Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 May 2011 15:17 and updated at 15 May 2011 15:17
rvs.1.63 | Food wherewithal, O Hero, thou bestowest vigour itself to flow to us for ever. |
rvs.1.162 | 10 Food undigested steaming from his belly, and any odour of raw flesh remaining, |
rvs.1.187 | HYMN CLXXXVII. Praise of Food. 187 |
rvs.1.187 | 1. Now will I glorify Food that upholds great strength, |
rvs.1.187 | 2 O pleasant Food, O Food of meath, thee have we chosen for our own, |
rvs.1.187 | 3 Come hitherward to us, O Food, auspicious with auspicious help, |
rvs.1.187 | 4 These juices which, O Food, are thine throughout the regions are diffused. |
rvs.1.187 | 5 These gifts of thine, O Food, O Food most sweet to taste, |
rvs.1.187 | 6 In thee, O Food, is set the spirit of great Gods. |
rvs.1.187 | Even from thence, O Food of meath, prepared for our enjoyment, come. |
rvs.1.187 | 11 O Food, from thee as such have we drawn forth with lauds, like cows, our sacrificial gifts, |
rvs.2.34 | Food to your praisers, to your bard in deeds of might give winning wisdom, power uninjured, |
rvs.4.44 | Food followeth close upon your bright appearing when stately horses in your chariot draw you. |
rvs.5.83 | Food springs abundant for all living creatures, what time Parjanya quickens earth with moisture. |
rvs.6.1 | Food noble, plenteous, far from sin and evil, he with us, and fair fame to make us happy. |
rvs.7.6 | 2 Sage, Sing, Food, Light, they bring him from the mountain, the blessed Sovran of the earth and |
rvs.7.66 | Food and Heavens' light will we obtain. |
rvs.8.23 | Food in our herds of kine and gain of ample wealth. |