs.10.111 | Indra, may thy terrestrial treasures reach us, and our full songs of joy approach thy dwelling. |
rvs.10.112 | HYMN CXII. Indra. 112 |
rvs.10.112 | 1. DRINK of the juice, O Indra, at thy plea. sure, for thy first draught is early morns' libation. |
rvs.10.112 | 2 Thou hast a car more swift than thought, O Indra; thercon come hither, come to drink the Soma. |
rvs.10.112 | O Indra, turn thee hitherward invited by us thy friends; be seated and be joyful. |
rvs.10.112 | Come, Indra, with thy dear Bay Horses harnessed, come to our dwelling and the food thou lovest. |
rvs.10.112 | 5 Pressed for thy joyous banquet is the Soma, Soma whereof thou, Indra, ever drinking, |
rvs.10.112 | 6 Found from of old is this thy cup, O Indra: Satakratu, drink therefrom the Soma. |
rvs.10.112 | 7 From many a side with proffered entertainment the folk are calling thee, O Mighty Indra. |
rvs.10.112 | 8 I will declare thy deeds of old, O Indra, the mighty acts which thou hast first accomplished. |
rvs.10.113 | HYMN CXTII. Indra. 113 |
rvs.10.113 | When Indra Maghavan with those who followed him had smitten Vrtra he deserved the choice of Gods. |
rvs.10.113 | 5 Indra hath evermore possessed surpassing power: he forced, far from each other, heaven and earth |
rvs.10.113 | 6 Then to the mighty powers of Indra, to his wrath, his the fierce Stormer, loud of voice, they |
rvs.10.113 | Deep darkness fell upon the slain, and Indra won by victory the right of being first invoked. |
rvs.10.113 | Indra, when he subdues Dhuni and Cumuri, lists to Dabhiti for his faithful spirits' sake. |
rvs.10.114 | Which ministering priest is called eighth Hero? Who then hath tracked the two Bay Steeds of Indra? |
rvs.10.116 | HYMN CXV1. Indra. 116 |
rvs.10.116 | Indra. |
rvs.10.116 | 3 Let heavenly Soma gladden thee, O Indra, let that effused among mankind delight thee. |
rvs.10.116 | 4 Let Indra come, impetuous, doubly mighty, to the poured juice, the Bull, with two Bay Coursers. |
rvs.10.116 | Juice, Maghavan, for thee is pressed and ripened: eat, Indra, drink of that which stirs to meet |
rvs.10.116 | 8 Eat, Indra, these oblations which approach thee: be pleased with food made ready and with Soma. |
rvs.10.116 | 9 I send sweet speech to Indra and to Agni: with hymns I speed it like a boat through waters. |
rvs.10.119 | HYMN CXIX. Indra. 119 |
rvs.10.120 | HYMN CXX. Indra. 120 |
rvs.10.120 | 8 Brhaddiva, the foremost of lightwinners-, repeats these holy prayers, this strength of Indra. |
rvs.10.120 | 9 Thus hath Brhaddiva, the great Atharvan, spoken to Indra as himself in person. |
rvs.10.122 | 1. I PRAISE the God of wondrous might like Indra, the lovely pleasant Guest whom all must welcome. |
rvs.10.124 | 4 I tarried many a year within this altar: I leave the Father, for my choice is Indra. |
rvs.10.124 | The poets in their thought have looked on Indra swiftly approaching when Anustup calls him. |
rvs.10.125 | I hold aloft both Varuna and Mitra, Indra and Agni, and the Pair of Asvins. |
rvs.10.126 | Strong Rudra with the Marut host, Indra, Agni let us call for weal beyond our foes. |
rvs.10.128 | 2 May all the Gods be on my side in battle, the Maruts led by Indra, Visnu, Agni. |
rvs.10.128 | Lord of Bay Coursers, Indra, blew our children: harm us not, give us not as prey to others. |
rvs.10.128 | 9 Let those who are our foemen stay. afar from us: with Indra and with Agni we will drive them off. |
rvs.10.131 | HYMN CXXXI. Indra. 131 |
rvs.10.131 | 1. DRIVE all our enemies away, O Indra, the western, mighty Conqueror, and the eastern. |
rvs.10.131 | Sages desiring herds of kine and horses strengthen the mighty Indra for his friendship. |
rvs.10.131 | And aided Indra in his work with Namuci of Asura birth. |
rvs.10.131 | 5 As parents aid a son, both Asvins, Indra, aided thee with their wondrous Powers and wisdom. |
rvs.10.131 | 6 Indra is strong to save, rich in assistance may he, possessing all, be kind and gracious. |
rvs.10.131 | May this rich Indra, as our good Protector, drive off and keep afar all those who hate us. |
rvs.10.133 | HYMN CXXXIII. Indra. 133 |
rvs.10.133 | 1. SING strength to Indra that shall set his chariot in the foremost place. |
rvs.10.133 | Foeless, O Indra, wast thou born. Thou tendest well each choicest thing. Therefore we draw us |
rvs.10.133 | Thy bolt thou castest, at the foe, O Indra, who would srnite us dead: thy liberal bounty gives us |
rvs.10.133 | 4 The robber people round about, Indra, who watch and aim at us, |
rvs.10.133 | 5 Whoso assails us, Indra, be the man a stranger or akin, |
rvs.10.133 | 6 Close to thy friendship do we cling, O Indra, and depend, or, thee. |
rvs.10.133 | 7 Do thou bestow upon us her, O Indra, who yields according to the singers' longing, |
rvs.10.134 | HYMN CXXXIV. Indra. 134 |
rvs.10.134 | 1. As, like the Morning, thou hast filled, O Indra, both the earth and heaven. |
rvs.10.134 | With all thy powers, O Sakra, all thine helps, O Indra, shake them down: |
rvs.10.134 | 4 As thou, O Satakratu, thou, O Indra, shakest all things down |
rvs.10.138 | HYMN CXXXVIII. Indra. 138 |
rvs.10.138 | 1. ALLIED with thee in friendship, Indra, these, thy priests, remembering Holy Law, rent Vrtra |
rvs.10.138 | Associate with Rjisvan Indra overthrew the solid forts of Pipru, conjuring Asura. |
rvs.10.139 | Savitar, like a God, whose Law is constant, stands in the battle for the spoil like Indra. |
rvs.10.139 | Indra, approaching quickly, marked their going, and looked around upon the Suns' enclosures. |
rvs.10.139 | These, the Gandharva told him, Rowed with Amrta. Indra knew well the puissancc of the dragons. |
rvs.10.141 | 4 Indra, Vayu, Brhaspati, Gods swift to listen, we invoke, |
rvs.10.141 | 5 Urge Aryaman to send us gifts, and Indra, and Brhaspati, |
rvs.10.144 | HYMN CXLIV. Indra. 144 |
rvs.10.144 | 6 So Indra is by lndus' power; even among Gods will it repel great treachery. |
rvs.10.147 | HYMN CXLVII Indra. 147 |
rvs.10.147 | 1. I TRUST in thy first wrathful deed, O Indra, when thou slewest Vrtra and didst work to profit |
rvs.10.148 | HYMN CXLVIII. Indra. 148 |
rvs.10.148 | 1. WHEN we have pressed the juice we laud thee, Indra, and when, Most Valorous we have won the |
rvs.10.148 | 2 Sublime from birth, mayst thou O Indra, Hero, with Surya overcome the Dasa races. |
rvs.10.148 | 4 These holy prayers, O Indra, have I sung thee: grant to the men the strength of men, thou Hero. |
rvs.10.148 | 5 Listen to Prthis' call, heroic Indra, and be thou lauded by the hymns of Venya, |
rvs.10.152 | HYMN CLII. Indra. 152 |
rvs.10.152 | O Vrtraslaying- Indra, quell the foemans' wrath who threatens us. |
rvs.10.152 | 4 O Indra, beat our foes away, humble the men who challenge us: |
rvs.10.153 | HYMN CLIII. Indra. 153 |
rvs.10.153 | 1. SWAYING about, the Active Ones came nigh to Indra at his birth, |
rvs.10.153 | 2 Based upon strength and victory and power, O Indra is thy birth: |
rvs.10.153 | 3 Thou art the Vrtraslayer-, thou, Indra, hast spread the firmament: |
rvs.10.153 | 4 Thou, Indra, bearest in thine arms the lightning that accords with thee, |
rvs.10.153 | 5 Thou, Indra, art preeminent over all creatures in thy might: |
rvs.10.157 | 1. WE will, with Indra and all Gods to aid us, bring these existing worlds into subjection. |
rvs.10.157 | 2 Our sacrifice, our bodies, and our offspr. let Indra form together with Adityas. |
rvs.10.157 | 3 With the Adityas, with the band of Maruts, may Indra be Protector of our bodies. |
rvs.10.159 | 4 Oblation, that which Indra gave and thus grew glorious and most high, |
rvs.10.160 | HYMN CLX. Indra. 160 |
rvs.10.160 | Let not those other sacrificers stay thee, Indra: these juices shed for thee are ready. |
rvs.10.160 | O Indra, pleased today- with this libation, come, thou who knowest all and drink the Soma. |
rvs.10.160 | Never doth Indra give away his cattle: for him he makes the lovely Soma famous. |
rvs.10.160 | For thy new love and favour are we present: let us invoke thee, Indra, as our welfare. |
rvs.10.161 | HYMN CLXI. Indra. 161 |
rvs.10.161 | Or, if the grasping demon have possessed him, free him from her, O Indra, thou and Agni. |
rvs.10.161 | That Indra for a hundred years may lead him safe to the farther shore of all misfortune. |
rvs.10.161 | Through hundredlived- oblation Indra, Agni, Brhaspati, Savitar yield him for a hundred! |
rvs.10.164 | 4 When, Indra, Brahmanaspati, our deeds are wrongful and unjust, |
rvs.10.166 | 2 I am my rivals' slayer, like Indra unwounded and unhurt, |
rvs.10.167 | HYMN CLXVII. Indra. 167 |
rvs.10.167 | 1. THIS pleasant meath, O Indra, is effused for thee: thou art the ruling Lord of beaker and of |
rvs.10.169 | Those grant us in our cattlepen-, O Indra, with their full streams of milk and plenteous offspring. |
rvs.10.171 | HYMN CLXXI. Indra. 171 |
rvs.10.171 | 1. FOR Ilas' sake who pressed the juice, thou, Indra, didst protect his car, |
rvs.10.171 | O Indra, many a time set free. |
rvs.10.171 | 4 Bring, Indra, to the east again that Sun who now is in the west, |
rvs.10.173 | 3 This man hath Indra stablished, made secure by strong oblations' power. |
rvs.10.173 | Stedfast, may Indra, stedfast too, may Agni keep thy stedfast reign. |
rvs.10.173 | And then may Indra make the clans bring tribute unto thee alone. |
rvs.10.174 | 1. WITH offering for success in fight whence Indra was victorious. |
rvs.10.174 | 4 Oblation, that which Indra. gave and thus grew glorious and most high, |
rvs.10.178 | 2 As though we offered up our gifts to Indra, may we ascend. him as a ship. for safety. |
rvs.10.179 | HYMN CLXXIX. Indra. 179 |
rvs.10.179 | 2 Oblation is prepared: come to us, Indra; the Sun hath travelled over half his journey. |
rvs.10.179 | Drink, Indra, of the curd of noons' libation with favour, Thunderer, thou whose deeds are mighty. |
rvs.10.180 | HYMN CLXXX. Indra. 180 |
rvs.10.180 | In thy right hand, O Indra, bring us treasures: thou art the Lord of rivers filled with riches. |
rvs.10.180 | Whetting thy bold and thy sharp blade, O Indra, crush thou the foe and scatter those who hate us. |
rvs.10.180 | 3 Thou, mighty Indra, sprangest into being as strength for lovely lordship over the people. |